结合一个木壳的语气和金属香烤三味,从Gruv-X GRVMN-NS Mundo是一个独特的敲击乐器,将甜声色素添加到任何设置。当地人接受世界报》可以用来挖掘音乐最具标志性的节奏:“palito。”This rhythm is typically played on the side of a timbale or, when one is not available, drummers will often play the rhythm on the side of a floor tom, which can cause damage. The Mundo is made from a combination of American rock maple and copper, capturing the unique tone of a timbale with a mix of metal and wood sound. This percussion piece mounts easily onto just about any size drum and features a tone hole in the upper half of the body that projects its sound nicely. Percussionists here at Sweetwater are really blown away by the captivating tone the Mundo adds to their setup.
相关视频:GRVMN-NS Mundo敲击木板
Gruv-X GRVMN-NS》特点:
- 独特的冲击块捕获一个香烤三味的语气
- 结合美国的糖槭和铜捕获一个香烤三味的独特音调的混合金属和木头的声音
- 坐骑很容易在任何大小鼓和特性音调洞身体的上半部分,项目听起来不错