Does include rack and snare stand. Does not include hi-hat stand and kick pedal.<\/p>"}" manufacturer="Alesis" itemid="StrikeProSEKit" url="/store/detail/StrikeProSEKit--alesis-strike-pro-se-electronic-drum-set" product-name="Strike Pro Special Edition Electronic Drum Set" serial="" :no-main-images-found="false" :serial-weight="0" :has-serial-images="false" :comparable-serials-count="0" :serial-is-sold="false" :serial-is-reserved="false" whack="" :eval="false" :brass-eval="false" :wood-eval="false" :string-eval="false" hasalerts="" class="product-media" v-cloak>




六块木头外壳电子鼓组有14“网罗,20”踢,8/10/12/14“汤姆斯,3 x 14”崩溃钹,16“骑铙钹,14”踩镲,罢工Pro声音模块

罢工Pro SE六块电子鼓设备结合了戏剧美学,自然反应,和优越的声音独特的鼓点经验,桥梁声学和电子鼓的世界。每个特性的罢工Pro SE旨在让鼓手沉浸在和激发杰出的表演时刻。混合木壳,可调网正面,和独特的黑色硬件导致罢工Pro SE的熟悉的外观和感觉,以及安静的设计意味着你可以练习到晚上不打扰邻居。罢工Pro声音模块将超过136完成鼓包在你的指尖各种流派和风格。另外,你可以加载和编辑自定义样本集来构建自己的签名。鼓手在斯威特沃特知道他们188金宝搏官网是多少的电子设备,他们印象深刻的多功能性和响应性阿莱西罢工Pro SE装备,一个真正的尤物,是一种乐趣。

美元 2699年 〇〇




this page for details.

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通过从德州斯科特,2023年4月11日,美国 音乐背景:职业巡回演出和录音的音乐家




有这么多可以与这个集合。它有很多的选择,每个人都是如此的有趣。从摇摆EDM这组有你覆盖。一套混合的很安静。我有室友,他们都没有烦恼。它制作精良,完全可定制的。我搬到左边的tom3 tom1要好得多,而且也适合我的需求。我强烈推荐这鼓设置为任何人考虑开始鼓。


由约翰·格林威尔明顿数控1月18日,2023年 音乐背景:军乐队,鼓乐队,经典摇滚乐队。超过50年打鼓。

质量,易于设置和使用的设备已经超出了我的预期!大约三周后交付,我发现骑铙钹是有缺陷的。我打电话给技术支持,运行一些测试后,斯威特沃特发出了一个替换。188金宝搏官网是多少超过130个预设套件已经超过了任何类型的音乐我玩。一年之后,我才开始利用这个工具包的可能性!它看起来绝对惊人,听起来不错贯穿我Mackie重击15驱动扬声器。目前我不起毛用这个工具,但它足够坚固,我确定!我每天玩这个工具包,它不会失望!我做大量的在线协作与其他音乐家下来托托和每个人都赞美这个工具包。强烈推荐,不后悔! A huge thank you to Camden Uhazy, sales engineer@ Sweetwater, for everything from the sale, to tech support and making this a great experience starting from my first call to make the purchase!

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="387992">


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\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="320490">

不能有更多的要求! !

通过从斯莱德尔凯文·斯塔尔,洛杉矶在2021年6月18日 背景音乐:我玩鼓自1976年以来,是一个DJ自1991年起就开始学习如何弹吉他初学者(仍然)几年前。

调整后触发设置和情商,这装备远远超过我所预期的或想要的。我在工作室可以学以致用,实践和生活设置没有问题。这一切我能要求在电子鼓装备特别是在添加自己的仪器样品到我企业发展SD卡。增加这一事实很容易编辑现有工具和建立自己的个人用户工具。这对我来说绝对是一个! !

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="317131">


通过从犹他州将在5月21日,2021年 音乐背景:13年的鼓点

总的来说这是我见过的最有趣和鼓。声音可以如此真实,如此有趣。不能更快乐! !

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="314062">






由马克贝克福德4月17日,2021年 音乐背景:休闲的鼓手。

我买了这个在九月卷土重来。老实说我不足够的这个美丽的工具包。非停止玩,调整. .



