数字Portastudio TASCAM DP-03SD音乐专辑图片1

数字Portastudio TASCAM DP-03SD音乐专辑评论

音乐专辑便携式数码SD / SDHC记录器DSP实现效果和处理+编辑控件
美元 299年 〇〇
188金宝搏官网是多少斯威特沃特节省: 美元 200年 〇〇 厂商建议零售价: 美元 499年 〇〇



由新米,道格拉斯啤酒哦,1月20日,2023年 音乐背景:乐队,音响师,崇拜领袖,表演者,福音歌手

所以,2488年前我买了Tascam mkii 24-TRACK记录我在一个乐队。它工作得很好但是我从未真正用燃烧器因为我将它转移到我的电脑,它从那里工作。现在只是为我使用大而笨重。所以我买了一套Tascam数字Portastudio DP-03SD音乐专辑。我使用它,我买了一个用于我的教堂。我真的很喜欢这个小单位是SD卡。因为我有一个在我的房子和我的键盘手有一个,我们所做的一部分在服务我们的键盘手敬拜带领敬拜,这是一个时间来回馈神和赞美的歌。所以我可以记录他第一,然后把它带回家,并添加我的部分,然后把它回到他放一些收尾工作。所以我认为你可以告诉我推荐这个小音乐专辑。


弗吉尼亚州里士满的布奇亚扪人7月1日,2022年 背景:音乐爱好者,临界半专业比赛,multi-instrumentalist……

就像“老学校”盒式Portastudios,像…天啊,每次30 - 35年前。还记得这些吗?这是今天的版本,装载方式更好的功能,USB接口,SD卡存储和双胞胎主板电容式麦克风。输入插孔,XLR千斤顶,在/线,等等……你需要的一切!


这些现代Portastudios难以置信的苗条和光滑。DP-03SD大致的大小是一个8½x 11张纸。

Tascam DP-03SD

2022年3月29日,丹尼斯忸怩作态的伊利诺斯州 音乐背景:吉他/键盘手






由拉尔夫·瓦尔斯特伦从布法罗,纽约在2022年3月3日 背景音乐:我是一个俱乐部的音乐家(歌手/乱弹琴的人)近15年来很久以前的事了。现在我退休了,专注于写作和记录,和斯威特沃特是我最大的资源。188金宝搏官网是多少







我买了144年Tascam Portastudio当它出来了。从那时起,我已经经历了几乎所有穴鸟我可以当他们肯定有自己的地方在我的工作流,你不能击败的简单和直接操作硬件多声道录音机时得到的想法迅速下降。我有一种感觉,这可能是最使用的设备在我家工作室。最好的钱在过去的几年中,我花了。五颗星。


202188金宝搏官网是多少1年5月20日由斯威特沃特客户来自马里兰州 音乐背景:人才教练



通过从梅森Darrell DeMasters, MI 5月11日,2021年 背景音乐:鼓手和歌手50年以上



2021年2月12日的Teo VA 背景音乐:音乐作曲家、表演者和制片人

我正在寻找一些工作在我的办公室里当我点击我有一个主意。它很小,容易处理,没有什么我真的需要但有些WAV文件开始写作工作。放下一个节奏的整个过程,记录想法和出口WAV文件/跟踪是简单的说。相比之下,我TASCAM SD32要复杂得多,需要更多的步骤来做同样的事情,要大得多。它不适合在我14 x 42英寸的工作区域在我的办公室,但TASCAM DP-03SD有这么多的房间。它是完美的!

