老板rc - 600循环站尺蠖踏板评论
有六个立体声短语跟踪和大量的板载效果,老板rc - 600循环站现代循环艺术家代表了巨大的创造潜能。有两个麦克风输入,两个仪器输入,和三个可转让的立体声输出,你有所有路由选择你可以要求在舞台上或工作室。由于综合各式各样的板载的影响,以及rc - 600领先的32位的声音质量,你会循环与优越的超音速和不再需要外部影响或处理。和深MIDI控制支持,老板rc - 600循环站准备集成先进的现场表演设置。
最后! !
这和RC505MKII 32位浮点ADC和DAC,连同13小时的内部记录时间。它有能力添加(相当巨大的选择老板罗兰的DSP)影响两个输入,一个跟踪,整个混合。
如果你正在考虑这个在rc - 505 mkII为什么我决定:
我将记录和生活循环的一个重要的键盘/钢琴/ synth /吉他/取样器设置。为了使用我的手指和保持时间,我要用脚开关。在购买的时候比rc600 mkii是505多,可能是因为受欢迎。为什么购买昂贵的辅助脚开关,到处一片混乱当RC600便宜,已经为脚开关设计?额外的按钮,滑块在505很容易替换为一个小的midi控制器和CC路由通过一个主办单位(电缆的数量比以前少了很多多个脚开关)。
这个东西是如此远远超过一个循环。它基本上是代替我的吉他音频接口/ synth /声音/鼓/任何仪器记录水平。把它与一个rc - 505 mkii和几个midi控制器,你可以疯狂定制11-track多影响生活混合单元。
我要求老板rc - 600前几个月发布和杰夫马上打电话给我让我知道等待状态。在演出之前我在做一些基本的循环在做,也许一个小领导。现在几个月后我的老板RC 600我生活循环大约25%的歌曲。对于较小的演出我不担心其他乐队成员出现我可以靠一些循环和低音线。
我绝不是一个职业在循环。但我喜欢当我可以去做。这个电影是伟大的。我喜欢它有一个较小的排放量比300,和混合器+ I / Os非常多才多艺。我不使用的影响,但也有一些好的。我在pedalboard以此作为最后一站,有多个吉他,低音提琴,合成器我遇到它。你可以尽可能浅或深看到适合自己的目的。一如既往,瑞安大喊出,每个人都摇夜以继日的淡水。188金宝搏官网是多少我讨厌购物的地方。
rc - 600是压倒性的。选项是无穷无尽的。但最近几周后和固件更新,这个循环站太棒了。它有6个不同的循环跟踪但我发现我只需要2到3。上也有一些影响。我不使用机上效果一吨,但是很高兴。影响之一是一个前置放大器,允许你绕过一个应用程序通过一个PA和得到一些好的声音。它也是伟大的有4个仪器输入。我有低音、键盘、吉他和我的电子鼓设置连接。它也有6输出。 It allows me to send sound to both of my amps and my PA. It also has 2 mic inputs. I havent got much use out of it because I'm going directly into the PA for Vocals but at some point I might go through the RC-600. It also has many many different drum loops. There hasn't been a song I couldn't find a drum loop for. Last thing I will say about unit, I love how it has so many memories. I've built and saved some of the more complex songs in the unit. That way, I can jump right into the song. Love this thing
RC 600棒极了!我做了一些循环过去,但更多的只是在家里。有了这个工具,我计划阶段和执行作为一男子乐队。我一直很享受挖掘这个东西流体和试图创造表演,有趣,有趣。我认为影响声音大,单位似乎很好。我没有任何事实的问题,人们已经谈论这些评论。
老板没有一个论坛或一个地方离开评论或反馈在他们的网站上,所以我希望他们读这个。额外的功能分配给脚开关的能力是很酷的。它可能使它,这样你可以做少跳踢踏舞。我会爱一个分配按钮能够玩另一个轨道。目前有一个播放/停止另一个跟踪的能力,然而,如果跟踪已经玩,你按下这个开关,它会停止跟踪。在歌曲的情况下,我使用这个特性,这不是一件好事。有一个可转让的按钮来停止另一个轨道,但不是专门玩另一个轨道。也很好如果你能跟踪记录路由到另一个轨道。我想这个特性专门为一个标记的结局。这是一个流行的组合技术,你玩合唱或短片段结束前几次。 If I could somehow jump to that part of the song, that would be an awesome feature.
