



结婚 14 下午5点等


结婚 21


星期四 22


12月后 22



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$ 20,000终极吉他装备赠品!
吉布森Les Paul经典电吉他- Honeyburst图像1

吉布森Les Paul经典电吉他- Honeyburst评论

固体电吉他与桃花心木身体,枫木顶部,桃花心木脖子,红木指板,和2 Humbucking皮卡-蜜爆
2499年 〇〇







布莱恩于2022年11月17日在亚利桑那州报道 音乐背景:40多年电吉他演奏经验(摇滚/电子布鲁斯/重金属)

惊人的! !关于这把吉布森吉他的一切都太棒了!!

蜂蜜爆裂的颜色是顶级的枫木纹理,它看起来像一个原始的60年代LP。没有任何划痕或撞击声。所有的控制旋钮工作完美,我喜欢这把吉他有一个旁通旋钮绑在桥拾音器。桥接器的调音旋钮是旁路,你只要拉动它就能激活它。拾音器非常明亮,在失真和清洁频道上听起来都令人难以置信。颈部和指板完美无瑕。吉他已经被plek'd和烦躁丝滑,没有烦躁嗡嗡声和发芽。颈部有一点放松,这正是它应该有的,因为干燥的气候和潮湿会使颈部波动。主体的装订效果很好。调谐器也做他们的工作。 The case it came in is Gibson's Modern LP case and the guitar fits perfectly.




我的销售工程师(Shaka Dhladhla)总是提供优秀的客户服务!

2022年Les Paul Classic在Honeyburst举办

2022年10月4日,武钢乔恩报道 音乐背景:管家的职业

我星期三上午九点半左右在电话里订了这个,第二天星期四中午之前就送到了我家门口。这些年来,我拥有相当一部分Les paul,目前拥有一张1997年的R8, 2019年的LP Standard, 2018年的LP Classic, 2014年的LP Traditional, 2张Epiphone elite LP,现在又有了这只野兽。这张2022年的LP Classic令人尖叫。颈部演奏流畅而快速,指板美丽而深沉。这台仪器的做工很好,质量控制也很好。它在高E上有3/64的音,在低E上有5/64的音,很准,甚至很准。这对我来说太疯狂了。我一直在玩它通过一个5E3花呢豪华和我的踏板,我喜欢这把吉他和旁路旋钮是很棒的独奏提升。而且,偶然发现了一个罕见的促销,这就是为什么我买了这个,而不是一个更有花纹的上衣或不是莱斯保罗。我正在寻找一个LP特别或Jr,和谐彗星,或一个PRS CE24,这个交易太好了,不能错过。 Later that day the price went back up so I'm not sure if it as on purpose or not, either way keep your eyes peeled!



我从Sweetwater购买的Gibson Les Paul Classic超出了我所有的188金宝搏官网是多少预期。从它的“适合和完成”到我每次演奏时所获得的非凡声音,它真的是不同寻常的。我从来没有弹过plek'd指板,我知道它会演奏得很好,而且指尖很容易弹!我只是很抱歉我没早点买下来


凯斯·m于2022年6月14日在密歇根州报道 音乐背景:学习吉他51年。

伟大的Les Paul, 9孔减轻重量而不是现代蜂窝状减轻。我看不出买标准版的钱就能买封面。体重减轻吗?我的正好重10磅。最漂亮的平面图案。它是完美的设置,但我调整到我的喜好。
声音都是Les Paul的,但皮卡对我来说有点热,所以我从意大利的Dreamsongs订购了一套Alnico 4带白色筒管的皮卡。我还发现了比吉布森更轻的铝止尾,并将所有塑料硬件改为白色。然后我重新与9的改变后,格罗弗根格罗弗复古绿色钥匙。等我把莱斯特个性化了,就把照片贴上去。