阿莱西罢工Pro SE公然给你更划算。与其他高端edrum包相比,罢工Pro SE给你额外的汤姆和防撞铙钹。各种预设套件和能力让每一个装备“自己的”模块的强大的编辑软件,或使用提供的usb电缆Mac或PC上有更多的编辑和定制选项。
作为一个声学鼓手30年以上时,我惊讶于所有优势阿莱西罢工Pro SE向改善和扩大我的音乐表达。我承认,摇摆在早上3点钟,没有警察叫是一套欢迎电动滚筒的好处。
罢工Pro SE的外观和感觉是我把向我购买另一个优势。20“踢鼓是完美的尺寸这个装备和给一个伟大的响应与DW3000踏板。

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="305772">


由大卫·希于2021年3月9日 音乐背景:玩因为我疯了足够的练习时使用我父亲的箭箭都打破了他的铝的如果这还不够我我们的厨房装备,我父亲终于给我买了一套8我59岁,我绝不忘记spanken但wi


\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="304791">




\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="301220">

神奇的装备! !


装备了2020年8月,有几个月玩它和所有的设置。如何深入你的爱可以让你自己的装备。我已经扩大了设备与一个额外的铙钹和不久将添加另一个。优秀的触发的反应!只有坚持过多的进入让我爱这个装备!肯定会推荐!到目前为止最好的货真价实! !

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="298256">




\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="292762">



至于斯威特沃特,我在188金宝搏官网是多少出售。尼克·D 'Virgilio可以卖任何东西。我已经支付其他E鼓公司多年来很多钱和特点以及质量不能击败阿莱西工具包。与这些鼓你不能出错。


通过从MOORESTOWN冈瑟Tornberg, 2020年9月12日,新泽西州


\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="283503">


于2020年9月8日的大门 音乐背景:打鼓了11年


\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="282938">

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\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="262987">

少于竞争对手的5 k



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我不愿意购买这毕竟穷人评论后的第一个模型然而一些研究似乎好像阿莱西解决这些问题并改进了装备。在我看来,他们不得不作出重大复出在v鼓世界生存. .好吧我的朋友们我自豪地说,阿莱西救赎了自己。这个工具包感觉你的演奏声鼓和有一个美丽的期待。鼓垫是巨大的和非常敏感。我买它主要作为一个控制器和我的ez鼓手2用于记录但是我非常震惊和现实多么的内部的声音,我可能不会使用威仕特了。个人直接出局对于每一个鼓和用户友好的界面。我买了2层鼓监视器,这个婴儿更上一层楼。谢谢你阿莱西加大你的游戏。你获得5星。总是赞成覆盖电子鼓我的作品,你就会好了。 Here's my set up..

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="258885">


2019年12月28日,奥兰多的弗兰克 音乐背景:我在海军乐队,我希望我有这个工具包。

我开始说我不喜欢的男孩任何特定的品牌,我将发挥我能负担得起的最好的工具,。我现在大约3周在撰写本文时。我有罗兰TD 11 KV, Kat 3,阿莱西DM 10马克2职业在过去。在这个价格点,我认为阿莱西是最好的。

罢工Pro se是我过的最好的装备,会毫不犹豫地使用这个演出。我就不会想使用上述工具进行演出,他们好回家练习和记录。我喜欢有个人细节的声音模块而不是所有其他设置之一。你的声音的男人也会喜欢它。



我认为我喜欢chrome架,但我更喜欢新的黑人。架是一样的,只是黑色的。从审美角度,这是一个漂亮的装备。新踢垫是一个很好的联系,对我来说是完全可靠和稳定。不动。一个很好的联系新的站是他们用的以前的限制了4架的铙钹帖子,你现在得到4 c夹,你可以把你的钹如何而不是你想要的,很好。



罢工pro SE

2019年12月25日,由乔赛艇队而 音乐背景:鼓手



通过从中部海岸克里斯托弗,CA 2月15日,2023年 音乐背景:刺激和记录的音乐家

本来我买了罗兰,但有无数的崩溃,所以我认为这是一个预兆,从信誉良好的卖方购买一个不同的品牌。我严重认为这对Efnote Gewa,雅马哈,甚至转换工具我已经有了,我最终很满意购买。它创建演示不容易,随时练习并不是一个问题,,我受不了红色火花或黑色硬件,我不得不承认我喜欢这个包看起来远比我想的人。架是从来没有离开盒子,就设置为一个四件装备与普通铙钹站和汤姆坐骑(9.5毫米,以防你在寻找信息)。铙钹的站我把繁荣带来的包,把它们放进我已经拥有。











由Hisham Dahud从洛杉矶1月5日,2022年 音乐背景:鼓手、制作人、作曲家、艺术家

我来自罗兰TD30-KV,我拥有从2014 - 2019。我最近需要一个e-drum工具包,不想放弃旗舰罗兰钱(再一次),所以我拿起罢工Pro SE。

来自罗兰旗舰模型之前,罢工Pro SE戏剧一样好(在某些方面更好的)…后三个非常重要的事情:




有一件事我的旧TD30-KV真正对我目前的罢工Pro SE是架。TD30-KV的金属架在不同级别的坚固而罢工Pro SE的。没有比较,但是,罗兰也成本的两倍。


总的来说,我很满意罢工Pro SE。我有一些视频玩包在我的频道,单击我的概要信息如果你想检查一下。


\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="341372">


2021年9月25日,由亚利桑那州AzWoodWarrior 音乐背景:到达那里




我拥有阿莱西罢工Pro SE 3个月了。我一个返回的爱好的鼓手,没有为25年。整体的一个伟大的工具返回到打鼓。几项可能有助于下一个客户:
1)如果你玩硬……我有易碎所有三个铙钹繁荣崩溃。繁荣有钢滚销防止头部的旋转,和所有三个了。我更换了所有三个繁荣和武器与直布罗陀路系列Multi-clamp 16“的手臂。没有问题,打破了直布罗陀。

2)看艾伦林德的罢工Pro SE模块的设置你管。视频走你通过设置模块的工具和他的设置是正确的。他的设置将解决低容量问题通过耳机以及踩镲的问题。




2022年6月14日,艾伦·林德的哦 音乐背景:玩50多年了。鼓手和录音工程师

这个工具包是绝对杀手!首先这是最好的测深设备和声音比其他更多的知名品牌。我也进口许多威仕特multisamples它听起来坑谁光年前的“品牌”!品牌“y”刚刚发布了一些令人印象深刻的工具包,但仍然为$ $不能碰罢工pro se。托拉尔是公平的阿莱西骑铙钹构建方面的一些问题,这就是为什么我给4星。他们的支持是伟大的,他们将取代。和声音贤明说玩这是五星级的产品。模块非常深,有一个学习曲线。我不推荐这个工具包的初学者来说首先进入edrum世界。有一些很棒的视频在YouTube上,一些由自己lol真的帮助了很多人。 Since I've gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="361620">


通过从还有Jonesborough乔治·刘易斯,2022年1月13日,TN 音乐背景:伯克利音乐学院





我想罢工Pro SE整天当我在工作

约翰从大学站TX 5月6日,2021年 音乐背景:鼓,打击乐器,吉他

也就是说,这个东西太棒了,真好玩! ! !看起来质量,建设硬件似乎重型,装配架非常多才多艺。
我喜欢能够分配任何声音在图书馆的20 +触发器。它不会声音和行为就像你可能期望它的盒子,但几个选择youtube视频帮助你触发设置,等。,你就会好了。

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="312326">


2020年7月25日,史蒂夫·梅耶斯来自密歇根 音乐背景:偶尔的全国性巡回鼓技术和全职旅游船员专业




通过从红木布兰登·博伊斯,于2022年12月8日,新泽西 音乐背景:鼓手、吉他手、贝司手/歌手/键盘/录音工程师

罢工的职业,是一个非凡的工具。但我会警告任何人希望得到真正的工具包的感觉,一切除了踩镲。它长期无能/不触发/或双触发器。甚至干扰设置好几个月,在线观看视频(这比需要更多的努力之后,我)我仍然不能让它感到更接近真正的踩镲。其他工具包的一部分是完美的,该模块是一个野兽,尤其是对录音寒鸦。但似乎连最昂贵的工具包是缺乏时踩镲现实主义。如果我可以,我真的不会购买它,和声学设备与头/钹/硬件相同的成本如果不便宜。把埃文斯的声音从正面/设置静音,你就可以练习无声。的职业能够听到真正的装备你的耳机和不会做任何噪音,至少对我来说,不大于反对玩的东西不给你真正的感觉或真正的实践经验。我希望能够坐下来,每天练习几个小时,然后能够移动技能真正的装备,但我可以看到自己发展踩镲的技术绝对不会转化为真实的。 There is a dual zone, so you can practice shank/tip kind of stuff, but they trigger inconsistently, so more often than not I find myself striking only one zone, harder than I need to, just to be able to get a solid sounding groove that doesn't drop out and have missed notes. For me it was a huge waste of money, but if you can get past the hi-hat lacking, you'll love it.



通过从红木布兰登·博伊斯,NJ 9月20日,2022年 音乐背景:音频工程师,鼓手,歌手,吉他手,贝斯手,钥匙

对钱总的来说这是一个神奇的工具。然而,你好帽子是很迟钝的,有时甚至双触发(或更多)。进行研究后,我可以告诉它不是一个问题,这个问题可以解决,只是稍微弥补。你可以调整的一些设置增加灵敏度和响应曲线变化;但我见过的唯一真正的“修复”正在取代真实的你好帽子踏板,二进制,开/关电动踏板像我以前和我的阿莱西工具包。当然,不模拟一个真正的感觉你好帽子踏板,你失去所有的细微差别。买这个包对我来说是一个重要因素,我可以练习所有的技能我需要鼓上一个真正的声学设备,包括调节你好帽子踏板实现不同的声音,简单地说,这样做不能在罢工Pro SE。其他工具包的一部分是奇妙的,反应,感觉好,看起来很漂亮。但是你好帽子问题是一件困难的事情解决没有真正打破浸。我真的希望没有问题的我付出代价,我想说支付额外的几百,罗兰,除非这些问题得到解决。 Otherwise you'll probably be unhappy with the hi-hat.