——尽管它有外汇人声,吉他,你是限于4每个内存插槽。如果你是一个吉他手也唱,你将需要一个音箱模拟外汇,另一个变形,除非你不介意一个超级干燥的语气,你也会使用延迟或混响。没有更多的房间为你的人声。耻辱,作为声乐FX实际上是好。为什么? ? ?如果我们应该是使用外部设备,为什么把这些呢?我不明白,你甚至可以他们的订单。
FX -没有全局设置(是的,我知道,我还是不能相信它)。又名,你要么必须程序,他们每一次,或者复制粘贴前一个内存插槽。
首先,rc - 600用户应该去罗兰站点和拿起最近的1.1固件更新,解决了很多以前描述的早期错误的评论。
的功能单元,罗兰一切包括厨房的水槽陷入这个婴儿。出色的音质,大规模的选择效果,大量的I / O和路由,MIDI同步和控制能力。我想不出你想与一个循环装置,rc - 600是不能的。操作单位的帮助下四个旋钮,几个按钮和一个小液晶并提出了重大挑战。我期待很多天之前的练习我的头完全在rc - 600。
这是令人失望的,得到一个不错的情况下,如果你计划在路上。尽管缺点最好的和最完整的老板地板尺蠖,和紧凑的尺寸比老rc - 300是非常受欢迎的。总体我还是很满意我的购买。
我卖RC300 VL3极端和现在使用rc - 600作为我的支柱,但必须提到的问题。
一些同步特性(而不是UN-syncing)似乎不正常工作。我有几个总锁仓的单位,并与RC300,电源按钮不循环单元所以它必须拔掉。这仅是一个重大缺陷,对于那些构建tightly-arranged pedalboards坚固。至少是罕见的锁定在300可以通过驱动处理下来,没有拔掉。
这似乎有点不成熟。有一个核心功能最现代电影:第一个跟踪你记录是主,你随后将同步记录的一切。这将会这样做,但是你在后台运行的循环,而不是从一开始就停止,这样您就可以玩(把节奏有望发挥领先之类的——当你玩它,它是中途而不是从一开始就玩)。all-stop-all-start工作区,但即使是Headrush Looperboard得到这个权利。或者,你可以把循环同步的轨道,但它不同步的时间,所以它慢慢飘的跟踪你。还有其他一些明显的错误。老板不做频繁的更新与用户输入和其他公司一样,但是我希望他们做的事情,因为这个概念和硬件都是恒星,效果非常棒的选择和执行(怎么去有点混乱),和声音质量是我听过最好的。
这是迄今为止我所拥有过的最好的电影。我扮演广泛通过RC-10R, rc - 500, Pigtronix∞2, EHX 1440,以及组合延迟/电影像Keeley ecco, Strymon轻快地和其他人。rc - 600是分离的关键。能够将信号发送到3种不同的安培关键是最好的声音。像,低音音箱、节奏吉他音箱,导致第三amp。我认为打环的一个宝贵的实践工具。特别是这一个。
都说,没有办法我将使用rc - 600住在一个小咖啡馆演出,错误并不重要太多,你可以与观众开玩笑当你的电影上大放异彩。是的,它已经多次撞在我身上。我知道一个固件更新可以“修复”。然而,我最大的抱怨是这个电影做同样的事,rc - 500即使经过多次更新当记录超过一个跟踪:你永远不知道如果电影将关闭第二个跟踪在正确的位置。
是的,我读过说明书,理解许晴是如何工作的。我上面描述的是一些rc - 500也是如此。坦率地说,固件应该足够聪明关闭循环最后击败。这是最直观的方式和最音乐的演奏方式。它应该……和繁荣!点击那个按钮在它返回到顶部的地方!但是没有,rc - 600不足够聪明。想弄清楚,你必须利用开关酒吧早前关闭循环后续跟踪使演奏段落更加艰难。
不管怎样,我打算继续打rc - 600。一件事肯定是改善在rc - 500是输出不流血,一些困扰我的rc - 500。我还有我的RC-10R和rc - 500我有时当我想要一个更简单的设置中使用它们。我不满意的缺陷rc - 600,但因为它是这样一个宝贵的工具,实践中,它是值得的钱,因为它会让我更好的吉他手——更不用说,是更有趣的练习比没有电影。另一个替代方法是使用寒鸦的实践,但设置总是更复杂和更费时。说,我很快就会重新安排我的工作室,我可能会使用类似的方法易宝生活和一个大型的MIDI控制器,看看我能不能实现类似或更好。真的太糟糕了,你不能相信这个块设备的现场演出。
\nThat all said, theres no way I would use the RC-600 live beyond a small coffee house gig where errors dont matter too much and you can joke around with the audience when your looper misfires. Yes, it has crashed on me multiple times. I understand that a firmware update can \"fix\" this. However, my biggest gripe is that this looper does the same thing that the RC-500 does even after multiple updates when recording more than one track: You never know if the looper is going to close the second track at the right spot.
\nWhat I mean by this is, you lay down your first track and define a length for the loop. Then, you go and start to record a second track to match. If you hit the button to close that loop exactly at the time its supposed to close, it will NEVER close the loop and keep going a little longer and end up misaligned. I found that the best way to have it close the second or third tracks correctly if to hit the button to close during the last bar of performance. If you are too early, like a few bars before closing, or too close to the end of the loop, it will not close the loop properly. Even so, the looper still messes up half the time. Sometimes it will close at the right spot, but misalign the track and you end up puzzled for a few bars trying to figure out what everything sounds off. At which point you have to hit undo or erase that second track and play it all over again.
