现在演示销售| - 7月31日

莫土语M2 2 x2 USB-C音频接口评论

那/ 2 USB-C音频接口2麦克风前置放大器,液晶屏幕,硬件监控、回环、6 + GB的免费内容- Mac / PC / iOS

寻找一个高质量的音频接口,不会打破银行吗?莫土语M2符合这一描述,t .这那/ 2 USB-C音频接口包括ESS Sabre32超DAC技术顶层的声音,以及优化驱动程序产生令人印象深刻的低延迟性能。两个演员“麦克风前置放大器包括个人增益调节和幻影权力,而1-touch硬件监控确保平稳跟踪。你也会受益于前面板计量方便、M2的全彩液晶屏幕。播客会欣赏内置的环回功能。Bus-powered最终的可移植性,莫土语M2包很多表现成一个紧凑的,高性能的音频接口。

美元 199年 .95


this page for details.

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通过从FL豪尔赫·加西亚在5月5日,2023年 音乐背景:国内生产商

Shoutout Winkert大卫帮助我扣动扳机。





2023年2月22日,由纽约JR迅速 音乐背景:音乐家、生产商、内容创造者,书呆子。







于2023年2月1日,杰克从西雅图 音乐背景:萨克斯,编曲。












通过从长岛SAA, 2022年11月11日,纽约 音乐背景:录音艺术家长达42年,录音师教授史蒂夫·弗里曼41年,



莫土语中保持生态系统的最后一个原因是他们支持他们的装备从原始驱动程序发布最新的操作系统。我20 +岁firewire 828 Windows下仍能工作,我希望这个M2我齿轮的一部分,即使我在某人的骨灰盒。



PS:捡起一个Avatone MP1后不久,这听起来非常接近我HS5的。一个伟大的合作伙伴M2。


2022年11月11日,由Hanczar凿 背景音乐:13年,吉他练习者和音频工程师,研究员

我听讲师的购买新的专业音频齿轮。一旦我的讲师有点滑Motu的他最喜欢的界面不讲课的主题音频接口和他说,他不关心别人怎么想通过强调,他真的很喜欢莫土语AD / DA转换。我立刻我的笔记上草草记下这个奇怪的名字。听起来这么多小印度孩子给我。这是可爱的。我花了5年才做决定哪些新装置研究。我已经作出了正确的选择。但我确实希望莫土语能给我们一个为我们的M系列软件。这样我们就可以盘输出信号都留给和权利。得到更广泛的立体谱。 Dynamics in Motu ADConversion is incredible. I could feel it.





由杰从孟菲斯地区4月7日,2022年 音乐背景:职业球员,项目工作室合作老板多年

我合唱2最后了最后一口气,像大多数音乐家,最近资金紧张。我仔细研究了接口,我的钱包在莫土语M2…。这是一个很好的决定。这个单位做…。从来没有跳过打败…。声音质量很好,前置放大器是非常接受,和最重要的是…。构建质量很好。我的旧二重唱确实是一个好单位,我没有投诉…。它只是有老…灯光早就停止工作,但需要灯当你有内置的软件吗?当然,二重奏设计无缝地与我的寒鸦,逻辑Pro X,但M2没有浮华的程序是很合适的。我决定反对新二重唱3 SSL2,或任何其他好单位的…。我爱我的选择…。M2是所有的,一袋薯片!抓一个!


2022年3月21日,由马克从TX 音乐背景:鼓手/工程师

我是连接到一个2018 Mac Mini使用逻辑专业&收割者和到目前为止,它是固体小界面。旋钮感觉公司和光滑。我还没有机会使用MIDI功能,但我以前莫土语接口与MIDI他们总是好的。米水平也是不错的。我有个Focusrite 2 i2(不错)但我旧学校和欣赏水平米。让我们不要忘记有一个电源开关!惊讶地看到接口(小)缺乏电源开关。我也喜欢如何控制麦克风输入需要幻能力。Focusrite有一个开关控制所有的麦克风输入。不是世界末日,但我喜欢的选择。


的塞尔吉奥·马里斯维尔镇佤邦1月3日,2022年 背景音乐:音乐老师






通过从杜伦劳尔•克莱门特,2021年10月13日,数控 玩音乐的音乐背景:25年以上

这是一个巨大的升级从我Presonus Audiobox USB 96,没有花费更多的钱。它有水平的LED显示屏,这比Presonus易于阅读的闪烁的红灯。有更多的空间。耳机放大器提供了更多的水平。最后,连通性选项更好。他们只包括USB-C USB线,但是您可以使用一个USB-C USB-C直接运行到一个新的Mac不需要一个适配器。TRS和RCA输出你的显示器也加上。


通过从奥斯汀Vicky阮,TX 10月6日,2021年

就硬件而言,我爱它。所有的按钮都容易看到/识别和新闻。旋钮转顺利,适量的阻力。我遇到任何问题software-wise Mac或者PC。我已经干净的声音为我所有的应用程序:唱歌,签证官,视频聊天,语音聊天,游戏。我使用一个骑NT1-A与该接口和逻辑支持。



——使用USB-C。是的,它仍然是不实际使用USB 3,但连接器结实,容易得到这些天,所以很高兴。







克里夫·凯勒在加州圣地亚哥3月3日,2021年 背景:音乐作曲家、制作人、教育家。



由生活播客从怀俄明,2021年2月17日,MI 音乐背景:32年的音乐家表演,录音,说话。我是一个专业音频产品专家的知名制造商,穿越美国和安大略省的大多伦多地区,加拿大从2017年到2020年。

我个人使用M4版本已经超过6个月,对结果非常满意。老实说,M2将为我所做的一直很好,但我喜欢在一对音响线在后面拉音频从一个老那么记录器Ampeg SCR-DI。



莫土语也给用户访问与购买很多伟大的软件,包括易宝住Lite,表现的特别版数字10寒鸦。我用这个(表演者Lite)编辑和完成我的很多自己的播客集,但是在我的晚- 2011 MacBookPro它消耗大量的处理能力。它工作好如果我花我的时间编辑,但可以容易崩溃如果我尝试很多编辑工作的寒鸦在我规律的步伐。值得庆幸的是这90%的时间寒鸦已经能够打开一个自动保存的会话没有失去工作。我有点迟到的新机器吗?可能。


由主持人肖恩·E (YouTube)来自田纳西州2月8日,2021年 自1997年以来音乐背景:DJ

















它可以推动一个SM7B !