2022年4月15日,堪萨斯ElectricUrinal拍摄 音乐背景:很多

在我30年的吉他生涯中,我有过几把Les paul。他们对不同的乐器都很熟悉……这是正常的。这特别的经典LP在Honeyburst是一个吉布森的宝石。当我得到它时,它需要对设置进行详细的最终调整……虽然它可以在盒子外玩,没有什么实质性的紊乱。我有我想要的特定的东西,这个仪器能够毫无困难地提供我所需要的设置。这台QC可与我2008年的LP Std媲美。没有什么是匆忙的,也没有什么是拙劣的。几乎没有工具的痕迹在装订或微动,这是更常见的在过去。 Neck joint looks tight and solid with no signs of trouble there. The tone is pure Les Paul. I've had others with a bit more of the signature LP midrange throaty-nasal thing, even to a degree that it was a bit too much, but this one has a nice balance of that signature LP tone, without overdoing it. The rosewood fingerboard (like any new guitar) was pretty dry, and loaded with fine sawdust from construction, but with some Music Nomad Fingerboard Conditioner it was perfect... it needed 2 treatments to clean out the dust and leave it well hydrated, dark and smooth. The pickup coil-tapping is handy. Tapped doesn't quite sound like regular single coils, but they have a cool slightly thinner bitey sound that is usable... especially in middle position with the phase switch. You can dial in lots of middle-position gurgle tones with the taps and the phase switch. My one complaint is I wish the frets had a bit more meat to them. Coming from a newer Strat with narrow-tall frets to this with lower LP frets can be a bit of a culture-shock. But it doesn't take long to get used to it. Took about a day and my fingers are flying with ease, bending with no problem. My 08 LP has frets that are a tad taller... but they're not finished as nicely. The intonation of the instrument is superb. Chords ring true everywhere. The nut slots were perfect... exactly where I would have cut them for myself. It's a tank at close to 10 pounds, but that's not really a problem. LPs are rather compact guitars compared to some others, and the weight sits close to your own center of mass. The balance is perfect with no neck dive and most of the weight is in the body. This guitar has pretty much infinite sustain with a bit of overdrive... it sings forever. Very pleased with the LP Classic. This is a keeper.



刚收到我见过的最帅的莱斯·保罗。网上的照片很棒,但当我打开盒子时,我惊呆了,我妻子也完全同意。她弹得像黄油一样,有一个出色的设置,就在盒子里,音色很远!由于斯威特沃特188金宝搏官网是多少! !


戴夫于2022年1月8日报道 音乐背景:爱好者






约翰·保罗·德巴德2021年12月17日在宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒报道 音乐背景:音乐制作、母制和吉他手

我有几把Les paul,我不得不说这把吉他弹起来就像做梦一样。当我收到吉他时,其中一个音量旋钮坏了,所以我打电话给他们,他们立即给我寄了一个新的。所以我总是在甜水镇买装备!188金宝搏官网是多少他们总是把我放在第一位。回到吉他上,我喜欢它的感觉,它的木头很漂亮。强烈推荐!

Les Paul Classis

丹尼斯·布朗2021年11月12日在波特兰迪亚报道 音乐背景:演奏蓝调吉他50多年,

我收到了我的Les Paul Classic March 2020,这是一把很棒的吉他!“蜂蜜爆裂”是我选择的颜色,合身和完成都是完美的,我喜欢纯色上衣的身材。我是一个传统的玩家,但线圈敲击和相位切换是一个加分项(不经常使用)。设置近乎完美,客户服务毫无疑问是最好的!Andrew做我的代表已经15年了,他提供了最好的客户服务,他会毫不犹豫地解决任何问题或顾虑。


如果你想要一个新的Les Paul,新的经典是一个杰出的吉他,你会自豪地把它系上。

\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="333884">


奥兰于2021年6月9日在南路易斯安那州拍摄 音乐背景:传统乡村音乐

Gibson Les Paul经典Honeyburst
我在不同的当地乐队玩了大约50年的贝斯吉他。从2006年开始,电吉他只是一个家庭爱好。我演奏传统的乡村音乐。这是我收藏的第11把吉他(再对一把)。第一个吉布森。我能说什么呢这是"吉布森·莱斯·保罗"我一直想要一个。我在50年代的Les Paul, 60年代的Les Paul和Classic之间辩论。对我来说,经典的色彩更明亮。桥(没有推拉)确实有很好的乡村音乐。 With the push and pull there are extra sounds (if you want it). Don't have to use it. Sounds great without them, but it's there.