\nYes, Ive read the manual and I understand how the looper works. What Im describing above is something the RC-500 does too. Frankly, the firmware SHOULD be smart enough to close the loop on the very last beat PERIOD. Its the most intuitive way and the most musical way of playing. It should be\u2026 PLAY\u2026 And boom! hit that button at the spot where it goes back up to the top! But no, the RC-600 isnt smart enough to figure that out. Trying to figure out that you have to tap a switch a bar early before closing the loop to subsequent tracks makes playing the passages a lot harder.
\nRegardless, I intend to keep playing the RC-600. One thing its definitely improved over the RC-500 is that outputs do not bleed into one another, something that plagues my Rc-500. I still have my RC-10R and my RC-500 as I sometimes use them when I want a more simple setup. Im not happy with the flaws of the RC-600, but because its such an invaluable tool for practice, its worth the money as it will make me a better guitarist - not to mention, its a lot more fun to practice with this than without a looper. The other alternative is using a DAW for practice, but the setup is always more complicated and more time consuming. That said, Ill be rearranging my studio soon and I may try the approach of using something like Ableton Live and a large MIDI controller and see if I can achieve something similar or better. Its too bad that you cant really trust this piece of equipment for live shows though.", "sir_rating": "2.0", "sir_name": "Danny", "sir_whereareyou": "SoCal", "sir_background": "25 Years Plus", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22541, "store_items_review_id": 358561, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-11daafef81fa90ee5ed38e3e5196c6e50d876c3f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTEyMjMwODAwLXBocGxsbnFjbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ae77aa53adda034aeee590d94e37068caa539014\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTEyMjMwODAwLXBocGxsbnFjbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Super disappointing", "sir_comments": "Very disheartening to see Boss going the same way as other tech companies, releasing incomplete products and counting on patches and firmware updates to fix all the bugs. Ive used the boss rc 50, and 300 basically since they came out and I cant recall a time that any of them just up and crashed on me. Not once. The 600 just crashed three times during one gig tonight.