迪亚兹教授从加州2020年10月31日 音乐背景:科班出身的男中音/听不清说唱歌手






定从西雅图,佤邦10月27日,2020年 背景:音乐作曲家

我买了这个小莫土语M2来取代一个阿波罗的孪生,6年后去世。考虑我可以买五平方米的一个阿波罗的成本,这是一个神奇的小音频接口。我有相同的延迟和声音质量为阿波罗,相同数量的输入,和相同数量的输出。此外,它有一个功能阿波罗没有:标准的midi /我的遗产罗兰键盘。唯一的问题我和M2在Mac上,一会儿就当我关机然后电力系统上看不到它在系统声音输出/输入设备。我发现我必须重启才能被认可了…这是一件小事,但它让我不想在电脑是权力。


2020年10月19日,由0 isez或 音乐背景:50年的摇滚乐。



2020年8月29日,由FL Z 音乐背景:Dj,计算机网络技术

首先让我说美元与这个单位你不能出错。很空灵的声音,很多细节在音乐,完整的接口。我被吹走这事听起来多好窗户10 pro和卡莉linux,这对它甚至在linux不需要司机! !莫土语m2感觉很好建立坚实的感觉。所有的控制是金属和黄油柔滑的当你打开它们,真正专业的感觉。我对比了ifi dsd le dac amp这个,让我告诉你它的日夜。motuM2吹它在所有方面的手。在我看来这是一个真正的偷美元……这事听起来像一个非常昂贵的dac amp花费大量的$ $ $ $但与输入。这是再一次完整的丝质测深的耳机放大器的权力。试过收耳机jbl电子32欧姆和爱科技702工作室检测所有的音乐耳机充足的动力。我也跑这莫土语m2扔我16跟踪presounus studiolive 16.4.2数字混频器再次与不可思议的结果。这个东西是死的很我听到任何声音。188金宝搏官网是多少斯威特沃特再次让我没有时间去我的门。向你致敬斯威特沃特! ! ! !188金宝搏官网是多少伟大的公司。


斯科特·尼尔森在7月8日,2020年 音乐背景:音乐家和工程师



的哈维尔·费尔南德斯古铁雷斯CUND 7月5日,2020年 音乐背景:吉他和钢琴中期水平






史蒂文·海尔从卡托巴语,SC 6月15日,2020年 音乐背景:鼓手,生活/工作室录音师和家庭工作室的主人

10我的主要接口是在Windows系统工作室,我需要一个小的接口Mac和逻辑Pro X看很多视频的评论之后,我决定M2是最好的路径。这是正确的选择——逻辑确定M2和它作为一个接口提供选项在24/96和非常低的延迟。声音质量是惊人的,虽然计量水平没有毕业的标记,估算db水平的计量不仅是有用的,但也给你即时反馈你们知道信号存在。金属,好看,是开箱即用的,令人难以置信的价值——至少9.9,满分是10。我也提到独立幻力量,MIDI,物理旋钮以及监测和我最喜欢的,电源开关使这个USB接口无脑!


2020年6月4日,由鲍里斯Neiburger从纽约 音乐背景:音乐家....大学

windows 10愚蠢的间谍软件程序,花费所有计算机资源的目标不再是电脑的主人10计算机的所有者窗口


吉姆从密苏里州、美国5月18日,2020年 音乐背景:吉他和贝斯教练(25年),电视录像制作人,现场表演和22音乐剧,荣誉毕业生GIT

我一直使用M-Audio C400多年,上个月搬到Focusrite朱红色2 i2(第三代)。尽管我深入研究和多个故障排除我不能依靠它由于辍学或麦克风输入只是停止工作在放大会议所以我返回它。
我使用我的电脑之间的很多视频(Premiere Pro,效果和WeVideo后)和音乐制作(试镜,步态竞赛,东西方扮演)和教学通过缩放和谷歌满足而使用吉他Pro和西贝流士。奥林匹克广播服务公司和YouTube直播。莫土语M2非常坚实,不发疯,当我有多个应用程序打开了。它处理完美。我昨天使用环回功能流的谷歌通过观察,然后YouTube。很多的漂亮的工作。我不认为我关心前面板计量但事实证明我做的。非常有用当得到良好的水平,不是剪辑当你不得不在许多不同的程序中使用它。我期待着使用表演者Lite本周免费的购买。说真的,不能更快乐。 I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!

\nI use my computer for a lot between video (Premiere Pro, After Effects and WeVideo) and music production (Audition, Cakewalk, EastWest Play) and teaching through Zoom and Google Meets while using Guitar Pro and Sibelius. Also OBS and YouTube live streaming. The MOTU M2 is exceptionally solid and does not freak out when I have multiple applications opened. It handles them wonderfully. I used the loopback function yesterday to stream a Google Meet through OBS and then to YouTube. Lots going on there and it worked beautifully. I didnt think Id care about front panel metering but it turns out I do. Very useful when getting a good level thats not clipping when you have to use it in many different programs. I am looking forward to using Performer Lite this week which is free with the purchase of this. Seriously, could not be more happy this unit. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Jim", "sir_whereareyou": "Missouri, USA", "sir_background": "Guitar & Bass Instructor (25 years), Videographer, Live shows and 22 musical, runs Honors Grad GIT", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6740, "store_items_review_id": 284760, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gFXqELkNjTM", "sir_title": "Best Dynamic Range on I\/O for an Interface Sub-$500!", "sir_comments": "This interface has the ability to deliver clear audio, true to the source, and latency will not be an issue. Is it the best interface Ive ever owned? No. But Ive used UA interfaces and have always preferred them. Still, COVID-19 had other plans for my Apollo Twin (had to sell) and this was my compromise. While I do miss the UAD software quite a bit, I have to say I am absolutely stunned at both the quality and dynamic range of audio coming in, as well as audio going out to my monitors.