Tascam dp 03

我onski安德森作曲家和音乐家从西雅图洗我迁移到摩西湖我爱它在1月22日,2021年 音乐背景:我老在50年代现在比以往任何时候都更加努力的工作,我可以生产qwality录音

我爱这录音机很简单,给我窟我给它没有牛没有复杂的不值钱的东西我不能说什么但我爱它与所有我的心这是炸弹! ! ! !你不会失望的最好记录他们提供在我看来无一例外

1) The master recording output is surprisingly good! I simply turn on EQ and compression without doing any adjustments to it before mastering. Everything sits well in mixes, with great separation... Sound quality is close to phenomenal for such a straightforward system. Im using an Arturia drum machine and while some of the drum synth patches sound pretty artificial right out of the machine, when the mixdown and mastering is done those elements also improve markedly.
2) The DP-03SD works extremely well connecting directly through USB to my computer, so I get the best of both worlds. You can also yank the SD card out and stick it into a reader if you dont have a USB cable with the mini-USB connector. I didnt even have to install a driver!
3) The two simultaneous inputs, while it sounds like a severe limitation, turns out to be less of a problem in practice. I can only play one instrument at a time anyway! For a group of people it would certainly be an issue and they really should get the larger Tascam console. The Line out also works very well - plugged it right into my mixer and works flawlessly.
4) Be advised. The DP-03SD supports a maximum of 4GB of SD card space. It doesnt matter how big the SD card is, thats all you can use. This indicates to me that the Tascam is using only 32-bit code as 4GB is the limit of addressable memory in 32-bit code and CPUs. This is a big design flaw. If I had bought the larger 32-track Tascam console, and I had run into this limitation, I would have returned it. For the DP-03SD, its an annoyance but nothing more as 4GB is enough for most tasks. Id really like to see Tascam fix this. Its the only serious disappointment I have with the DP-03SD.
5) The workflow is surprisingly good for such a small LCD screen. The data wheel actually works well and navigation is fairly easy, especially compared to a lot of menu synths. The well-written manual helps - read it! Id like to see them integrate the Track Edit button menu into the main menu and thus eliminate the Track Edit button entirely. Theres no reason, from the user standpoint, to have a similar part of the menu system be a separate element enabled by separate hardware.

Enjoy! You are buying a great and very usable product.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 3705, "store_items_review_id": 269969, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-aeb142ac352f3cc465212bdc74fbd8ed49d6bc8f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMDAxLXBocGxsZmR6NC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ba6c8ac3305acfaf8a09b631542d7c791dea61db\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMDAxLXBocGxsZmR6NC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "My first Tascam", "sir_comments": "Id always tried to use DAW software on my PC (good luck with the driver support and device incompatibilities - really frustrating). Muddled along for awhile with a looper, Audacity and with Adobe Audition because the DAW software business, frankly, is a racket. Especially with the music business becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Then I noticed the Tascam Portastudios. Spent a lot of time looking very hard at the 32-track and 8-track consoles, which are now all-solid-state, which suits me just fine. ALMOST pulled the trigger on the 32-track and if I had the physical space for it, Id be writing about that one.

But the 8-track Portastudio is an elegant, very usable little beast for which the learning curve is very quick. The small screen does just fine showing you whats going on, and the interface takes little time to learn. I stuck a 32GB SD card in it... and just finished my first complete rhythm section part with drum machine and bass, and man, am I happy with this thing. Recorded both directly into this little console, and the sound quality is so much better than the stuff I was using before. Panning on channels does a fantastic job separating parts in the mix. Wish I could have gone for the bigger unit but the DP-03SD rewards with its incredible portability. I also will never have any issue recording a gig ever again. (If gigs ever become a thing again.) I think the 8-track is exactly the right choice for me. Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

When I realized the 32-track Portastudio was the size of my synth, that started me thinking. This was the result. This thing is incredible for the size and the money.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 3706, "store_items_review_id": 269969, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d3423bccb0650e280931462a8bb3618efd4ad39\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMzQzLXBocHZ4ZmVmdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f076c4b3577ace5dd75002839b2450114d2e1aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMzQzLXBocHZ4ZmVmdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "My first Tascam", "sir_comments": "Id always tried to use DAW software on my PC (good luck with the driver support and device incompatibilities - really frustrating). Muddled along for awhile with a looper, Audacity and with Adobe Audition because the DAW software business, frankly, is a racket. Especially with the music business becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Then I noticed the Tascam Portastudios. Spent a lot of time looking very hard at the 32-track and 8-track consoles, which are now all-solid-state, which suits me just fine. ALMOST pulled the trigger on the 32-track and if I had the physical space for it, Id be writing about that one.

