自从我从Sweetwater得到这把吉他以来,我已经3年没有做过任何设置了,每周都玩它,至少每月都用它演出。188金宝搏官网是多少我对这把吉他的赞美比其他任何吉他都多,其他音乐家都告诉我它听起来有多棒。在dup演出中,我带着这个和我的Maton 6,尽可能多地玩12。丰富的音调是不可思议的,它保持的很好。
我最近买了一根12弦,但它的刺耳声让我很失望。所以我在我的价格范围内研究了不同的12弦,并决定选择epiphone蜂鸟12弦。我对这把吉他的结构和音色印象深刻。它不是刺耳的声音,更像是一种音乐编钟,我非常喜欢。Epiphone在gibson line的启发下做了很棒的工作。每个人都梦想拥有一把优质的吉他,但没有数千美元可以花。这句话会让人印象深刻。
这东西打出了远远超过它的899的入场费-它的规格表读起来像一个最热门的名单。实心云杉顶部,实心红木b+s,燕尾颈接头,Grover调谐器,Fishman PU,厚斜面挑护,吉布森定制商店风格的完成(看起来像他们的VOS完成)。我只玩了我自己的那台,所以我的样本量并不大,但我的是12分的,非常温暖和低音。通常12分可能会过度倾斜,甚至会变脆。不是这个,它是如此温暖和音乐。游戏的可玩性是完美的。坦白地说,我是从我们当地的夫妻小店买的,不是从Sweetwater买的,但我坚决推荐SW——我妻子和我多年来在SW花了数千美元,对他们一直188金宝搏官网是多少很满意。如果你在市场上12弦给它一个好的外观-你不会后悔的
\n Thanks again to Andy Scheer and the great folks at Sweetwater. You have fulfilled a life long dream.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Brian Smith", "sir_whereareyou": "Pennsylvania", "sir_background": "Semi-professional player", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8845, "store_items_review_id": 295000, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-d29600c5bea87527841072aed41dde852a9dca11\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjIxMTA0NzUzLXBocGtucnJ0ZS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201221104753-phpknrrte.jpeg", "sir_title": "Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string, great guitar!", "sir_comments": "Ive been playing this guitar for the last couple weeks. Its really quit nice! I had the techs at Sweetwater set this one up as 12 strings can be a tricky balance. They did a wonderful job. The action is low, without buzz yet enough distance to get a grip with my finger tips. Intonation is spot on. Fit and finish is perfect. The best about this instrument is the tone. The sound belts out when strummed. I am enjoying recording with it, utilizing the on board pickup. it sounds miced when going into my DAW. It doesnt have that acoustic pickup sound that is often times so disappointing. I have a 2007 Gibson Hummingbird and this Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string makes a matched set. Thanks Sweetwater!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "California", "sir_background": "semi-professional", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 17782, "store_items_review_id": 336274, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-62d3a4eb7ed844df48e0f36516dd311a7bcfacff\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjExMjAxMDI1NjI1LXBocDlvZ3pxdi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20211201025625-php9ogzqv.jpeg", "sir_title": "Solid Value", "sir_comments": "In the last 10 years I have resigned myself to only purchasing American made guitars with the exception of an Ibanez acoustic baritone. I purchased the Epiphone Hummingbird 12 String acoustic based upon many reviews touting the quality and craftsmanship of this guitar that is made in Indonesia. Shipping wasnt stellar. Obviously there are all kinds of problems with the supply chain, but I ordered the guitar on 11\/23. Delivery date was set for 11\/26, the guitar arrived on 11\/29. As with everything Ive purchased from Sweetwater, the packaging was stellar. The guitar is stunning. The color (to me) has less of a red tint in the burst than the pictures indicate. It looks fantastic. I am really pleased with the craftsmanship of the guitar, inside and out. The only complaint on the construction, its very minor and imperceptible while playing, is a little bit of a rough feel to the binding on the body. The frets and the neck are very well done. The strings on the guitar were discolored and I felt like that should have been corrected before the guitar was shipped. Other than those caveats, the tone is beautiful, the action is quite good and it looks to be incredibly well made. A 12 string is probably not the \"go to\" guitar for many players these days, but this is a fantastic bang-for-your-buck guitar to add to the collection.", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Jeremiah", "sir_whereareyou": "Kailua Kona, Hawaii", "sir_background": "20+ years and still learning", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="373376">
到目前为止,我已经和甜水公司打交道快两年了。188金宝搏官网是多少当我开始尝试拉12弦时,我买了一根便宜的Fender 12弦来练习。我认识的大多数吉他手都对演奏12弦乐器不感兴趣。去年我买了我的公会D-2612CE 12弦吉他,因为我想升级到一个优质的12弦。Patrick Lantz向我推荐了公会,他知道我准备花更多的钱。