I researched every day for about two weeks (not kidding), and this interface had the best technical specs of any interface under $700 at the time. Recently, UA released their new Apollo Solo series, which have 3db more dynamic range on the inputs and 5db LESS dynamic range on the outputs. ...I would be skeptical of anyone claiming they could tell the difference between 115db and 118db of dynamic range on inputs. Again, the real value of the Apollo inputs that the MOTU cant compete with is the unison\/UAD software. Also, different converters have different character and that plays into the sound of an interface, and I tend to like the overall \"sound\" or character or UA interfaces over others Ive used, however the MOTU M2 is no slacker.

Lets remember this is $... and I am comparing it directly to an interface that costs almost 3x that amount.

The video I linked to this review is what finally convinced me to purchase this interface. The listed interface in this video is the MOTU M4, which is the exact same thing but with some more I\/O I didnt need personally. Your music wont sound like this strictly because of this interface - that would require lots of Warm Audios awesome gear, and this video likely underwent some serious mixing and mastering with highly professional individuals in very cush studios. Still, the video proves one thing - this is what your music CAN sound like with this interface. It will support and translate the other awesome gear you buy very accurately, and in my opinion, that is exactly what an interface should do at its core.", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Ryan Harner", "sir_whereareyou": "Nashville, TN", "sir_background": "Film Composer, Music Producer, Songwriter", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10694, "store_items_review_id": 303581, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-a1fa8f5c78abdd72277eaaffac295162d2158253\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-c150374d7eb68aa07446ab9cc430c53447acdb6b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Sound Is Amazing!! But a few drawbacks", "sir_comments": "I have owned the Motu M2 for 3 months now and I really do love it. There are a few cons below but I think for this price its hard to beat all depending on your specific application.
\nPros -
\nSound quality and a\/d converters are great ...same as on their higher end gear
\nMetering on front is awesome
\nSet Up was quick and easy
\nheadphone out driven by same high end converters
\nI can use it as a DAC to listen to amazon ultra HD Flac audio through my headphones and its quite remarkable
\ncomes with a loopback feature so you can record audio from any software on your computer (this is an extremely useful feature for sampling and for streaming audio from youtube to podcasts)
\nUSB Powered
\nWell Constructed
\nNo routing or mixing software - this means that the inputs and outputs are fixed - for instance it is not possible to assign a cue function to the headphone outputs so if you want to do any dj style productions where you need a cue then this is not the interface for you
\nIn addition this also limits anyone from hearing a click in their headphones that isnt coming out of the main outputs and you cannot create a separate mix to send to the headphones.
\nNo Direct Monitor mix adjustment - there is no way to mix the levels of your direct monitor and inside the box volume - so youll have to actually adjust the track or master volume in your daw - this is addressed with the bigger brother M4 that includes a monitor mix knob.
\nAll in all I do enjoy this little bad boy but I will need another device for doing live shows where I need my click only in my headphones.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Brian Delgado", "sir_whereareyou": "Aventura, FL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 31644, "store_items_review_id": 402831, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SgArsC7ESgI", "sir_title": "Bizarre Amplitude Issues, Quality Control?", "sir_comments": "My unit has been subject to the most deafening amplitude issues I have ever experienced. Whenever this unit is adjusted to approximately 25% volume on the master knob, the volume shoots up to an ear splitting 100% volume. I suspect that some people will be skeptical of this, so I have attached a video demonstrating the phenomena.
\nUnfortunately for me, I purchased this unit many years ago and it sat, unboxed, on a shelf until about last month when I rehomed my old Scarlet 2i2 first gen to a friend, and finally put this thing in as a replacement. Now, I really wish I hadnt done that. Since I purchased this thing so long ago, and even though it is still brand new (you can even still see the blue screen tape I havent removed since I deployed the unit), its pretty likely out of warranty, since the actual date of purchase was so long ago. I may as well have just lit a couple hundred dollars on fire, and whats worse, Im still going to have to purchase another new interface to replace this thing, likely at a comparable price.
\nFrom what I understand about this type of hardware, it seems like it may be a faulty potentiometer on the master knob, so that maybe indicates some quality control issues. Purchase at your own risk.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "Steven Ramey", "sir_whereareyou": "Florence, KY", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="268995">


通过从圣地亚哥里克,Ca 5月13日,2020年 音乐背景:签证官

我有一个Focusrite思嘉创2我换成这莫土语M2。在连接RE20和亚当a7x扬声器我绝对是垫底。我不得不停止我在做什么,只是站在仍然在绝对的敬畏。我不希望听到这样一个巨大的声音质量的差异。在某种程度上我很不高兴,我浪费了这么多时间与垃圾接口思嘉,但我惊讶的流下了快乐的眼泪。就像听音乐首次通过我的显示器和我的声音是那么多清洁地板和保鲜储藏格几乎没有噪音。耳机有很多空间,它给我的森海塞尔650年的生活。我把思嘉扔进了垃圾的愤怒。说真的,不要犹豫,但这个接口。它是制作精良,光滑和小抛光金属框架和strudy金属旋钮几乎没有任何摆动。 Well built product that satisfies every need.