\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="360048">


通过从希布伦特拉斯穆森,阿兹于2022年8月5日 音乐背景:演奏音乐的音乐家




低音鼓看起来不错,但这仅仅是触发器的持有人。相比简直比它更多的工作值得说的踢鼓垫硝基网设备。我用假踢板的实际使用,低音鼓在它前面有我们的标志而不是20”“鼓”单元,罢工Pro SE。我没有使用提供的低音鼓触发单元几个月。如果我提前已经知道是我救了自己500美元,买了常规,non-SE罢工套装。






从佛罗里达罗比G 6月10日,2022年 背景音乐背景:50年,多个设备,录音爱好者。












通过从美国托尼C, 2021年9月11日,纽约 音乐背景:前乐队鼓手

首先我一直打鼓各类46年了,所以我有一个不错的主意的我在说什么。阳性,这组的看,声音和灵活性是伟大的。声音和影响的数量你可以和定制的这个世界。鼓和钹的外观和数量你完成很好。底片。我在哪里开始,第一件事是我有一个问题与模块,后一个月左右。钹没有匹配上的显示模块使其难以改变的声音。我知道这听起来微不足道但如果你打铙钹和显示显示铙钹三个或两个,你试着调整其中一个,它不工作。这是一个大问题。2、整体质量很好除了三个领域,铙钹触发不耽误,我有两个不同的集和两个钹的打破。还轮圈周围的橡胶环已经分裂和破坏。now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, I've had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis/In music.

