优越的鼓手3收益率珩磨无休止的选择,成型,成型鼓。超过230 gb的原始声音被抓获在星系传奇乔治。马森博格工作室。还有拖放支持个人或第三方的样品。SD3混合器提供先进的路由和控制个人麦克风流血,它含有35顶级工作室的效果。和集成audio-to-MIDI转换,优越的鼓手3提供了强大的鼓更换和扩充。找到合适的槽很容易,多亏了高级搜索功能,您可以构建和安排完整的鼓跟踪不离开。完整的鼓使用自定义图形,一个可扩展的接口,和可拆卸的窗户,优越的鼓手鼓生产3是最后一个词。
优越的鼓手3是真正奇妙的、有趣的、软件!我是一个吉他手想要鼓跟踪创建软件,因为我受不了练习一个节拍器。我无法听到上面的点击我大声的吉他,并且没有一个鼓填补或玩的“兴奋”鼓我很快就感到厌倦,失去我的这首歌。SD3治愈无聊的节拍器的问题,现在我不能阻止创建鼓玩!鼓样本在SD3一直小心翼翼地记录在11.1中,但在SD3真正闪耀的是接口。图形是光滑和漂亮,但真正的力量是槽仪和网格编辑器,让你把这些细致的样品和轻松地创建鼓的踪迹。利用在一个基本的节奏,SD3会发现类似的凹槽沟库和分类他们:介绍,诗句,合唱,填补等。这些“积木”拖到这首歌的创造者,然后进入网格编辑器来调整和随机速度和时间对一个人的感觉。所有的鼓样本记录在11.1,这意味着不仅是单个组件上的麦克风,而且环境中等收入国家扩散到房间。当你进入混合器面板中,可以添加这些11麦克风的声音和融入无限的方式极大地增强你的鼓。想想多少十几个质量中等收入国家类似的麦克风你声鼓在“真实”世界的成本。 Besides being a great product in itself, I realized that SD3 is also a great educational tool. If you play with all the different mic positions in the software, (using no more effort than the click of a mouse) when you go to mic up "real" acoustic drums at a gig you know how all these different mic positions can enhance your drum sound. I bought the orchestral edition for the "exotic" sounds of timpani and taiko... to buy a complete set of these drums in the real world, (plus finding a place to store them) would cost a fortune. (I also eventually bought the "Rooms of Hansa" expansion sound pack to get octobans and rototoms and the fantastic German Masshoff twin shell drums.) With Superior Drummer 3 and its expansion sound packs, you have all the drum sounds you could ever foreseeably need, and an elegant way to create drum tracks, for a very reasonable price, especially considering everything you get and what the real-world counterparts would cost. We truly live in a golden age of creative potential!