通过从所以弗洛诉频率,佛罗里达5月4日,2020年 背景:音乐制作人




这听起来是一个很好的小音频接口,我符合了我的IPAD Pro 12“作为一个专用的音频接口。我非常高兴当我发现它将运行在USB-C总线电源通过IPAD和仍然可以提供电源一个幽灵电容麦克风(AKG c535 eb在我的例子中)。这个小单元上的前置放大器是非常干净的,并提供了大量的放大。2输入接口,构建质量是很好的。我也很高兴有2 5销MIDI喧嚣的像我的一些老式的作品没有USB MIDI。









USB音频接口,因为我想要一个我的新笔记本电脑没有我的古老的莫土语828 MkII的火线端口和检查后的“盒子”这个对我来说是最好的。似乎工作得很好与我的电脑笔记本,我甚至连一个覆盆子π3 b +,发现它与死神(Linux)和无畏的(尽管我得到低功率警告由于M2是USB驱动。我可以试穿一下的USB集线器)。施工固体和我很高兴。


通过从富尔顿内特,IL 2月5日,2020年







我很满意这个单位的低延迟。买了笔记本和运行Scuffham s-gear吉他钻机。作品完美足够我买第二个实践的房间


由MI Zylay 1月12日,2020年 几乎所有类型的音乐背景:吉他手









通过从瓦尔帕莱索抢劫,在2019年12月23日 背景音乐:好的厄运



通过从巴尔的摩科里白色,2019年11月29日,马里兰州 背景:音乐制作人


很棒的到目前为止,与Mac M1不是即插即用,那耳机放大器



对于Mac M1用户,我想通过这个:指令说接口是准备好了没有任何驱动程序安装。肯定是不正确的,你需要安装一个司机在你的Mac的界面显示为一个音频设备。一旦你注册产品,你直接下载页面的MacOS司机。安装驱动,重启,瞧,M2作为一个可寻址的音频设备。你不妨获取最新的固件更新和安装:关机M2,按住我的按钮在2,M2,和准备一个固件更新。

它与我的synth, GarageBand运行得很好。附带了一个下载的表演者Lite和易宝生活,加上一堆插件。在这个价格点很有价值。

一个失望的是,耳机放大器实际上是在250欧姆DT770s开车,我有耳机的音量旋钮2 - 3点钟和我输入卷推到极致。相同经历的消费级耳机,相当弱输出。


通过从Holtwood格雷格,2022年2月13日,PA 背景:音乐播放器

斯威特沃特最近买了其中的一个。188金宝搏官网是多少我没有很多时间玩,但到目前为止,我发现它不仅与曲面Pro 7运行表演者Lite(包括)或PreSonus工作室一个艺术家(带着另一个购买),到目前为止我的寒鸦的选择,但也有使用我的旧空气iPad 2 GarageBand运行,一个简单但非常友好的应用程序。允许这样做需要lightning-to-USB相机适配器和驱动USB集线器,但仍然。我在考虑升级旧的iPad现在他们已经降低了一点价格


从2021年1月19日,阿克伦,布莱恩 音乐背景:业余排名






2021年1月18日由Hoosierland本 音乐背景:长期的黑客



也没有官方支持linux。有伟大的寒鸦应用lixus发行版,基本内核支持> = 5.8(我认为…我用5.9);所以它工作得很好,尽管缺乏官方支持。但是,有一些问题* *法,我相信官方的支持将地址。



从俄勒冈州DonnD 1月9日,2021年 音乐背景:直播multi-instrumental电子音乐家

我用M2 16“Macbook Pro,所以我需要一个音频接口与观察者和音频直播演出劫持。我必须买一个USB-C电缆自M2仅与USB-C USB-A电缆。它有一个非常响亮的耳机放大器,耶,一个发光的绿屏,哇,好重新点燃按钮和固体构建质量的价格范围。前置放大器的声音清亮,噪音低,使用简单。美国制造是一个销售因素的主要竞争对手。



由大卫Strelyuk 10月7日,2020年 背景:音乐制作人

这个接口是可怕的。VU米是很高兴有音频的录制和播放时通过监视器或耳机。我会给它五星级除了我一直有这个奇怪的问题音频驱动程序,它将输出一个半音程。奇怪,是吧?后面有一个电源开关,您可以关闭和恢复,这缝。我觉得这是很好的实践与莫土语M2之前关掉界面关闭你的电脑。我以前的接口是一个Focusrite斯佳丽2 i2第二世代。,,我不需要担心供电。然而,莫土语M2击败在几乎所有其他方面。

最佳动态范围在I / O接口的子- 500美元!

由瑞安要控制从纳什维尔,2020年9月22日,TN 音乐背景:电影作曲家,音乐制作人,词曲作者


我每天研究大约两周(不是开玩笑),和这个接口有最好的技术规格的任何接口在700美元以下。最近,阿波罗独奏UA发布他们的新系列,3 db更多动态范围输入和5 db低动态范围的输出……我怀疑任何人声称他们可以区分115分贝和118分贝的输入动态范围。再次,阿波罗的真正价值输入莫土语不能与一致/ UAD软件竞争。也不同的转换器有不同的角色,扮演成一个接口的声音,我喜欢整个“声音”或字符或UA接口在其他人我使用,但莫土语M2没有懒鬼。

让我们记住这是美元…我比较直接的接口成本几乎3 x。

我与本文有关的视频是最终说服我购买这个接口。列出接口在这个视频是莫土语M4,这是一样的,但更多的I / O我个人不需要。你的音乐听起来不会像这样严格,因为这个接口——这需要很多温暖的声音太棒了齿轮,和这个视频可能经历了一些严重的混合和掌握古实和高度专业的个人工作室。不过,视频证明了一件事——这就是你的音乐听起来像这个接口。它将支持和其他翻译很棒的齿轮你买非常准确,在我看来,这正是一个接口应该做的核心。