\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13080, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bd664324c1994c6797c464dd8125dda70a9c8728\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-39ad01f64520b4bb596007b8467b29f017d1a4cb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTczOTQzLXBocHN5OWt2Ni5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13081, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-5042c04eeffbe2b3de1aeb080077d79554c2efee\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-cafbebd0ca6ff8e22ebf0cf05941bd54bffa229c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MDA4LXBocGV5bWpkbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 13082, "store_items_review_id": 314062, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-6d64352d72ffce0cecf96446c86931437578e84f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db872056ddd5b8ed9801fff4ac8a377999639f7e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTIxMTc0MTE3LXBocG1vZGl2aC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "As Fun as it Gets!", "sir_comments": "Such a sweeet kit! Alesis has blown me away. Ive had mine for a year and play a ton and have had zero issues. The hihat has been great for me after a bit of tweaking. Ill include photos of my hihat settings to help those who are struggling to get it feeling right.
\nOverall it is the most fun Ive ever had with drums. The sounds can be so realistic and so fun and interesting. Couldnt be happier!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Will", "sir_whereareyou": "Utah", "sir_background": "13 Years of Drumming", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11167, "store_items_review_id": 305772, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7406722218ebf2e7ef8e5a47a7eb91200eebb18e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6f8e8db5de01d550bb2c2bd7349afe810c15091e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzE2MTk1MzExLXBocHJleWhneS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "So much to love about this drum kit!", "sir_comments": "The Alesis Strike Pro SE defiantly gives you more bang for the buck. Compared to other high-end edrum kits, the Strike Pro SE gives you an added ride tom and crash cymbal. The variety of preset kits and the ability to make each kit \"your own\" with the modules powerful editing software, or plug in the supplied usb cable to a Mac or PC to have even more editing and customization options.
\nBeing an acoustic drummer for 30+ years I was amazed at all the advantages the Alesis Strike Pro SE had towards improving and expanding my musical expression. I will admit, rocking out at 3 oclock in the morning and not having the cops called is a welcomed benefit of an electric drum set.
\nThe look and feel of the Strike Pro SE was another advantage I put towards my purchase. The 20\" kick drum is the perfect size for the this kit and gives a great response with my DW3000 pedals.
\nOverall, the Alesis Strike Pro SE was the perfect choice for me, and I look forward to many years of music making with this exceptional electronic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "MARK MARSHALL", "sir_whereareyou": "AVON, IN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10967, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b2c3615b435b891aa58fbe58a472b6052d839829\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d7a04224d1b200a9b7a6786e627bf258052920b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDMzLXBocGN0aHdpcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10968, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-bec3c8ecee8e908a307da1f9330368f03f177977\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-5c8832120c04d614753f9b429f6e4dc62c8433dc\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDM2LXBocHR1aGF3Yy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10969, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b825c11d602118e3aa331c3594e07f454cfc37e0\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-2f9b129b0259a7ca11c1cb14a7bfefe08aabd1c2\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQwLXBocGQzNW5jaS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10970, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-af94ef3d694f33290fee5f9fd86699082665bb87\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-fad86760e56fa02c7c8ce0907776d128eb07a080\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQzLXBocGI3aHNlbC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10971, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e524770773e5629aa0e2d5ebbc2ad02679550827\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ffd7880a3c9f9efffc352b7886386cfbe624e054\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDQ1LXBocG8xZ3ptZi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10972, "store_items_review_id": 304791, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-9db2bf7923ed34159c82d88c8f2228c81cbb51b3\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-a476050612b039f42efc310a862730623731e690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzA5MDM1MDUwLXBocHdrZDhzcS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Rhythm D", "sir_comments": "I have been studying this kit from begining it has had glitches that have been resolved and Alesis strike pro is arguably the best kit for your money and the company is100% by your side Ive heard over and over Roland is better. My friends please dont compare Apples to Oranges,I simply mean between Sweetwater\/ Alesis its your best investment by far And they look like a drum kit should .Hats off to these two incredible companies for great expectations above and beyond,and Drummers can know afford a house to put their kit.sorry Roland Alesis is the new cutting edge,supporting upgrades for this new cutting edge kit,soon to surpass all kitsSincerley yours Rhythm D", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "David", "sir_whereareyou": "Sheboygan", "sir_background": "Playing since I was crazy enough to use my fathers arrows when practice arrows all broke then his aluminum ones if that wasnt enough I made our kitchen my kit, my father finally bought me a kit at age 8 Im 59 and never will I forget that spanken but wi", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10181, "store_items_review_id": 301220, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c88a197d9a1737971b7e5adcdfe624ac66218d56\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-14eb039779ee1ac93674c1241b976171429703ca\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjA5MTY1ODQxLXBocHlmY20xdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing Drum Set", "sir_comments": "Got this kit about a week ago and I cant stop playing and everyday I discover a new sound, a new mix, a new way to make and create music....simply AMAZING", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joel", "sir_whereareyou": "Florida", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 9570, "store_items_review_id": 298256, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-ed7105fddc9ebf29e7eb0433a710f95599f17f7c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f866b1e9a68320b05960666c37e8b1a1682a6e49\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMTE5MTIyMDAzLXBocG9lY2ZpZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "AMAZING KIT!!", "sir_comments": "Got the kit in August of 2020 and have had several months to play with it and all its settings. Love how in-depth you can get with making your own kit. Ive already expanded the kit with an extra cymbal and will be adding another shortly. Excellent response from the triggers! Theres just waaaay too much to get into that makes me love this kit! Would definitely recommend! Best bang for the buck by far!