我已经很多年没打过球了,上一次我手里拿着莱斯·保罗还是在90年代。去年十月才重新开始。我现在有5把吉他,当我得到吉布森Les Paul经典的时候,我喜欢Les Paul的所有原因都回来了!我的新经典(蜂蜜爆发)是美丽的,玩起来像一个梦,非常适合我的马歇尔100瓦半堆叠。我太高兴了!感谢Sweetwater的员工,感谢他们的出色工作,感188金宝搏官网是多少谢我的销售代表Tyler的出色沟通和服务。“重新回到马鞍上”的感觉真好。

\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="307758">


塞拉斯·阿尔伯特于2021年2月22日在俄亥俄州拍摄 音乐背景:摇滚,金属




我有不少Epiphone Les paul手机,坦白说,它们都很“平庸”,但那是我当时能负担得起的。很快,我就有足够的钱买一把真正的美国制造的Les Paul吉他,这把吉他绝对很棒!首先,我喜欢声音的通用性,我从这些humbuckers和线圈敲击。我直接跑进了马歇尔DSL 40,没有踏板——什么都没有,因为我喜欢我从这把吉他和放大器组合中得到的声音。我得到了强烈的失真,然后是一种几乎像斯特拉特的声音。太棒了。持续性也很惊人。Epiphone和Gibson在演奏能力上有很大的不同,这是我没有预料到的,因为它们应该是“同一把”吉他。但这是白天和黑夜。相信我,不要为了取代真正的Les Paul而买很多epiphone。 Just scrimp and save to get the real thing. I have since sold my Epiphones.

此外,我的销售工程师拉里·里德(Larry Reed)在最后一秒忍受了我对购物车的所有更改,最终选择了这把吉他。我很高兴在这个价格范围内,我在购物车中选择了这把吉他,拉里提供了一流的客户服务。此外,Swe188金宝搏官网是多少etwater的技术人员为我设置了非常出色的吉他,所以它可以直接使用。我强烈建议你有甜水做一个设置在你的仪器之前,它的钱花得值188金宝搏官网是多少!


最后! !


多年来我一直想要个莱斯·保罗,终于决定买这个了。通常情况下,我打算用吉布森换电子产品,因为490/498和Burstbucker Pros并没有给我留下深刻的印象。我不知道对这些Burstbucker '61的期望是什么,但我不得不说他们有咬痕和清晰度,所以他们会留在这把吉他里。脖子也像黄油一样。它的细纹也比我多年来尝试过的许多莱斯·保罗(Les Paul)的好。最后的效果比我看过的“历史派”好,价钱是我的两倍。枫木的顶部有一个很好的火焰,非常适合我的口味,我通常更喜欢HB的普通顶部。

他们唯一的缺点是推拉开关,我从来都不是一个粉丝;我更喜欢固体锅,但有些人可能喜欢所有的选择。设置很好,除了停止杆一直弯曲到身体,使琴弦休息在桥上,经过马鞍(不确定这是来自甜水还是吉布森),但这是一个很容易解决的问题。188金宝搏官网是多少这款手机壳看起来很酷,但质量与许多廉价手机壳或他们为Epiphone Les paul销售的手机壳相同。锁定调谐器本来会很好(经典T几年前就有了),但我能理解为什么Gibson不再使用Grover的锁定调谐器了。我可能会用一套Hipshots。