But the 8-track Portastudio is an elegant, very usable little beast for which the learning curve is very quick. The small screen does just fine showing you whats going on, and the interface takes little time to learn. I stuck a 32GB SD card in it... and just finished my first complete rhythm section part with drum machine and bass, and man, am I happy with this thing. Recorded both directly into this little console, and the sound quality is so much better than the stuff I was using before. Panning on channels does a fantastic job separating parts in the mix. Wish I could have gone for the bigger unit but the DP-03SD rewards with its incredible portability. I also will never have any issue recording a gig ever again. (If gigs ever become a thing again.) I think the 8-track is exactly the right choice for me. Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

When I realized the 32-track Portastudio was the size of my synth, that started me thinking. This was the result. This thing is incredible for the size and the money.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="298671">


由MI保罗在2021年1月17日 音乐背景:学历的音乐家。表演者长达45年。




博因顿丰富的海滩,2020年9月28日,Fl 背景:音乐作曲家



2020年7月17日,由理查德·格蕾丝从佤邦 音乐背景:主持人在厄运Pedalboards, 40 +年的音乐家,吉他,贝斯,钥匙


4)建议。DP-03SD支持最多4 gb的SD卡的空间。不管多大的SD卡,您可以使用。这表明我Tascam仅使用32位代码是4 gb的可寻址内存限制32位代码和cpu。这是一个巨大的设计缺陷。如果我买了大32-track Tascam控制台,我遇到了这个限制,我就会回来。DP-03SD,这是一个烦恼但没有更多4 gb是足够的对于大多数任务。我非常想看到Tascam解决这个问题。这是唯一与DP-03SD严重失望我。


1) The master recording output is surprisingly good! I simply turn on EQ and compression without doing any adjustments to it before mastering. Everything sits well in mixes, with great separation... Sound quality is close to phenomenal for such a straightforward system. Im using an Arturia drum machine and while some of the drum synth patches sound pretty artificial right out of the machine, when the mixdown and mastering is done those elements also improve markedly.
2) The DP-03SD works extremely well connecting directly through USB to my computer, so I get the best of both worlds. You can also yank the SD card out and stick it into a reader if you dont have a USB cable with the mini-USB connector. I didnt even have to install a driver!
3) The two simultaneous inputs, while it sounds like a severe limitation, turns out to be less of a problem in practice. I can only play one instrument at a time anyway! For a group of people it would certainly be an issue and they really should get the larger Tascam console. The Line out also works very well - plugged it right into my mixer and works flawlessly.
4) Be advised. The DP-03SD supports a maximum of 4GB of SD card space. It doesnt matter how big the SD card is, thats all you can use. This indicates to me that the Tascam is using only 32-bit code as 4GB is the limit of addressable memory in 32-bit code and CPUs. This is a big design flaw. If I had bought the larger 32-track Tascam console, and I had run into this limitation, I would have returned it. For the DP-03SD, its an annoyance but nothing more as 4GB is enough for most tasks. Id really like to see Tascam fix this. Its the only serious disappointment I have with the DP-03SD.
5) The workflow is surprisingly good for such a small LCD screen. The data wheel actually works well and navigation is fairly easy, especially compared to a lot of menu synths. The well-written manual helps - read it! Id like to see them integrate the Track Edit button menu into the main menu and thus eliminate the Track Edit button entirely. Theres no reason, from the user standpoint, to have a similar part of the menu system be a separate element enabled by separate hardware.