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matthew", "sir_whereareyou": "Pascagoula, MS", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8396, "store_items_review_id": 292762, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-90ce43cf7c91e2374df238bea0e3f08065cf6b1a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-90fc4018841bdacee58f04c04e7a05f9c7c4b05a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjA0MDAzMjM5LXBocHY5czRweS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Best kit for the price range", "sir_comments": "I got this kit a couple months now, have been playing daily for about 2 hours and never had any problems with it. Sure, like any e-drum, there are a few things to consider. The hi-hat and the ride wont feel as good as the real thing. That said, everything else is fairly close to an acoustic kit, specially if you take the time to explore the module. Would definitely recommend it for drummers at any level, that live in an apartment building or any kind of living situation that cant afford to actuality play an acoustic kit.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Felipe", "sir_whereareyou": "Chicago", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6476, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-07b6c48502bc35746f04578dac9e96e9da9906d9\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f85f8d83d89c0ad6419f42723ac09a7a04507676\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjEyLXBocGxmeGZ4dC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6477, "store_items_review_id": 283503, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-21f459fb2b9cddf8728d913ea2d66a79cecf55b8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-7110959f8fa93cb3c0aebc01936f9bc28bf34f94\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTEyMTk0MjM0LXBocGVyMDV5MS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Worth It", "sir_comments": "I was a bit hesitant at buying the strike pro due to its previous models failures... but ABSOLUTELY WORTH GETTING. Ive had this kit for about a month, and have absolutely loved it. The pads feel great, everything is responsive, the build quality is a significant improvement from the original strike, and the hihat has had no problems. The best part (of course) is the amount of customization you can do to each kit, to suit your preferences. Favorite is mixing the acrylic and DW shells they have on it, but you can get some really unique and amazing sounds from this kit. Additionally recording directly from the output is super easy, still a bit confused on setting up the midi triggers.... but i also refuse to read the manual. Overall, definitely worth the price tag, and the kit is just a blast to play, especially if youre transitioning from an acoustic kit", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Gunther Tornberg", "sir_whereareyou": "MOORESTOWN, NJ", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6343, "store_items_review_id": 282938, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-e2244f531d3476cdd4a342d801f61fccdd516d9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-9cd0e889860380b9a0de9c3cb0474b4623dafa8e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTA4MDAxMjU0LXBocDBvanQ5di5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Alesis delivered", "sir_comments": "Really amazing kit I have had it about 2 weeks and it has exceeded my expectations of an Alesis. Only had to make minor cross talk adjustments and adjust sensitivity to liking but thats for any e drum set. Dont let the name sayers trick you out of a really high end e kit for a fair price.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Damon", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "Playing drums for 11 years", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 2365, "store_items_review_id": 262987, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-0fd071f589453e3d6003ab1e2f52332812b9dd71\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-00eaf3e8f8e1db91c172dc6a7c2ba0fa7e1a0b07\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMzE0MjA1NTI4LXBocGFuamRlcC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Out of the Park!!", "sir_comments": "Photos do not do this kit justice, very impressive kit, granted we dont stadium gig (wish) but for a public gig or show these things rock, good sounds right out of the box, minimal set up time, impressive looking!! Great sound direct thru PA no mic issues, no feedback issues, sound checking these is a breeze what can I say thank you Sweetwater for this Awesome kit!! And thank you to Mike Baldonado. For the continued...Best service!!!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Church Band Member", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "long time playing......", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1621, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b55c9b58bd07c97d685a3cda0d34f95a5529704d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-44d6721d7869ef98c1c251eb6cc94695fc3f7b9e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzODA4LXBocHB3bXFtMC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1622, "store_items_review_id": 258885, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c8931ca49c277a2bed91612c82eaed0a7da4a62f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-db2b437f13af877b259a69307a9248f6714dac33\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjAxMDMzOTQxLXBocHF0bDg0ai5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Strike pro se", "sir_comments": "I was reluctant to purchase this after all the poor reviews on the first model however after some research it appeared as if Alesis had work out these issues and also improved on the kit all around. Seems to me that they had to make a major comeback to survive in the v drum world..Well my friends Im proud to say that Alesis has redeemed themselves. This kit feels like your playing acoustic drums and has a beautiful look to it as well. The drums pads are huge and very responsive. I bought it primarily to use as a controller with my ez drummer 2 for recording purposes however I was very shocked at how amazing and realistic the internal sounds were that I might not use vst anymore. Individual direct outs for each drum and the user friendly interface. I bought 2 Floor drum monitors and took this baby to the next level. Thank you Alesis for stepping up your game on this one. youve earned your 5 stars. Always get the pro coverage with electronic drums for piece of mine and youll be good to go. Heres my set up..", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 18802, "store_items_review_id": 341372, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/tqqBfqlykdU", "sir_title": "Excellent Kit for the Money", "sir_comments": "I came from a Roland TD30-KV, which I owned from 2014 - 2019. I needed another e-drum kit recently, didnt wanna drop flagship Roland money (again), so I picked up the Strike Pro SE.
\nComing from the prior flagship Roland model, the Strike Pro SE plays just as good (even better in some ways)... after three VERY important things:
\n1. Spend time fine tuning pad sensitivity settings across the entire kit. It does not play naturally outta the box, whereas Rolands mostly do.
\n2. Yep... you really gotta adjust that hi hat trigger and settings. Its truly the achilles heel of an otherwise stellar kit, but definitely workable after some adjusting. Ill end up upgrading it later, but for now, its mostly fine.
\n3. I updated the heads to Drum-tec Real Feels all around... even the kick. World of difference.
\nThe one thing my old TD30-KV truly has over the my current Strike Pro SE is the rack. The TD30-KVs metal rack is on a different level of sturdiness compared to the Strike Pro SEs. No comparison, but that Roland also costs twice as much.
\nAs far as sounds, the built-in sounds are mostly excellent -- better than the TD30 in my opinion. Some kits are useless, yes -- but the more time I spend with it, the more useable many of the kits become, especially when used within a mix.
\nOverall, Im actually quite happy with the Strike Pro SE. Ive got some videos playing kits on my channel, click my profile if youd wanna check that out.