\nIn addition to being completely unreliable, if youre trying to sync it with other things via midi (drum machines, etc), they made it so if you turn loop sync off, tempo sync also stops working... essentially if you want to sync the tempo via midi, your loops have to be the same length or else its a mess. They wont start in the right place when you switch between them, theyll jump in mid way through. Its very very dumb. Its not a bug or a misunderstanding of the functionality. They changed the way this works with the rc-505, and I cant believe they carried this design over to the new floor looper. Theres not room to go into more detail about this in reviews, just go check the facebook groups and and or forums for the loopy sync \/ serial mode issues and youll see people discussing it in depth.
\nMaybe theyll at least get the crashes sorted out with a patch but people definitely deserve fair warning that this is basically still in beta and not at all professional gear.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "Nick", "sir_whereareyou": "St. Louis", "sir_background": "professional musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="358855">
不幸的是,老板没有做一份好工作。大部分产品值得标志性的,因为他们是这个词。然而,RC600是一个笑话——到目前为止。基本功能像瞧节奏同步,同步会导致工件和怪异的扭曲。随机循环使固体的体积的改变表现总是觉得赌博;将循环工作,或不呢?有时,循环开始为时太晚,或循环创造了奇怪的循环长度。我是一个非常有经验的电影和爱情生活RC300,要是有更好的音质。RC600建造,我真的希望老板尽快修复工作24/7无数虫子通过固件更新。我已经等了2021年8月以来许晴。 Boss, what did you do between 2021 and March 2022 when you started shipping the pedal? And what happened to your quality control department?
为什么事情不工作? ?(工程学位优先)
我已经预定rc - 600基于广告6输入,6输出,复杂的路由和“深midi”功能。
它更像是他们挤尽可能多的功能为设备没有思考如何使用它们。如果你运行一切到主L / R和保持一切总结音响之前,曾经离开设备,你有几天循环选项
我可以分配midi CC # 1 - 95到任何你想要的功能。只能分配16 midi CC作业。16。我有一个midi控制器,可以用一个脚踏开关发送16 midi消息。rc - 600只有16 midi作业。这些作业也与rc - 600上的开关本身。如果你分配脚踏开关1在rc - 600,你还剩15作业,是否传入或传出。他们真的可以使这个东西那么多功能性与一个固定范围的CC #作业的踏板响应某些功能. .我可以计划一个midi控制器发送多个消息控制rc - 600。
我被告知由于法律原因,他们不能接受我的建议改善midi功能。对我这落定。我卖这个东西。你有公司积极寻求建议从客户基础。小公司甚至,你还可以直接与开发人员沟通。然后罗兰与市场上一些最昂贵的设备,谁说我要求一系列固定CC #分配给每个跟踪功能的踏板不能被发送到他们的开发和工程团队将“法律原因。”
老板rc - 600
我喜欢rc - 600而我有它。好从RC505升级。然而,当我试图安装最后的固件升级,一毫秒的力量去和安装在95%左右。我寄给罗兰想这是一个简单的软件问题覆盖在保修期内。他们的维修服务完全是骗局。他们想要更换主板和收取我250美元,加上运输两种方式。分配给我的销售代表说,罗兰就改变停滞不前的主要董事会所有情况下固件升级——一个骗局。
非常令人沮丧的老板和其他科技公司一样,发布不完整的产品和指望补丁和固件更新修复所有的bug。我用老板rc 50, 300基本上因为他们出来了,我不记得,其中任何一个,撞在我身上。一次也没有。600年的三次坠毁在一个今晚的演出。
除了完全不可靠,如果你想与其他事物通过同步midi(鼓机等),他们如果你关掉循环同步,同步速度也停止工作…本质上,如果你想通过midi同步节奏,循环必须是相同的长度,否则其一团糟。他们不会在正确的地方开始在它们之间切换时,他们会通过中期。非常愚蠢的。它不是一个错误或误解的功能。他们改变了这个与rc - 505,我不敢相信他们把这个设计到新地板尺蠖。没有详细的空间在评论,只是去检查糊涂的facebook群组和或论坛同步/串行模式问题,你会看到人们深入讨论。
\nThat all said, theres no way I would use the RC-600 live beyond a small coffee house gig where errors dont matter too much and you can joke around with the audience when your looper misfires. Yes, it has crashed on me multiple times. I understand that a firmware update can \"fix\" this. However, my biggest gripe is that this looper does the same thing that the RC-500 does even after multiple updates when recording more than one track: You never know if the looper is going to close the second track at the right spot.