Enjoy! You are buying a great and very usable product.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 3705, "store_items_review_id": 269969, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-aeb142ac352f3cc465212bdc74fbd8ed49d6bc8f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMDAxLXBocGxsZmR6NC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ba6c8ac3305acfaf8a09b631542d7c791dea61db\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMDAxLXBocGxsZmR6NC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "My first Tascam", "sir_comments": "Id always tried to use DAW software on my PC (good luck with the driver support and device incompatibilities - really frustrating). Muddled along for awhile with a looper, Audacity and with Adobe Audition because the DAW software business, frankly, is a racket. Especially with the music business becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Then I noticed the Tascam Portastudios. Spent a lot of time looking very hard at the 32-track and 8-track consoles, which are now all-solid-state, which suits me just fine. ALMOST pulled the trigger on the 32-track and if I had the physical space for it, Id be writing about that one.

But the 8-track Portastudio is an elegant, very usable little beast for which the learning curve is very quick. The small screen does just fine showing you whats going on, and the interface takes little time to learn. I stuck a 32GB SD card in it... and just finished my first complete rhythm section part with drum machine and bass, and man, am I happy with this thing. Recorded both directly into this little console, and the sound quality is so much better than the stuff I was using before. Panning on channels does a fantastic job separating parts in the mix. Wish I could have gone for the bigger unit but the DP-03SD rewards with its incredible portability. I also will never have any issue recording a gig ever again. (If gigs ever become a thing again.) I think the 8-track is exactly the right choice for me. Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

When I realized the 32-track Portastudio was the size of my synth, that started me thinking. This was the result. This thing is incredible for the size and the money.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 3706, "store_items_review_id": 269969, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d3423bccb0650e280931462a8bb3618efd4ad39\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMzQzLXBocHZ4ZmVmdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f076c4b3577ace5dd75002839b2450114d2e1aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMzQzLXBocHZ4ZmVmdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "My first Tascam", "sir_comments": "Id always tried to use DAW software on my PC (good luck with the driver support and device incompatibilities - really frustrating). Muddled along for awhile with a looper, Audacity and with Adobe Audition because the DAW software business, frankly, is a racket. Especially with the music business becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Then I noticed the Tascam Portastudios. Spent a lot of time looking very hard at the 32-track and 8-track consoles, which are now all-solid-state, which suits me just fine. ALMOST pulled the trigger on the 32-track and if I had the physical space for it, Id be writing about that one.

But the 8-track Portastudio is an elegant, very usable little beast for which the learning curve is very quick. The small screen does just fine showing you whats going on, and the interface takes little time to learn. I stuck a 32GB SD card in it... and just finished my first complete rhythm section part with drum machine and bass, and man, am I happy with this thing. Recorded both directly into this little console, and the sound quality is so much better than the stuff I was using before. Panning on channels does a fantastic job separating parts in the mix. Wish I could have gone for the bigger unit but the DP-03SD rewards with its incredible portability. I also will never have any issue recording a gig ever again. (If gigs ever become a thing again.) I think the 8-track is exactly the right choice for me. Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

When I realized the 32-track Portastudio was the size of my synth, that started me thinking. This was the result. This thing is incredible for the size and the money.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="276667">

数字Portastudio Tascam DP-03SD音乐专辑

2020年6月18日由Daniel M从佛罗里达 音乐背景:50年一个音乐家

感谢大家在斯威特沃特! ! !188金宝搏官网是多少


2020年5月26日,由理查德·格蕾丝从佤邦 音乐背景:主持人在厄运Pedalboards, 40 +年的音乐家,吉他,贝斯,钥匙

我一直试图利用寒鸦软件在我的电脑(好运驱动支持和设备不兼容,真的令人沮丧)。混乱的一段时间和一个弯,无畏和音频处理软件业务,因为这次,坦率地说,就是一个骗局。特别是在音乐行业成为苹果公司的全资子公司。然后我注意到Tascam Portastudios。花了很多时间很难看着32-track和音乐专辑游戏机,现在全固态,对我很好。几乎在32-track扣动了扳机,如果我有它的物理空间,我会写。