\nGood luck!", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Hisham Dahud", "sir_whereareyou": "Los Angeles", "sir_background": "Drummer, Producer, Composer, Artist", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23154, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-7d03a2af0545a2f63fa45eaa40c34976c7f7d5ac\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-874f065e6e591ed2aef5395e21d2746946ef491d\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjA3MTAzODU4LXBocDBzN3Q2eS5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23155, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/u7EON9zewrk", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23156, "store_items_review_id": 361620, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/youtu.be\/yMsW31aYmxI", "sir_title": "Amazing", "sir_comments": "This kit is absolutely killer! First and foremost its the best sounding kit and sounds much better than many other more well known brands. Ive also imported many vst multisamples whose sounds pit it light years ahead of \"the other brand\"! Brand \"y\" just released some Impressive kits but for the $$ still cant touch the strike pro se. To be torally fair alesis has some issues with ride cymbal build which is why I gave it 4 stars. Their support is great and they will replace. That said playing wise and sound wise this is a five-star product. The module is extremely deep and there is a learning curve. I dont recommend this kit for beginners who are first getting into the edrum world. There are some great videos out on YouTube as well, some made by myself lol which really helped a lot of people. Since Ive gotten this kid I play at 99% of the time and it records incredibly", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Allen lind", "sir_whereareyou": "OH", "sir_background": "Playing for over 50 years. Drummer and recording engineer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12678, "store_items_review_id": 312326, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-b791920c2f0659fa25aff79e703ef1033b6ea72e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-462780f1dc5fc39a8d8e251780119e14c1471508\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTA2MTEyOTI0LXBocHJ2MnJpei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "I think about my Strike Pro SE all day while Im at work", "sir_comments": "In this era of staggered schedules and \"working from home\", how do they expect me to get anything done at home when this bad boy is in the next room?
\nAfter much research, I pulled the trigger on this baby in October of 2020. And glad I did it! It seemed like the best bang for the buck, and that has indeed turned out to be the case (in my opinion).
\nI stopped short of giving it 5 stars because I think Alesis still has a little work to do to make slight improvements. Occasionally, I suspect the module becomes overwhelmed for just a second when using one of my custom made \"user kits\". I like to integrate percussion sounds into some rhythms I play, and occasionally when I throw in a random variation, it seems like I catch the brains (module) off guard and it misses a trigger. This is by NO MEANS a deal breaker, although I do wish it didnt happen.
\nThat being said, this thing is awesome and SOOOO much FUN!!! The construction seems quality, the hardware seems heavy duty, and the mounting rack is extremely versatile.
\nI love being able to assign any sound in the library to any of the 20+ triggers. It will not sound and behave exactly like you might expect it to right out of the box, but a couple of choice youtube videos to help with your trigger setting, ect. and you will be good to go.
\nOne of the most remarkable things about playing this set, is that often, while Im really into a rhythm, I can temporarily forget Im playing on an E-set. It has the look, and more importantly, the feel of an acoustic set.
\nMy girl friend looks at it and says, \"Who do you think you are? Neil Peart?\"
\nAnd Im just like, \"No. I think Im Danney Carey\" HA!
\nAnd of course cant forget to give props to my sales engineer David Wharam, who was and continues to be extremely helpful and great every time I need him.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "John", "sir_whereareyou": "College Station TX", "sir_background": "Drums, percussion, guitar", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22845, "store_items_review_id": 360048, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-86a42607d2f0498bb0b2fbc7abe5fb9a3875ff22\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-6cefd36b978246dd567cae6de80f6bfb7aa4be31\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTI1MTMyNDUxLXBocGhqdjA4ei5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Great BUT...", "sir_comments": "Ive had this drumset for just under 2 years. Absolutely love playing on it, it feels great, sounds are great... but you get what you paid for.
\n-Easy to import your own sounds
\n-Original sounds are amazing
\n-kit is spacious
\n-lots of pads included
\n-hihat trigger significantly better that the original\/base model strike kit
\n-module is user friendly and easy to navigate
\n- set up is straight forward
\n-individual inputs and outputs
\n-Warranty is hit or miss
\n-cymbals are poorly designed and break so easily (they feel great when playing though)
\n- cymbal arm\/boom arm breaks easily (cheap design)
\n- snare drum stopped triggering within less than 2 years and is not covered by warranty past a year
\nOverall: Great kit, and I love the audio quality of their kits. If youre a heavy hitter would recommend buying the module only and finding a better base kit for the pads as you will find its a money pit after the first year. If youre a light hitter highly recommend this kit", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Gunther", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15716, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-c234c2da5de34a0e6d2ff29b351864c47702e983\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-e41e09ec59809ccd5b686cd155c887f90c524e9b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjMzLXBocGNwcG9yay5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 15717, "store_items_review_id": 326400, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-2d016c7717f1f98f523ba006858d9960daf8b59a\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-810ed160d0d728192b6a110fbb5323617cd179ce\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwOTExMDczMjM0LXBocHZveTNqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Not worth the money", "sir_comments": "First of all Ive been playing drums of all kinds for 46 years now, so I have a pretty good idea of what Im talking about. Positives, the look,sound and flexibility of this set is great.The number of sounds and effects you can get and customize is out of this world. The looks and number of drums and cymbals you get is very well done. Negatives. Where do I start, first thing is I had a issue with the module,after a month or so. The cymbals didnt match up with the display on the module which made it difficult to change the sound of them.i know that sounds trivial but if you hit cymbal one and the display shows cymbal three or two and you try to adjust one of them and it doesnt work..well its a big deal.Two, overall quality is good except for three areas, the cymbal triggers dont hold up, Ive had two different sets and two of the cymbals have broken. Also the rubber rings around the rims are already splitting and damaged..now you have to understand the the rims are a trigger for sounds and are designed to be hit. The drum triggers so far seem to be holding up well except for the bass drum, Ive had to take the batter head off twice to clean off the trigger.build up of white power from the mesh head gets into the trigger and it will miss trigger at times. The cymbal stands have a fitting on the top to hold the cymbal in the proper position for playing them,the are made of cheap plastic and constantly spinning and you can tighten them enough to stay put.The cable harness is poorly designed some cables are too short and some are too long. Also kind of a small issue is the heads have a logo on them and they seem to wear off kinda fast. But the worst thing about the set is the customer service of Alesis, they are slow to respond,they want you to jump through hoops to get stuff replaced and if you push to get warranty things taken care of they just simply ignore you. If not for the great customer service of Sweetwater I would have sent these back or ended up taking legal action against Alesis\/In music.", "sir_rating": "3.0", "sir_name": "Tony C", "sir_whereareyou": "USA,New York", "sir_background": "Former band drummer", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="326400">


