Gibson Acoustic L-00 Studio Rosewood - Rosewood Burst评论
我现在64岁了,对我来说,舒适地演奏一把dreaddreadsize的吉他越来越不舒服,所以在我四处寻找一把较小的吉他后,我决定选择gibson -00 studio rosewood rose-burst。我真的很想要一把红木琴身,因为它的音色、持久感和美感,而且我真的认为玫瑰爆裂是经典的吉布森吉他……其他竞争品牌的小琴身吉他都很自然。我也决定从Sweetwater购买这把吉他,因为我上次从竞争对手的在线音乐商店购买吉他并不顺188金宝搏官网是多少利,尽管我喜欢(并保留了)吉他本身。从甜水购买的一切都很顺利,我喜欢玩这个精致的木制乐器。188金宝搏官网是多少握着和弹起来都很舒服,声音令人陶醉。你不会从这种乐器中得到蓬勃的低音响应,就像你会得到一个高质量的无畏级吉他一样,但中低中档和高音都是郁郁葱葱和华丽的。如果你把这把吉他插入一个好的扬声器系统,它听起来很像无畏号。真希望我以前表演的时候也有这个。
我最想要一个马丁CEO-7。L-00的车身和一切,但超级贵,我不想花那么多钱。我开始寻找其他吉他,偶然发现了吉布森L-00工作室胡桃。红木版的便宜版。188金宝搏官网是多少甜水在11月之前都不能再进了所以我抓住了这个机会。说实话,我很高兴能有这样的结果。这是我玩过或拥有过的第一部吉布森。我担心吉普森的合身度和完成度以及整体质量控制。到目前为止,这把吉他看起来和听起来都很棒。这是我在声音和外观上所能期望的一切。 It is super focused sound. I own and have owned a Martin D-15M for 13 years now and I love that guitar too always will, but this is a 180 from it and that's what I wanted. The Martin is warm but a bit more boomy being bigger and whatnot. This has a more focused tight sound. It doesn't lack bass though at all. It's there just not boomy. This guy is loud for it size, I was surprised at how well it projects for as small as it is. I was kind of worried it would be a bit Like a Guild M-20 or M-40 being smaller having a bit smaller sound to it. I've heard that they are a bit thinner than a Gibson L-00 though. This thing isn't thin at all. Not to my ears. The Fishman pickup in this isn't the greatest, but it works and isn't that bad once you figure it out and get it dialed to where it sounds decent to you for what you want to do with it and your personal setup. This thing is a great finger picker, stummer, to me it does it all and does it well. The smell is amazing coming from the soundhole as well. I didn't want another hog back and sides guitar minus the CEO-7 and wanted something different like rosewood or walnut but like I've said glad it worked out this way. I'm in love. I had a setup put on it and had them put Martin Retro Monel strings on it as well. Most people don't care for Monels on a rosewood guitar, they mostly like them on Mahogany. I'm giving them a chance on this and then getting a different set once these are done to compare and see which ones I like better. So far It's been a couple days and I'm really liking the Monels. So if you want a focused tighter sound without the boomy bass but still has nice tight bass and everything all across the board, still projects very well buy this little guy. You won't regret it. Sweetwater was excellent to me and there was no pressure on what to pick or to hurry when picking what I wanted.