有时你想要额外的飞跃在体积和勇气,和MojoMojo超速踏板——保罗·吉尔伯特版——你可以跳在很大程度上。设计与保罗·吉尔伯特吉他传奇和全面的语气狂热分子,MojoMojo特性都是一样的控制选项,它的前身,但一个新的额外所得mod开关名为“11”。使用with taste, 11 lets you kick it into overdrive without blasting out the quality of your tone. The classic Drive, Level, Bass, and Treble knobs are all here as well, ensuring you have control over the sonic refinements that define your style from performance to performance — much like the versatile Mr. Gilbert! Guitarists here at Sweetwater are addicted to the rush of the MojoMojo overdrive pedal. Give it a try, and you will be, too!
- 超速踏板设计与一个真正的吉他传奇
- 新的“11”高增益mod开关需要你的语气和攻击更上一层楼
- 经典的传动,水平,低音和高音旋钮确保你有控制声波定义样式从性能性能的改进