\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="290535">


马特·克利夫兰(Matt Cleveland)于2020年9月14日撰文




\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="283650">


蒂姆于2020年8月19日在佛罗里达州报道 音乐背景:中级爱好者








B. Bender于2020年7月1日在德克萨斯州拍摄 音乐背景:长期播放器和YouTube频道TheBenderBunker的创建者,专门在B-bender和乡村吉他课程。

我已经有20多年没有真正玩过吉布森了,但我准备给家里添一台,所以我选择了Les Paul Classic,不仅是因为它的价格更低,还因为它包含了推拉电子器件的音色塑形选项。我还想要Honeyburst的颜色。我知道我想要一个体重在9.5磅以下的。所以我耐心地跟踪了甜水网站,直到终于出现了一个我喜欢的188金宝搏官网是多少重量、颜色和木纹图案的网站。吉他发货第二天,并抵达包装良好,在完美的条件。当我第一次看到这把吉他时,我(现在仍然)被它的外观所震撼。Honeyburst根据房间里的灯光改变颜色,房间里的灯光非常凉爽。这把吉他的所有部分都是一流的。设置是伟大的权利从盒子和准备发挥。吉他的干净和肮脏的音调听起来都很棒。 I'm primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything I'd hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.

\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="274426">

杰出的工具! !

大卫·彼得·马考斯基于2020年6月19日在宾夕法尼亚州费城报道 音乐背景:专业

我绝对喜欢吉布森莱斯保罗经典,因为它不同于标准的方式,使它成为我的完美版本。硬件是这样一个伟大的选择吉布森选择使用铝尾片和铝无电线ABR-1桥。调谐器是标准的Grovers,我唯一希望吉布森做的不同的是使用Grover“牛奶瓶”调谐器,这将使仪器更真实的时期美学。正如其他人所提到的,合身和完成都是完美的。我买了蜂蜜的爆裂完成,即使枫木帽是一个“普通顶部”的木纹是可见的通过硝基漆完成。我已经收到了一些积极的评论,认为结尾是多么漂亮。最后,更新的吉布森61R和61N阿尔尼科V汉巴克只是听起来令人难以置信。干得好,吉布森!我想说的是,虽然我没有从Sweetwater Music得到这把特殊的乐器,但如果不是因为我把吉他放在了贸易装备上,我就会这样做。188金宝搏官网是多少我购买了2013年吉布森Les Paul标准遗产樱桃日burst, 2016年吉布森SG标准T乌木,2016年吉布森探险家乌木,所有这些都是“顶级货架”乐器,甜水音乐的人在他们被运送到我之前非常小心地设置和调整。188金宝搏官网是多少 The high quality and inspection combined with the lowest prices make Sweetwater Music the BEST on-line retailer to purchase expensive guitars from and take it from me, a genuine Sweetwater Music customer, you will get the very best version of whichever instrument you select. (6) Stars!!!!!!


Stephen Montoya于2020年5月28日在犹他州报道 音乐背景:在我年轻的时候玩过4人乐队和3人乐队,Aalexas, Speekeasy和一个大的Funk乐队,有号角Soul Patrol 10名成员。我刚退休,为了恢复我的工作。



由Sw188金宝搏官网是多少eetwater Customer于2020年3月12日撰写



乔治于2020年2月10日在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯报道 音乐背景:音乐家/专业录音室工程师

我在2013年买了第一台吉布森。那是一辆全新的LPJ。它没有铃铛和哨子,只是直接惊人的音调,来自一个精良的美国野兽。这是我当时所能负担得起的,但它给我的乐队和我留下了深刻的印象。这是我第一把“真正的”电吉他。从那以后,我还能在2015年购买一个新的火鸟,现在我有这个惊人的蜂蜜爆裂经典LP!我知道有很多“纯粹主义者”不喜欢线圈敲击功能以及相位反转,但我说带来无尽的音调能力!它能减轻一点体重,但还不至于让你感觉你抱着一头野兽!我非常感谢Erik和Sweetwater为我提供了一个演示版188金宝搏官网是多少本的交易,因为它实际上是一个非常微小的缺陷(大多数零售商会很容易地以全价出售它),它基本上是全新的!我会一辈子珍惜这把吉他! It comes PLEK'd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. It's very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. I've been a customer of yours now for a year but I've basically gotten a whole studio's worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldn't be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!