\nI use my computer for a lot between video (Premiere Pro, After Effects and WeVideo) and music production (Audition, Cakewalk, EastWest Play) and teaching through Zoom and Google Meets while using Guitar Pro and Sibelius. Also OBS and YouTube live streaming. The MOTU M2 is exceptionally solid and does not freak out when I have multiple applications opened. It handles them wonderfully. I used the loopback function yesterday to stream a Google Meet through OBS and then to YouTube. Lots going on there and it worked beautifully. I didnt think Id care about front panel metering but it turns out I do. Very useful when getting a good level thats not clipping when you have to use it in many different programs. I am looking forward to using Performer Lite this week which is free with the purchase of this. Seriously, could not be more happy this unit. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Jim", "sir_whereareyou": "Missouri, USA", "sir_background": "Guitar & Bass Instructor (25 years), Videographer, Live shows and 22 musical, runs Honors Grad GIT", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6740, "store_items_review_id": 284760, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gFXqELkNjTM", "sir_title": "Best Dynamic Range on I\/O for an Interface Sub-$500!", "sir_comments": "This interface has the ability to deliver clear audio, true to the source, and latency will not be an issue. Is it the best interface Ive ever owned? No. But Ive used UA interfaces and have always preferred them. Still, COVID-19 had other plans for my Apollo Twin (had to sell) and this was my compromise. While I do miss the UAD software quite a bit, I have to say I am absolutely stunned at both the quality and dynamic range of audio coming in, as well as audio going out to my monitors.

I researched every day for about two weeks (not kidding), and this interface had the best technical specs of any interface under $700 at the time. Recently, UA released their new Apollo Solo series, which have 3db more dynamic range on the inputs and 5db LESS dynamic range on the outputs. ...I would be skeptical of anyone claiming they could tell the difference between 115db and 118db of dynamic range on inputs. Again, the real value of the Apollo inputs that the MOTU cant compete with is the unison\/UAD software. Also, different converters have different character and that plays into the sound of an interface, and I tend to like the overall \"sound\" or character or UA interfaces over others Ive used, however the MOTU M2 is no slacker.

Lets remember this is $... and I am comparing it directly to an interface that costs almost 3x that amount.

The video I linked to this review is what finally convinced me to purchase this interface. The listed interface in this video is the MOTU M4, which is the exact same thing but with some more I\/O I didnt need personally. Your music wont sound like this strictly because of this interface - that would require lots of Warm Audios awesome gear, and this video likely underwent some serious mixing and mastering with highly professional individuals in very cush studios. Still, the video proves one thing - this is what your music CAN sound like with this interface. It will support and translate the other awesome gear you buy very accurately, and in my opinion, that is exactly what an interface should do at its core.", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Ryan Harner", "sir_whereareyou": "Nashville, TN", "sir_background": "Film Composer, Music Producer, Songwriter", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10694, "store_items_review_id": 303581, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-a1fa8f5c78abdd72277eaaffac295162d2158253\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-c150374d7eb68aa07446ab9cc430c53447acdb6b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Sound Is Amazing!! But a few drawbacks", "sir_comments": "I have owned the Motu M2 for 3 months now and I really do love it. There are a few cons below but I think for this price its hard to beat all depending on your specific application.
\nPros -
\nSound quality and a\/d converters are great ...same as on their higher end gear
\nMetering on front is awesome
\nSet Up was quick and easy
\nheadphone out driven by same high end converters
\nI can use it as a DAC to listen to amazon ultra HD Flac audio through my headphones and its quite remarkable
\ncomes with a loopback feature so you can record audio from any software on your computer (this is an extremely useful feature for sampling and for streaming audio from youtube to podcasts)
\nUSB Powered
\nWell Constructed
\nNo routing or mixing software - this means that the inputs and outputs are fixed - for instance it is not possible to assign a cue function to the headphone outputs so if you want to do any dj style productions where you need a cue then this is not the interface for you
\nIn addition this also limits anyone from hearing a click in their headphones that isnt coming out of the main outputs and you cannot create a separate mix to send to the headphones.
\nNo Direct Monitor mix adjustment - there is no way to mix the levels of your direct monitor and inside the box volume - so youll have to actually adjust the track or master volume in your daw - this is addressed with the bigger brother M4 that includes a monitor mix knob.
\nAll in all I do enjoy this little bad boy but I will need another device for doing live shows where I need my click only in my headphones.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Brian Delgado", "sir_whereareyou": "Aventura, FL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 31644, "store_items_review_id": 402831, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SgArsC7ESgI", "sir_title": "Bizarre Amplitude Issues, Quality Control?", "sir_comments": "My unit has been subject to the most deafening amplitude issues I have ever experienced. Whenever this unit is adjusted to approximately 25% volume on the master knob, the volume shoots up to an ear splitting 100% volume. I suspect that some people will be skeptical of this, so I have attached a video demonstrating the phenomena.
\nUnfortunately for me, I purchased this unit many years ago and it sat, unboxed, on a shelf until about last month when I rehomed my old Scarlet 2i2 first gen to a friend, and finally put this thing in as a replacement. Now, I really wish I hadnt done that. Since I purchased this thing so long ago, and even though it is still brand new (you can even still see the blue screen tape I havent removed since I deployed the unit), its pretty likely out of warranty, since the actual date of purchase was so long ago. I may as well have just lit a couple hundred dollars on fire, and whats worse, Im still going to have to purchase another new interface to replace this thing, likely at a comparable price.
\nFrom what I understand about this type of hardware, it seems like it may be a faulty potentiometer on the master knob, so that maybe indicates some quality control issues. Purchase at your own risk.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "Steven Ramey", "sir_whereareyou": "Florence, KY", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="284760">



我代替我的倾听者EVO 4到目前为止,这是一个伟大的经验。Pre安培提供大量的能量,很安静。能够监控麦克风同时还听到你的电脑音频是伟大的。耳机放大器/ dac是相当好的。容易驱使我300欧姆HD 600,听起来不错。与EVO 4你能听到从你的耳机,音频监控同时这很好。前领导米实际上是相当有用的。让它更容易拨在获得之前我开始记录我的古典吉他。只是希望他们用dB的水平。