\nWhat I mean by this is, you lay down your first track and define a length for the loop. Then, you go and start to record a second track to match. If you hit the button to close that loop exactly at the time its supposed to close, it will NEVER close the loop and keep going a little longer and end up misaligned. I found that the best way to have it close the second or third tracks correctly if to hit the button to close during the last bar of performance. If you are too early, like a few bars before closing, or too close to the end of the loop, it will not close the loop properly. Even so, the looper still messes up half the time. Sometimes it will close at the right spot, but misalign the track and you end up puzzled for a few bars trying to figure out what everything sounds off. At which point you have to hit undo or erase that second track and play it all over again.
\nYes, Ive read the manual and I understand how the looper works. What Im describing above is something the RC-500 does too. Frankly, the firmware SHOULD be smart enough to close the loop on the very last beat PERIOD. Its the most intuitive way and the most musical way of playing. It should be\u2026 PLAY\u2026 And boom! hit that button at the spot where it goes back up to the top! But no, the RC-600 isnt smart enough to figure that out. Trying to figure out that you have to tap a switch a bar early before closing the loop to subsequent tracks makes playing the passages a lot harder.
\nRegardless, I intend to keep playing the RC-600. One thing its definitely improved over the RC-500 is that outputs do not bleed into one another, something that plagues my Rc-500. I still have my RC-10R and my RC-500 as I sometimes use them when I want a more simple setup. Im not happy with the flaws of the RC-600, but because its such an invaluable tool for practice, its worth the money as it will make me a better guitarist - not to mention, its a lot more fun to practice with this than without a looper. The other alternative is using a DAW for practice, but the setup is always more complicated and more time consuming. That said, Ill be rearranging my studio soon and I may try the approach of using something like Ableton Live and a large MIDI controller and see if I can achieve something similar or better. Its too bad that you cant really trust this piece of equipment for live shows though.", "sir_rating": "2.0", "sir_name": "Danny", "sir_whereareyou": "SoCal", "sir_background": "25 Years Plus", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 22541, "store_items_review_id": 358561, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-11daafef81fa90ee5ed38e3e5196c6e50d876c3f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTEyMjMwODAwLXBocGxsbnFjbi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ae77aa53adda034aeee590d94e37068caa539014\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNTEyMjMwODAwLXBocGxsbnFjbi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Super disappointing", "sir_comments": "Very disheartening to see Boss going the same way as other tech companies, releasing incomplete products and counting on patches and firmware updates to fix all the bugs. Ive used the boss rc 50, and 300 basically since they came out and I cant recall a time that any of them just up and crashed on me. Not once. The 600 just crashed three times during one gig tonight.
\nIn addition to being completely unreliable, if youre trying to sync it with other things via midi (drum machines, etc), they made it so if you turn loop sync off, tempo sync also stops working... essentially if you want to sync the tempo via midi, your loops have to be the same length or else its a mess. They wont start in the right place when you switch between them, theyll jump in mid way through. Its very very dumb. Its not a bug or a misunderstanding of the functionality. They changed the way this works with the rc-505, and I cant believe they carried this design over to the new floor looper. Theres not room to go into more detail about this in reviews, just go check the facebook groups and and or forums for the loopy sync \/ serial mode issues and youll see people discussing it in depth.
\nMaybe theyll at least get the crashes sorted out with a patch but people definitely deserve fair warning that this is basically still in beta and not at all professional gear.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "Nick", "sir_whereareyou": "St. Louis", "sir_background": "professional musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="358561">