协同放大T / DLX前置放大器模块将钟鸣高位,柔软的低点,完全把中档经典的黑脸组合在一个灵活的前置放大器模块。一个通道模块的指甲的一个最喜欢的特点1 x 12”, 20瓦组合。努力推动它,你会触摸分手相迎。high-headroom切换到其他频道,水晶的最受欢迎的80瓦,2 x 12”的组合。与T / DLX前置放大器模块,你可以把最好的加州声音协同平台。
相关视频:T / DLX 2声道前置放大器模块
韦氏协同作用的定义是,“一个双方都有利的结合或兼容不同的业务参与者。”With Synergy Amplification's combining of tube-amp talents that includes Dave Friedman (Friedman), Joe Morgan (Morgan), Steven Fryette (Fryette and VHT), Mike Soldano (Soldano), and Peter Diezel (Diezel), the name is a perfect fit. Each product is painstakingly crafted by these titans of the tube-amp world, ensuring every nuance of their legendary amplifiers is translated to your tone. For the most iconic tones in the most convenient package possible, Sweetwater is proud to offer you Synergy Amplification.
协同放大T / DLX前置放大器模块功能:
- 所有前置放大器模块基于芬达豪华和双胞胎混响
- 2 x频道提供两个amp人物之间切换
- 2 x 12 ax7前置放大器管子确保丰富的谐波性能
- 易于安装和删除从协同前置放大器码头
- 双核心/单开关模块可以使用旧Egnater和兰德尔模块化安培