但音乐专辑Portastudio是一个优雅的,非常有用的小野兽的学习曲线非常快速。这种小屏幕显示你是怎么回事,和界面花很少的时间去学习它。我卡住了一个32 gb SD卡……和刚做完一个完整的节奏部分和鼓机和低音部分,这事和人,我满意。记录直接进入这个小控制台,和声音质量是这么多比我之前用的东西。平移频道做了了不起的工作分离部分的混合。希望我能有更大的单位,但DP-03SD奖励以其不可思议的可移植性。我也不会有任何问题记录演出了。(如果演出再次成为)。我认为音乐专辑对我来说是正确的选择。 Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

当我意识到32-track Portastudio是我synth的大小,我开始思考。这是结果。这是令人难以置信的大小和钱。

1) The master recording output is surprisingly good! I simply turn on EQ and compression without doing any adjustments to it before mastering. Everything sits well in mixes, with great separation... Sound quality is close to phenomenal for such a straightforward system. Im using an Arturia drum machine and while some of the drum synth patches sound pretty artificial right out of the machine, when the mixdown and mastering is done those elements also improve markedly.
2) The DP-03SD works extremely well connecting directly through USB to my computer, so I get the best of both worlds. You can also yank the SD card out and stick it into a reader if you dont have a USB cable with the mini-USB connector. I didnt even have to install a driver!
3) The two simultaneous inputs, while it sounds like a severe limitation, turns out to be less of a problem in practice. I can only play one instrument at a time anyway! For a group of people it would certainly be an issue and they really should get the larger Tascam console. The Line out also works very well - plugged it right into my mixer and works flawlessly.
4) Be advised. The DP-03SD supports a maximum of 4GB of SD card space. It doesnt matter how big the SD card is, thats all you can use. This indicates to me that the Tascam is using only 32-bit code as 4GB is the limit of addressable memory in 32-bit code and CPUs. This is a big design flaw. If I had bought the larger 32-track Tascam console, and I had run into this limitation, I would have returned it. For the DP-03SD, its an annoyance but nothing more as 4GB is enough for most tasks. Id really like to see Tascam fix this. Its the only serious disappointment I have with the DP-03SD.
5) The workflow is surprisingly good for such a small LCD screen. The data wheel actually works well and navigation is fairly easy, especially compared to a lot of menu synths. The well-written manual helps - read it! Id like to see them integrate the Track Edit button menu into the main menu and thus eliminate the Track Edit button entirely. Theres no reason, from the user standpoint, to have a similar part of the menu system be a separate element enabled by separate hardware.

Enjoy! You are buying a great and very usable product.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 3705, "store_items_review_id": 269969, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-aeb142ac352f3cc465212bdc74fbd8ed49d6bc8f\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMDAxLXBocGxsZmR6NC5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-ba6c8ac3305acfaf8a09b631542d7c791dea61db\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMDAxLXBocGxsZmR6NC5qcGVn", "sir_title": "My first Tascam", "sir_comments": "Id always tried to use DAW software on my PC (good luck with the driver support and device incompatibilities - really frustrating). Muddled along for awhile with a looper, Audacity and with Adobe Audition because the DAW software business, frankly, is a racket. Especially with the music business becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Then I noticed the Tascam Portastudios. Spent a lot of time looking very hard at the 32-track and 8-track consoles, which are now all-solid-state, which suits me just fine. ALMOST pulled the trigger on the 32-track and if I had the physical space for it, Id be writing about that one.

But the 8-track Portastudio is an elegant, very usable little beast for which the learning curve is very quick. The small screen does just fine showing you whats going on, and the interface takes little time to learn. I stuck a 32GB SD card in it... and just finished my first complete rhythm section part with drum machine and bass, and man, am I happy with this thing. Recorded both directly into this little console, and the sound quality is so much better than the stuff I was using before. Panning on channels does a fantastic job separating parts in the mix. Wish I could have gone for the bigger unit but the DP-03SD rewards with its incredible portability. I also will never have any issue recording a gig ever again. (If gigs ever become a thing again.) I think the 8-track is exactly the right choice for me. Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

