Gear not included.<\/p>"}" manufacturer="Gator Frameworks" itemid="GFWELITESCARB" url="/store/detail/GFWELITESCARB--gator-frameworks-elite-series-sidecar-rack-dark-walnut-brown" product-name="Elite Series Sidecar Rack - Dark Walnut Brown" serial="" :no-main-images-found="false" :serial-weight="0" :has-serial-images="false" :comparable-serials-count="0" :serial-is-sold="false" :serial-is-reserved="false" whack="" swexclusivewhack="" :eval="false" :sweexclusive-eval="false" :brass-eval="false" :wood-eval="false" :string-eval="false" hasalerts="" class="product-media" v-cloak>


木头的双轮马车架具有可配置4 u / 8 u / 12 u间距,内阁存储、托盘,货架,布朗和Removeable轮子——黑胡桃木

短吻鳄框架精英系列跨斗架房子你的齿轮是一种方便的方法。可配置4 u / 8 u / 12架间距提供了所有你需要的房间你的前置放大器,影响处理器,和其他架装安装齿轮,和它的顶面是一个伟大的适合一个转盘,桌面音频接口,或者一个小型门店混合器。在淡水,我们感谢188金宝搏官网是多少精英系列跨斗架的高度可调整滑出式托盘,这是适合小MIDI控制器和鼓机。你也得内阁存储soft-close门,架子调节高度,后方电缆透传断路。最后,短吻鳄框架精英系列跨斗架包括平脚和可移动的轮子最大稳定和简单的流动。

美元 349年 获得


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\nFirst of all, the material is not a plywood as stated in the description, it is MDF. It is decent density, but nowhere near the strength of the plywood of the same thickness. Second, the manufacturing quality is quite low. Few cam screws were misthreaded, fortunately there were few extra in a bag. The description states the unit comes with casters and leveling feet for different applications. Leveling feet were missing from the package. Most importantly, the cam screw holes on the top section were pre-drilled in the wrong places (mirroring their correct location), which made assembly impossible. Perhaps the packaging included top section from different model, although I couldnt find any mention of the left side cabinet model anywhere on Gator website.
\nAfter spending close to an hour assembling the unit, I had to waste another 30 minutes to disassemble and package it for return shipping. Extremely disappointed.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 23392, "store_items_review_id": 362942, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-26d515408cff1afd706dc92b3f8a731034666b69\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjE4MTUxMzMwLXBocHhkeXRqeC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-1d2577388a5b09f29cb8473cfbfa1084d376a24e\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjIwNjE4MTUxMzMwLXBocHhkeXRqeC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Poor quality control", "sir_comments": "I really wanted to like this rack - it seemed to be perfect size for my needs. However, the workmanship and overall quality leave much to be desired.
\nFirst of all, the material is not a plywood as stated in the description, it is MDF. It is decent density, but nowhere near the strength of the plywood of the same thickness. Second, the manufacturing quality is quite low. Few cam screws were misthreaded, fortunately there were few extra in a bag. The description states the unit comes with casters and leveling feet for different applications. Leveling feet were missing from the package. Most importantly, the cam screw holes on the top section were pre-drilled in the wrong places (mirroring their correct location), which made assembly impossible. Perhaps the packaging included top section from different model, although I couldnt find any mention of the left side cabinet model anywhere on Gator website.
\nAfter spending close to an hour assembling the unit, I had to waste another 30 minutes to disassemble and package it for return shipping. Extremely disappointed.", "sir_rating": "1.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="362942">
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