我有一根Takimine 12弦大约20年前花了2000多美元这是一种声音和结构上更好的乐器。我感兴趣的是AB它的顶部12弦大约花费4K,看看是否有声音上的差异。
灵感来自Gibson Epiphone蜂鸟12弦
向Andy Scheer(销售工程师)的知识和专业技能大喊大叫。我刚刚买了最后12根我需要的弦。当我把我的Fishman Loudbox Mini(也来自Sweetwater)插上电源时,我惊呆了。188金宝搏官网是多少这把吉他的外观、声音和演奏都像激发它灵感的吉布森。如果它不是吉布森,那它就错过了一个好机会。
再次感谢Andy Scheer和Sweetwater的优秀员工。188金宝搏官网是多少你实现了一生的梦想。
\n Thanks again to Andy Scheer and the great folks at Sweetwater. You have fulfilled a life long dream.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Brian Smith", "sir_whereareyou": "Pennsylvania", "sir_background": "Semi-professional player", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8845, "store_items_review_id": 295000, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-d29600c5bea87527841072aed41dde852a9dca11\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjIxMTA0NzUzLXBocGtucnJ0ZS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201221104753-phpknrrte.jpeg", "sir_title": "Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string, great guitar!", "sir_comments": "Ive been playing this guitar for the last couple weeks. Its really quit nice! I had the techs at Sweetwater set this one up as 12 strings can be a tricky balance. They did a wonderful job. The action is low, without buzz yet enough distance to get a grip with my finger tips. Intonation is spot on. Fit and finish is perfect. The best about this instrument is the tone. The sound belts out when strummed. I am enjoying recording with it, utilizing the on board pickup. it sounds miced when going into my DAW. It doesnt have that acoustic pickup sound that is often times so disappointing. I have a 2007 Gibson Hummingbird and this Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string makes a matched set. Thanks Sweetwater!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "California", "sir_background": "semi-professional", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 17782, "store_items_review_id": 336274, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-62d3a4eb7ed844df48e0f36516dd311a7bcfacff\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjExMjAxMDI1NjI1LXBocDlvZ3pxdi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20211201025625-php9ogzqv.jpeg", "sir_title": "Solid Value", "sir_comments": "In the last 10 years I have resigned myself to only purchasing American made guitars with the exception of an Ibanez acoustic baritone. I purchased the Epiphone Hummingbird 12 String acoustic based upon many reviews touting the quality and craftsmanship of this guitar that is made in Indonesia. Shipping wasnt stellar. Obviously there are all kinds of problems with the supply chain, but I ordered the guitar on 11\/23. Delivery date was set for 11\/26, the guitar arrived on 11\/29. As with everything Ive purchased from Sweetwater, the packaging was stellar. The guitar is stunning. The color (to me) has less of a red tint in the burst than the pictures indicate. It looks fantastic. I am really pleased with the craftsmanship of the guitar, inside and out. The only complaint on the construction, its very minor and imperceptible while playing, is a little bit of a rough feel to the binding on the body. The frets and the neck are very well done. The strings on the guitar were discolored and I felt like that should have been corrected before the guitar was shipped. Other than those caveats, the tone is beautiful, the action is quite good and it looks to be incredibly well made. A 12 string is probably not the \"go to\" guitar for many players these days, but this is a fantastic bang-for-your-buck guitar to add to the collection.", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Jeremiah", "sir_whereareyou": "Kailua Kona, Hawaii", "sir_background": "20+ years and still learning", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="333839">
过去几周我一直在弹吉他。这真是太好了!我让甜水的技术人员设置了这个因为12根188金宝搏官网是多少弦很难平衡。他们做得很好。动作很低,没有嗡嗡声,但有足够的距离可以用我的指尖抓住。语调很准。适合和完成是完美的。这乐器最好的地方是音色。演奏时声音嘹亮。我很喜欢用它录音,利用船上的拾音器。 it sounds 'miced' when going into my DAW. It doesn't have that acoustic pickup sound that is often times so disappointing. I have a 2007 Gibson Hummingbird and this Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string makes a matched set. Thanks Sweetwater!