\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="259870">


由Sw188金宝搏官网是多少eetwater Customer于2020年2月3日撰写


感谢Brad Jahn提供的出色的客户服务!


由Sw188金宝搏官网是多少eetwater Customer于2020年1月22日撰写


2019年les Paul经典

2020年1月16日,南泽西的大卫·贝尔蒙特报道 音乐背景:中级





\nIve loved and lost 3 vintage Gibsons over the years and Ive found this guitar to be true to the name \"Gibson Guitars\", everything a Les Paul should be.
\nIf your thinking about a new Les Paul the new Classic is an outstanding guitar and you would be proud to strap it on.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dennis Brown", "sir_whereareyou": "Portlandia", "sir_background": "played Blues guitar for over 50 years,", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 11587, "store_items_review_id": 307758, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-a29f40701b30133154f94448dc5481abdee9e076\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwMzMxMTIyNzIyLXBocHY3ZHZvYS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210331122722-phpv7dvoa.jpeg", "sir_title": "Back in the saddle again and loving it!", "sir_comments": "I havent played in years,last time I had a Les Paul in my hands was back in the 90s. Just got back into it last October. I have 5 guitars now and when I got the Gibson Les Paul Classic all the reasons that I love Les Pauls so much came back to me! My new Classic (Honey Burst) is beautiful and plays like a dream and matches up very well with my Marshall 100 watt half stack. I couldnt be happier! Shout out to the people at Sweetwater for the great job of setting it up and thanks to my sales rep Tyler for the great communication and service. It feels so good to be \"Back in the saddle again\".", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Barry Parnell", "sir_whereareyou": "Effingham, IL", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7960, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-36fa88b6e6b1963653fb55178d750037e890f3f5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMjQ1LXBocGx3d2d4bC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190245-phplwwgxl.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 7961, "store_items_review_id": 290535, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-42366e6b9412969709b65d94dee0213601132518\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMTE1MTkwMzAwLXBocHllaXA4dy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201115190300-phpyeip8w.jpeg", "sir_title": "Finally!!", "sir_comments": "Been wanting a Les Paul in honeyburst for years, and finally pulled the trigger on this one. Normally with Gibsons I plan to swap electronics as the 490\/498s and Burstbucker Pros dont impress me. I didnt know what to expect with these Burstbucker 61s, but I have to say they have bite and clarity so theyll be staying in this guitar. The neck plays like butter as well. The fretwork is better than many Les Pauls Ive tried over the years as well. The finish is better than Historics Ive seen for double the money. The maple top has a nice light flame thats perfect for my taste, I usually prefer plain tops on HB.
\nThey only negatives are the push-pull switches that Ive never been a fan of; I prefer solid pots, but some may like all the options. The setup was pretty good except the stop bar was cranked all the way to the body making the strings rest on the bridge past the saddles (not sure if this was from Sweetwater or Gibson) but its an easy fix. The case looks cool, but is about the same quality as many budget cases or the cases they sell for Epiphone Les Pauls. Locking tuners would have been nice (the Classic T had them a couple years ago) but I can understand why Gibson isnt using Grovers locking tuners anymore. Ill probably use a set of Hipshots.
\nAll-in-all, this is a spectacular Les Paul thats not priced TOO far into the ridiculous. Definitely would recommend to anyone.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Dave Wiese", "sir_whereareyou": "Wisconsin", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 6503, "store_items_review_id": 283650, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e5a9a19de331ebacdf3d5f157b04d019ddd10aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwOTE0MDgyNTQ2LXBocGJxY3h0dC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200914082546-phpbqcxtt.jpeg", "sir_title": "Perfect in every way!", "sir_comments": "Thank you Sweetwater for the promt and professional service. Colin Ingalls is a great Sales Engineer!
\nThe 2020 Classic we received is perfect in every way. Fit and finish are top notch. Every last detail was looked after.