When I realized the 32-track Portastudio was the size of my synth, that started me thinking. This was the result. This thing is incredible for the size and the money.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 3706, "store_items_review_id": 269969, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8d3423bccb0650e280931462a8bb3618efd4ad39\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMzQzLXBocHZ4ZmVmdy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-f076c4b3577ace5dd75002839b2450114d2e1aa5\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjAwNTI2MDEyMzQzLXBocHZ4ZmVmdy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "My first Tascam", "sir_comments": "Id always tried to use DAW software on my PC (good luck with the driver support and device incompatibilities - really frustrating). Muddled along for awhile with a looper, Audacity and with Adobe Audition because the DAW software business, frankly, is a racket. Especially with the music business becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of Apple. Then I noticed the Tascam Portastudios. Spent a lot of time looking very hard at the 32-track and 8-track consoles, which are now all-solid-state, which suits me just fine. ALMOST pulled the trigger on the 32-track and if I had the physical space for it, Id be writing about that one.

But the 8-track Portastudio is an elegant, very usable little beast for which the learning curve is very quick. The small screen does just fine showing you whats going on, and the interface takes little time to learn. I stuck a 32GB SD card in it... and just finished my first complete rhythm section part with drum machine and bass, and man, am I happy with this thing. Recorded both directly into this little console, and the sound quality is so much better than the stuff I was using before. Panning on channels does a fantastic job separating parts in the mix. Wish I could have gone for the bigger unit but the DP-03SD rewards with its incredible portability. I also will never have any issue recording a gig ever again. (If gigs ever become a thing again.) I think the 8-track is exactly the right choice for me. Recommended: get a decent laptop stand for it - makes cabling a heck of a lot easier!

When I realized the 32-track Portastudio was the size of my synth, that started me thinking. This was the result. This thing is incredible for the size and the money.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Richard Grace", "sir_whereareyou": "WA", "sir_background": "Moderator at Pedalboards of Doom, 40+ years as musician, guitar, bass, keys", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="269969">


2020年4月21日,由来自俄亥俄州的道格 音乐背景:家庭工作室



哈里·巴恩斯在2020年1月16日 音乐背景:摇滚恐龙,一直都存在。


Tascam DP-03S

通过射线Pryts流氓河俄勒冈州12月21日2018年 音乐背景:在工作带我的大部分生活



由圣TSJ理想,2018年4月8日 音乐背景:摇滚乐吉普赛



由位于美国罗德岛州沃伦·罗伊·柯克3月29日,2018年 音乐背景:不坏



通过从Cresco克雷格,2017年6月21日,宾夕法尼亚州 音乐背景:退休的音乐家。家studic

这个单元我12岁的Tascam DP O1-FX所取代。DPO3SD更加用户友好。Cuircuts更新……混响引擎是一流的。我购买了Lauten洛杉矶320麦克风,它覆盖了我所有的记录完全相结合。我强烈建议这两个项目。叫兰迪Poteete X1780。他有他们!





从内华达7月12日,2016年由史蒂夫 音乐背景:家庭教育;-)

在这个价格吗?这些功能吗?继续……离开……不,这是真的,我有一个爆炸使用它!非常紧凑的包,但我越来越笨拙的手指。易于使用,没有常数指手册……声音很好,质量好,导入/导出/混合/反弹真正无限跟踪如果组织……这一切严重的负担得起的价格。汪。我爱它。 Didn't give it a 5 because: 1) the power cord, from wall to unit, is a might on the short side - like maybe 5' long. and 2) I almost never ever give something a 5 - there's always room for something. But this came close... very very close. And I do believe, without a doubt, that at this price you won't find anything better. Recommend it in a heartbeat... (My sales engineer recommended it to me, and as usual I'm glad I listened. Kudos amigo!)