\n Thanks again to Andy Scheer and the great folks at Sweetwater. You have fulfilled a life long dream.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Brian Smith", "sir_whereareyou": "Pennsylvania", "sir_background": "Semi-professional player", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8845, "store_items_review_id": 295000, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-d29600c5bea87527841072aed41dde852a9dca11\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjIxMTA0NzUzLXBocGtucnJ0ZS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201221104753-phpknrrte.jpeg", "sir_title": "Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string, great guitar!", "sir_comments": "Ive been playing this guitar for the last couple weeks. Its really quit nice! I had the techs at Sweetwater set this one up as 12 strings can be a tricky balance. They did a wonderful job. The action is low, without buzz yet enough distance to get a grip with my finger tips. Intonation is spot on. Fit and finish is perfect. The best about this instrument is the tone. The sound belts out when strummed. I am enjoying recording with it, utilizing the on board pickup. it sounds miced when going into my DAW. It doesnt have that acoustic pickup sound that is often times so disappointing. I have a 2007 Gibson Hummingbird and this Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string makes a matched set. Thanks Sweetwater!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "California", "sir_background": "semi-professional", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 17782, "store_items_review_id": 336274, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-62d3a4eb7ed844df48e0f36516dd311a7bcfacff\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjExMjAxMDI1NjI1LXBocDlvZ3pxdi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20211201025625-php9ogzqv.jpeg", "sir_title": "Solid Value", "sir_comments": "In the last 10 years I have resigned myself to only purchasing American made guitars with the exception of an Ibanez acoustic baritone. I purchased the Epiphone Hummingbird 12 String acoustic based upon many reviews touting the quality and craftsmanship of this guitar that is made in Indonesia. Shipping wasnt stellar. Obviously there are all kinds of problems with the supply chain, but I ordered the guitar on 11\/23. Delivery date was set for 11\/26, the guitar arrived on 11\/29. As with everything Ive purchased from Sweetwater, the packaging was stellar. The guitar is stunning. The color (to me) has less of a red tint in the burst than the pictures indicate. It looks fantastic. I am really pleased with the craftsmanship of the guitar, inside and out. The only complaint on the construction, its very minor and imperceptible while playing, is a little bit of a rough feel to the binding on the body. The frets and the neck are very well done. The strings on the guitar were discolored and I felt like that should have been corrected before the guitar was shipped. Other than those caveats, the tone is beautiful, the action is quite good and it looks to be incredibly well made. A 12 string is probably not the \"go to\" guitar for many players these days, but this is a fantastic bang-for-your-buck guitar to add to the collection.", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Jeremiah", "sir_whereareyou": "Kailua Kona, Hawaii", "sir_background": "20+ years and still learning", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="295000">
在过去的10年里,我已经认命只买美国制造的吉他,除了伊巴涅斯原声男中音。我购买了Epiphone蜂鸟12弦原声基于许多评论吹捧这把吉他是在印度尼西亚制造的质量和工艺。航运不是一流的。显然供应链存在各种各样的问题,但我在11月23日订购了吉他。送货日期定在11月26日,吉他在11月29日到达。和我从甜水买的所有东西一样,它的包装非常棒。188金宝搏官网是多少吉他太棒了。颜色(对我来说)比图片显示的更少红色。看起来棒极了。我对这把吉他的里里外外的工艺都很满意。 The only complaint on the construction, it's very minor and imperceptible while playing, is a little bit of a rough feel to the binding on the body. The frets and the neck are very well done. The strings on the guitar were discolored and I felt like that should have been corrected before the guitar was shipped. Other than those caveats, the tone is beautiful, the action is quite good and it looks to be incredibly well made. A 12 string is probably not the "go to" guitar for many players these days, but this is a fantastic bang-for-your-buck guitar to add to the collection.