通过加布雷诺,NV 9月8日,2020年




通过RKGonzalvo休斯顿,德克萨斯州6月29日,2020年 音乐背景:播客&画外音艺术家

我看这和斯佳丽2 i2。我知道斯佳丽是标准在播客中,但是我也看到了很多发光的莫土语M2的评论。

这两个特性使M2对我过去的2 i2 1)米在前面,这是如此的方便,2)个人幻影电源按钮。




这取代低Tascam USB 2 x2接口,最后显示它无法测量的任务,当我开始把电吉他音箱应用程序通过它。这是优势。在大多数现代系统,包括微软表面笔记本3,我可以运行ASIO低至128年伟大的响应时间。它偶尔打嗝,似乎是一个司机复苏,但声音是在几秒钟内只发生过两个小时,有些随机。驱动程序和固件更新应该没事的。否则稳定。伟大的工作在我的自定义构建Ryzen游戏电脑。

我真希望它是完全兼容USB 3.1的,但是一个接口与这些输入只需要2.0带宽。和3.1 / c型连接器允许它吸引足够的总线,它不需要外部力量。偶尔我的大Tascam。



2019年11月25日,由柯南道尔变成灰色 音乐背景:半专业

我取代PreSonus AudioBox iOne USB音频接口,没有褶皱的音频接口。单位工作细思嘉Focusrite独奏USB音频接口不能被Presonus工作室的艺术家。我必须说,莫土语M2是伟大的工作,立刻认出了我的软件。这是一个办公系统,权力我Arturia Keystep midi键盘和Spotify流光。很高兴有这些可怕的电表陪我。

声音是惊人的! !但一些缺点

通过从洲Aventura布莱恩Delgado, FL在2021年2月27日


优点- - - - - -
音质和a / d转换器是伟大的……高端装备一样
附带一个环回功能,这样你就可以从任何录音软件在你的电脑上(这是一个非常有用的特性对流式音频的采样和youtube podcast)


没有直接监控混合调整,没有办法把你的水平在盒子里面直接监测和体积,所以你需要调整跟踪或主音量寒鸦大哥哥M4 -这是解决这一问题,其中包括监控混合旋钮。


\nI use my computer for a lot between video (Premiere Pro, After Effects and WeVideo) and music production (Audition, Cakewalk, EastWest Play) and teaching through Zoom and Google Meets while using Guitar Pro and Sibelius. Also OBS and YouTube live streaming. The MOTU M2 is exceptionally solid and does not freak out when I have multiple applications opened. It handles them wonderfully. I used the loopback function yesterday to stream a Google Meet through OBS and then to YouTube. Lots going on there and it worked beautifully. I didnt think Id care about front panel metering but it turns out I do. Very useful when getting a good level thats not clipping when you have to use it in many different programs. I am looking forward to using Performer Lite this week which is free with the purchase of this. Seriously, could not be more happy this unit. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Jim", "sir_whereareyou": "Missouri, USA", "sir_background": "Guitar & Bass Instructor (25 years), Videographer, Live shows and 22 musical, runs Honors Grad GIT", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6740, "store_items_review_id": 284760, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gFXqELkNjTM", "sir_title": "Best Dynamic Range on I\/O for an Interface Sub-$500!", "sir_comments": "This interface has the ability to deliver clear audio, true to the source, and latency will not be an issue. Is it the best interface Ive ever owned? No. But Ive used UA interfaces and have always preferred them. Still, COVID-19 had other plans for my Apollo Twin (had to sell) and this was my compromise. While I do miss the UAD software quite a bit, I have to say I am absolutely stunned at both the quality and dynamic range of audio coming in, as well as audio going out to my monitors.

I researched every day for about two weeks (not kidding), and this interface had the best technical specs of any interface under $700 at the time. Recently, UA released their new Apollo Solo series, which have 3db more dynamic range on the inputs and 5db LESS dynamic range on the outputs. ...I would be skeptical of anyone claiming they could tell the difference between 115db and 118db of dynamic range on inputs. Again, the real value of the Apollo inputs that the MOTU cant compete with is the unison\/UAD software. Also, different converters have different character and that plays into the sound of an interface, and I tend to like the overall \"sound\" or character or UA interfaces over others Ive used, however the MOTU M2 is no slacker.

Lets remember this is $... and I am comparing it directly to an interface that costs almost 3x that amount.