由凯文•瓦格纳从Yucaipa CA 8月5日,2022年

当它工作时,阿莱西罢工电子drumset Pro是一个伟大的。垫子上的灵敏度是奇妙的以及网格头的感觉。




于2021年9月10日,杰夫 音乐背景:15年的鼓点







迈克在12月8日,2022年 背景音乐:鼓手- 20年

*我的讲话直指阿莱西罢工套装,没有淡水或我代表*如果你想要一个好的牛排,不去一家海鲜餐馆。188金宝搏官网是多少如果你想要一个乐器,不去一家科技公司。我唯一的积极评价对阿莱西罢工Pro,关于设备的外观,网状的反应正面。我热切地讨厌每一个其他方面的工具。的铙钹垫就像打一个卸载轮胎。他们需要与大量的触发器响应力。这是最明显的在骑铙钹(你可以忘记微妙的爵士乐模式)。我讨厌架和所有的安装硬件(这是主观的)。它是足够稳定……就可以一直做的方式更多样化的和容易使用。 The hi-hat is just horrible. Nothing about the hi-hat sounds/feels/behaves naturally at all. Triggering on the ride AND the hi-hat is inconsistent and not trust worthy. The cables are of poor quality and illogical length, ill-effecting setup versatility. Now, on to the the evil at the heart of this albatross... the module. They made this thing capable of FAR too much, and laid it out counter-intuitively, so you have to wade through menus & sub-menus riddled with foreign, unmusical terms that often give no indication of what they do, or what effect they'll have on the sound, and certainly have nothing to do with what I want to be doing behind a drum set. IMHO... things like "velocity" and "sensitivity" shouldn't even be there. I bought and electronic drum kit because I wanted a drum kit, but need it to be quiet in the room where I'm playing them... no other reason. I want them to be as much like regular acoustic drums as possible. I don't want laser beams or toad farts. I don't want reverb or compression. I don't want 99.9% of the crap that this module has on it... and having it there makes it virtually impossible to find the simple rudimentary things that I DO want. It took me roughly a month to figure out how to change the pitch of a tom. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to save presets so it doesn't matter. The set came with no manual, and the Alesis website has been down for the roughly 2 months I've had this pile of crap. I found a manual online, but it must've been for an older version of the module because things didn't line up. The only reason I didn't return them is because repackaging the set and getting it out of my basement was an insurmountable task. If all you want to do is play around on presets... anyone can do it. Beyond that, everything is unnecessary illogical frustration. I'll admit I'm old, and not the most tech-savvy. I shouldn't have to be. I'm a drummer, not an IT specialist. Hey Alesis... how about a "Simple Mode" and an "Advanced Mode" for starters...

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