\nSounds and plays great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Matt Cleveland", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 4603, "store_items_review_id": 274426, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-e9a7fdf6c52829d3b35ee70798fa68facfbfa1f8\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNzAxMDIxMjQ0LXBocDh5aWI3Yi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200701021244-php8yib7b.jpeg", "sir_title": "Even Better than Expected!", "sir_comments": "I hadnt really played a Gibson in well over 20 years but was ready to add one to the family so I selected the Les Paul Classic not only for the lower price point but for the included tone shaping options with the push\/pull electronics. I also wanted the Honeyburst color. I knew I wanted one that weighed under 9.5 lbs. so I patiently stalked the Sweetwater site until one finally appeared with the weight, coloring and wood grain patterns I liked. Guitar shipped next day and arrived well packed and in perfect condition. I was (still am) blown away by the appearance of the guitar when I first viewed it. The Honeyburst changes coloration depending on the lighting in the room which is very cool. Fit and finish on all parts of the guitar are first rate. Setup was great right out of the box and ready to play. Guitar sounds amazing with both clean and dirty tones. Im primarily a Telecaster player but having a Les Paul in the mix now has opened up an entirely different range of tones and my new Les Paul Classic is everything Id hoped for and more. Well done Gibson and great service from Sweetwater.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "B. Bender", "sir_whereareyou": "Texas", "sir_background": "Long time player and creator of the YouTube channel TheBenderBunker which specializes in B-bender & Country guitar lessons.", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1771, "store_items_review_id": 259870, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-26040f769e116edf5949150e66d26a991b7cb881\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwMjEwMTY1NDQ1LXBocGNwY2RjcS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20200210165445-phpcpcdcq.jpeg", "sir_title": "LOVE MY NEW LP CLASSIC!!!", "sir_comments": "I bought my first Gibson back in 2013. It was a brand new LPJ. There were no bells and whistles on it, just straight-up amazing tones that came from a well-made USA beast. It was all I could afford at the time but it impressed my band as well as me. It was my first ever \"real\" electric guitar. Since then, I was also able to purchase a then new Firebird in 2015 and now I have this amazing Honeyburst Classic LP! I know there are a lot of \"purists\" out there who dont like the coil-tapping feature as well as phase-reversal but I say bring on the endless tonal capabilities! Its got a little bit of weight relief but not to the point where it doesnt feel like youre holding a beast! Im very grateful to Erik and Sweetwater for the deal I got on a DEMO version of it as it was literally a very minuscule imperfection (most retailers would have easily sold it at full price), it is basically brand-new! I will cherish this guitar as long as I live! It comes PLEKd from factory and you can really feel the smoothness along the whole fretboard. Its very difficult to put it down! Again, thank you Erik and the whole Sweetwater team. Ive been a customer of yours now for a year but Ive basically gotten a whole studios worth of gear in that time from you guys and I couldnt be any prouder to say it. Oh, great candy too!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "George", "sir_whereareyou": "Minneapolis, MN", "sir_background": "Musician \/ Professional Studio Enginner", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1059, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-b601ba01d318653f8de7c101341ce67253950dd7\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MjMzLXBocGxwYmpkcC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225233-phplpbjdp.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 1060, "store_items_review_id": 255460, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-dfa2701762170403a53b891f760c6c317501db2c\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMTkxMjI4MjI1MzMyLXBocGZkZXN1Zy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20191228225332-phpfdesug.jpeg", "sir_title": "Best Guitar Ever!!!", "sir_comments": "This Les Paul is perfect for Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, really any thing classic rock and even metal. It plays beautifully and is crisp, clear, and quiet when my amp is cranked. Buy it you won\u2019t regret!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="255460">

吉布森Les Paul经典

托尼·w·布伦斯于2019年11月4日在北卡罗来纳州夏洛特报道 音乐背景:摇滚注册会计师

我很高兴我买了这把吉他。这不是典型的莱斯·保罗,但也差不多了。做工的质量是一流的。这把吉他很平衡,弹起来很棒,听起来也很棒。我只是非常满意。这是我买的第三个Les Paul了,但第一个已经用了30年了。