The video I linked to this review is what finally convinced me to purchase this interface. The listed interface in this video is the MOTU M4, which is the exact same thing but with some more I\/O I didnt need personally. Your music wont sound like this strictly because of this interface - that would require lots of Warm Audios awesome gear, and this video likely underwent some serious mixing and mastering with highly professional individuals in very cush studios. Still, the video proves one thing - this is what your music CAN sound like with this interface. It will support and translate the other awesome gear you buy very accurately, and in my opinion, that is exactly what an interface should do at its core.", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Ryan Harner", "sir_whereareyou": "Nashville, TN", "sir_background": "Film Composer, Music Producer, Songwriter", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10694, "store_items_review_id": 303581, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-a1fa8f5c78abdd72277eaaffac295162d2158253\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-c150374d7eb68aa07446ab9cc430c53447acdb6b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Sound Is Amazing!! But a few drawbacks", "sir_comments": "I have owned the Motu M2 for 3 months now and I really do love it. There are a few cons below but I think for this price its hard to beat all depending on your specific application.
\nPros -
\nSound quality and a\/d converters are great ...same as on their higher end gear
\nMetering on front is awesome
\nSet Up was quick and easy
\nheadphone out driven by same high end converters
\nI can use it as a DAC to listen to amazon ultra HD Flac audio through my headphones and its quite remarkable
\ncomes with a loopback feature so you can record audio from any software on your computer (this is an extremely useful feature for sampling and for streaming audio from youtube to podcasts)
\nUSB Powered
\nWell Constructed
\nNo routing or mixing software - this means that the inputs and outputs are fixed - for instance it is not possible to assign a cue function to the headphone outputs so if you want to do any dj style productions where you need a cue then this is not the interface for you
\nIn addition this also limits anyone from hearing a click in their headphones that isnt coming out of the main outputs and you cannot create a separate mix to send to the headphones.
\nNo Direct Monitor mix adjustment - there is no way to mix the levels of your direct monitor and inside the box volume - so youll have to actually adjust the track or master volume in your daw - this is addressed with the bigger brother M4 that includes a monitor mix knob.
\nAll in all I do enjoy this little bad boy but I will need another device for doing live shows where I need my click only in my headphones.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Brian Delgado", "sir_whereareyou": "Aventura, FL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 31644, "store_items_review_id": 402831, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SgArsC7ESgI", "sir_title": "Bizarre Amplitude Issues, Quality Control?", "sir_comments": "My unit has been subject to the most deafening amplitude issues I have ever experienced. Whenever this unit is adjusted to approximately 25% volume on the master knob, the volume shoots up to an ear splitting 100% volume. I suspect that some people will be skeptical of this, so I have attached a video demonstrating the phenomena.
\nUnfortunately for me, I purchased this unit many years ago and it sat, unboxed, on a shelf until about last month when I rehomed my old Scarlet 2i2 first gen to a friend, and finally put this thing in as a replacement. Now, I really wish I hadnt done that. Since I purchased this thing so long ago, and even though it is still brand new (you can even still see the blue screen tape I havent removed since I deployed the unit), its pretty likely out of warranty, since the actual date of purchase was so long ago. I may as well have just lit a couple hundred dollars on fire, and whats worse, Im still going to have to purchase another new interface to replace this thing, likely at a comparable price.
\nFrom what I understand about this type of hardware, it seems like it may be a faulty potentiometer on the master knob, so that maybe indicates some quality control issues. Purchase at your own risk.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "Steven Ramey", "sir_whereareyou": "Florence, KY", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="303581">



我有好的luckw I莫土语M2到目前为止作为我的第一个外部接口。我将用它来驱动主动工作室显示器和外部耳机放大器。我希望它有固定线路电平输出,但到目前为止一直很高兴。声音的质量比我一直使用的内部声卡。到目前为止我有唯一的障碍是试图让易宝住识别输入,但我新的易宝,希望很快就会找出答案。


2019年12月30日由哈罗德的骨头 背景音乐:音乐制作人,歌手,歌曲外,记录和混合Eng

这的确是一个很好的入门级音频接口。我看到斯佳丽2 i2第三代,但我遇到几平方米的评论和视频,每个人都给了这个单位审查。我不得不说这个单位价格是固体,并能保证质量比较Presonus入门级行甚至斯坦伯格的。但我确实有一个倾听者ID14,我不得不说,倾听的方式比M2。如果你想要一些简单工作m2能做的没有错,但是如果你想要更好的东西没有打破银行的倾听者ID14,你会得到更好的前置放大器和更好的转换器。在一天结束的m2良好但不是惊人的。


12月15日2019年菲利普阿奎尔 背景:音乐爱好者业余

我使用的接口在Garagaband记录我的吉他。我有一个运行Mac OS 10.15(卡特琳娜),另一个运行OS 10.13(高山脉),另一个运行OS 10.12(山脉)。莫土语使提供的软件界面超低延迟仅适用于卡特琳娜。虽然我支持莫土语,他们很担心,希望我们找不到工作的问题是什么。接口类的工作模式与卡特琳娜没有问题,高塞拉,塞拉但这将是很高兴有超低延迟他们所有人。


由佤邦定加拉格尔12月5日,2020年 背景:音乐作曲家


它提供伟大的声音,但是我有两个问题与M2和M4。首先,Mac环回功能不工作。第二,接口是疯疯癫癫的,就当我关机或当我重启我的电脑…它不播放任何声音。M2 / M4出现在我的声音设置但是没有音频的演讲者,出现在屏幕上的水平。如果我切换到内部的声音我听到音频。我通常不得不把它关掉,在几次并重启我的机器。这发生在M2和M4,这使我相信有一个错误在Mac MSeries司机我从莫土语下载(因为他们都使用相同的驱动程序)。

不喜欢Windows 11 OS。

布罗迪惠誉的钱德勒,2022年6月25日,亚利桑那州 音乐背景:Metal-rock-blues吉他手/低音/声音/家庭工作室制作人&前半专业演奏音乐的音乐家。

阅读后我买了这许多伟大的评论。初始安装快捷简单,音质比我的旧Presonus 96接口,直到……玩几天后,我开始出现,噼啪声噪音。所以多故障排除后,调整缓冲和样本率甚至直接联系莫土语,我被告知,莫土语的东西通常比Windows与Mac操作系统更有效。我有点难过,因为声音,当它不龟裂,是伟大的。很自然,开放和光滑。我把莫土语M2回来换黑色的狮子音频革命2 x2和到目前为止工作更好,因为它有特殊Asio司机开发新的Windows操作系统,就像我的。如果莫土语建造它们的接口与Windows工作得很好,那么我很乐意给他们第二次机会,但现在,我会继续滚动黑狮的界面。





马里兰州的Byon Rothberg阿宾顿6月14日,2023年











对我来说不幸的是,很多年前我买了这个单位坐,从箱子中取出,在架子上直到上个月当我rehomed老红色2 i2第一创一个朋友,最后把这个东西放在作为替换。现在,我真希望我没有做过。自从我买了这个东西很久以前,尽管它仍然是全新的(你甚至还能看到蓝色屏幕磁带以来我还没有删除我部署单元),它很可能保修,因为实际的购买日期是很久以前。我可能刚刚着火点燃了几百美元,更糟糕的是,我仍然需要购买另一个新接口来取代这个东西,可能在比较价格。