\n Thanks again to Andy Scheer and the great folks at Sweetwater. You have fulfilled a life long dream.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Brian Smith", "sir_whereareyou": "Pennsylvania", "sir_background": "Semi-professional player", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 8845, "store_items_review_id": 295000, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-d29600c5bea87527841072aed41dde852a9dca11\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAxMjIxMTA0NzUzLXBocGtucnJ0ZS5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20201221104753-phpknrrte.jpeg", "sir_title": "Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string, great guitar!", "sir_comments": "Ive been playing this guitar for the last couple weeks. Its really quit nice! I had the techs at Sweetwater set this one up as 12 strings can be a tricky balance. They did a wonderful job. The action is low, without buzz yet enough distance to get a grip with my finger tips. Intonation is spot on. Fit and finish is perfect. The best about this instrument is the tone. The sound belts out when strummed. I am enjoying recording with it, utilizing the on board pickup. it sounds miced when going into my DAW. It doesnt have that acoustic pickup sound that is often times so disappointing. I have a 2007 Gibson Hummingbird and this Epiphone Hummingbird 12 string makes a matched set. Thanks Sweetwater!", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "", "sir_whereareyou": "California", "sir_background": "semi-professional", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 17782, "store_items_review_id": 336274, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-62d3a4eb7ed844df48e0f36516dd311a7bcfacff\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjExMjAxMDI1NjI1LXBocDlvZ3pxdi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20211201025625-php9ogzqv.jpeg", "sir_title": "Solid Value", "sir_comments": "In the last 10 years I have resigned myself to only purchasing American made guitars with the exception of an Ibanez acoustic baritone. I purchased the Epiphone Hummingbird 12 String acoustic based upon many reviews touting the quality and craftsmanship of this guitar that is made in Indonesia. Shipping wasnt stellar. Obviously there are all kinds of problems with the supply chain, but I ordered the guitar on 11\/23. Delivery date was set for 11\/26, the guitar arrived on 11\/29. As with everything Ive purchased from Sweetwater, the packaging was stellar. The guitar is stunning. The color (to me) has less of a red tint in the burst than the pictures indicate. It looks fantastic. I am really pleased with the craftsmanship of the guitar, inside and out. The only complaint on the construction, its very minor and imperceptible while playing, is a little bit of a rough feel to the binding on the body. The frets and the neck are very well done. The strings on the guitar were discolored and I felt like that should have been corrected before the guitar was shipped. Other than those caveats, the tone is beautiful, the action is quite good and it looks to be incredibly well made. A 12 string is probably not the \"go to\" guitar for many players these days, but this is a fantastic bang-for-your-buck guitar to add to the collection.", "sir_rating": "3.5", "sir_name": "Jeremiah", "sir_whereareyou": "Kailua Kona, Hawaii", "sir_background": "20+ years and still learning", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="336274">