\nI use my computer for a lot between video (Premiere Pro, After Effects and WeVideo) and music production (Audition, Cakewalk, EastWest Play) and teaching through Zoom and Google Meets while using Guitar Pro and Sibelius. Also OBS and YouTube live streaming. The MOTU M2 is exceptionally solid and does not freak out when I have multiple applications opened. It handles them wonderfully. I used the loopback function yesterday to stream a Google Meet through OBS and then to YouTube. Lots going on there and it worked beautifully. I didnt think Id care about front panel metering but it turns out I do. Very useful when getting a good level thats not clipping when you have to use it in many different programs. I am looking forward to using Performer Lite this week which is free with the purchase of this. Seriously, could not be more happy this unit. I hope it works as well for you as it does for me!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Jim", "sir_whereareyou": "Missouri, USA", "sir_background": "Guitar & Bass Instructor (25 years), Videographer, Live shows and 22 musical, runs Honors Grad GIT", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6740, "store_items_review_id": 284760, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gFXqELkNjTM", "sir_title": "Best Dynamic Range on I\/O for an Interface Sub-$500!", "sir_comments": "This interface has the ability to deliver clear audio, true to the source, and latency will not be an issue. Is it the best interface Ive ever owned? No. But Ive used UA interfaces and have always preferred them. Still, COVID-19 had other plans for my Apollo Twin (had to sell) and this was my compromise. While I do miss the UAD software quite a bit, I have to say I am absolutely stunned at both the quality and dynamic range of audio coming in, as well as audio going out to my monitors.

I researched every day for about two weeks (not kidding), and this interface had the best technical specs of any interface under $700 at the time. Recently, UA released their new Apollo Solo series, which have 3db more dynamic range on the inputs and 5db LESS dynamic range on the outputs. ...I would be skeptical of anyone claiming they could tell the difference between 115db and 118db of dynamic range on inputs. Again, the real value of the Apollo inputs that the MOTU cant compete with is the unison\/UAD software. Also, different converters have different character and that plays into the sound of an interface, and I tend to like the overall \"sound\" or character or UA interfaces over others Ive used, however the MOTU M2 is no slacker.

Lets remember this is $... and I am comparing it directly to an interface that costs almost 3x that amount.

The video I linked to this review is what finally convinced me to purchase this interface. The listed interface in this video is the MOTU M4, which is the exact same thing but with some more I\/O I didnt need personally. Your music wont sound like this strictly because of this interface - that would require lots of Warm Audios awesome gear, and this video likely underwent some serious mixing and mastering with highly professional individuals in very cush studios. Still, the video proves one thing - this is what your music CAN sound like with this interface. It will support and translate the other awesome gear you buy very accurately, and in my opinion, that is exactly what an interface should do at its core.", "sir_rating": "4.5", "sir_name": "Ryan Harner", "sir_whereareyou": "Nashville, TN", "sir_background": "Film Composer, Music Producer, Songwriter", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 10694, "store_items_review_id": 303581, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-a1fa8f5c78abdd72277eaaffac295162d2158253\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-c150374d7eb68aa07446ab9cc430c53447acdb6b\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMjI3MTUyMDIxLXBocGhmNzVtZy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Sound Is Amazing!! But a few drawbacks", "sir_comments": "I have owned the Motu M2 for 3 months now and I really do love it. There are a few cons below but I think for this price its hard to beat all depending on your specific application.
\nPros -
\nSound quality and a\/d converters are great ...same as on their higher end gear
\nMetering on front is awesome
\nSet Up was quick and easy
\nheadphone out driven by same high end converters
\nI can use it as a DAC to listen to amazon ultra HD Flac audio through my headphones and its quite remarkable
\ncomes with a loopback feature so you can record audio from any software on your computer (this is an extremely useful feature for sampling and for streaming audio from youtube to podcasts)
\nUSB Powered
\nWell Constructed
\nNo routing or mixing software - this means that the inputs and outputs are fixed - for instance it is not possible to assign a cue function to the headphone outputs so if you want to do any dj style productions where you need a cue then this is not the interface for you
\nIn addition this also limits anyone from hearing a click in their headphones that isnt coming out of the main outputs and you cannot create a separate mix to send to the headphones.
\nNo Direct Monitor mix adjustment - there is no way to mix the levels of your direct monitor and inside the box volume - so youll have to actually adjust the track or master volume in your daw - this is addressed with the bigger brother M4 that includes a monitor mix knob.
\nAll in all I do enjoy this little bad boy but I will need another device for doing live shows where I need my click only in my headphones.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Brian Delgado", "sir_whereareyou": "Aventura, FL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 31644, "store_items_review_id": 402831, "media_type": "video", "thumbnail": null, "media_path": "https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SgArsC7ESgI", "sir_title": "Bizarre Amplitude Issues, Quality Control?", "sir_comments": "My unit has been subject to the most deafening amplitude issues I have ever experienced. Whenever this unit is adjusted to approximately 25% volume on the master knob, the volume shoots up to an ear splitting 100% volume. I suspect that some people will be skeptical of this, so I have attached a video demonstrating the phenomena.
\nUnfortunately for me, I purchased this unit many years ago and it sat, unboxed, on a shelf until about last month when I rehomed my old Scarlet 2i2 first gen to a friend, and finally put this thing in as a replacement. Now, I really wish I hadnt done that. Since I purchased this thing so long ago, and even though it is still brand new (you can even still see the blue screen tape I havent removed since I deployed the unit), its pretty likely out of warranty, since the actual date of purchase was so long ago. I may as well have just lit a couple hundred dollars on fire, and whats worse, Im still going to have to purchase another new interface to replace this thing, likely at a comparable price.
\nFrom what I understand about this type of hardware, it seems like it may be a faulty potentiometer on the master knob, so that maybe indicates some quality control issues. Purchase at your own risk.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "Steven Ramey", "sir_whereareyou": "Florence, KY", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="402831">


通过从圣安吉洛达科他吉普森,TX 1月10日,2023年


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