Tascam DP-03SD

的野马迈克泉山,2016年5月23日,亚利桑那州 音乐背景:40年爱好者与乐队的经历






从第1版加里·麦克IL 12月26日,2015年 音乐背景:兼职的音乐家



201188金宝搏官网是多少5年12月25日,由斯威特沃特客户来自田纳西州 音乐背景:生产者、说唱歌手、歌曲作家,


菜单是直接和容易从点a - z。你可以反弹和规范化轨道以及掌握整个项目当你。





由迈克尔·托尼从切斯特,TX于2015年7月7日 背景音乐:这爱好者拥有先进的半专业比赛的音乐家。

好了,那么。有什么不喜欢这个神奇的便携式工作室吗?用户友好的最好方法是描述这个小怪物。主人的手册会使你没有任何问题。我是启动和运行……同时加工&创建cd &几小时。最后的复制品都超出了我的预期。一个能感觉到这录音机当你开始使用内置的质量的投篮和调整旋钮,等等,一个好的,坚实的感觉。如果你正在寻找一个质量,八个追踪数字记录器类似我的预算,这是完美的选择……“相信我。” Thanks again to Sweetwater & Norb, my fine sales engineer, for facilitating my musical endeavors. "I'll be back!"

数字Portastudio TASCAM DP-03SD音乐专辑

201188金宝搏官网是多少5年3月15日,由斯威特沃特客户 音乐背景:发表的音乐家



由锡达拉皮兹市,汤米·布鲁纳IA在2015年3月2日 音乐背景:全职工作的音乐家和作曲家。






从洛迪玉冈萨雷斯,4月21日,2021年 音乐背景:节奏吉他,大多是蓝色和经典摇滚




虽然我没有实际使用这个产品,我使用Tascam等产品。列出的第一个审查手提袋索赔,您只能使用4 g SD卡。这是错误的信息,可以阻止任何潜在买家的这种产品。4演出是FAT分区的最大大小(一个文件,允许共享数据到电脑上即最终混合和单独的跟踪)。高容量的地铁分区SD卡要大得多(28 32演出演出。)这意味着您可以记录在多轨模式下地铁分区将允许。FAT分区仅限于4演出只允许更快地加载时间在处理电脑。希望这澄清。






我真的很喜欢Tascam 8跟踪记录,立即很容易学习和使用!斯威特沃特我也非常满意,我希望有更多的公司一样操作,反应前及销售后,超快速交货。188金宝搏官网是多少他们将是我的第一站在未来的产品。

由小肯dileo NJ落在2月1日,2023年 音乐背景:歌手,吉他手

在74我还玩音乐,我记录了66年伟大的Les Paul和σ工作室的纽约,我现在tascam dr24sd,录音机都是优秀的在我看来,伟大的产品肯


2019年8月11日,克里斯汀施罗德的MI 背景:音乐爱好者




这是一个很好的记录器吨的功能和方便的SD卡(32 GB)。我收到它很快,很容易建立。菲尔Potts帮助我把这一切放在一起!

回顾Tascam DP-03sd







由约翰·Kopchia来自密歇根的4月3日,2020年 音乐背景:我一直在为56年……好时光是一个奖金



通过从新泽西卡洛斯Aguasvivas 3月14日,2017年 背景音乐:我是一个演员,作曲家和前乐队成员。我的专辑(乙烯基)ECLIPSE的城市在1980年是一个很大的打击现在乙烯卷土重来。人们花费更多,一百美元一份。只有300年独立,所以它的

当我Tascam DP03停止运作,我别无选择,只能买另一个。我爱8跟踪,简单的方法来记录,最重要的是,我真的很喜欢内置cd刻录机。因为我不是一个计算机用户,这是我的原因之一。当我发送了一个新的从斯威特沃特,我不知道Dp03(现在DP03SD)一直在升级和cd188金宝搏官网是多少刻录机是过时的。一些天才在公司决定废除它(非常感谢,天才!)。来回花了几个电子邮件与我的斯威特沃特代表(本·波特)说服我继续。188金宝搏官网是多少这个原始的所有功能,没有cd刻录机,易于使用。我现在知道的SD卡在电脑上一个可以下载音乐,而无需太多的麻烦,但我仍然想念我的内置cd刻录机。作为一个独立单元,DP03SD是个很棒的小portastudio,我又玩了记录尽可能多。我强烈推荐这种产品旧学校像我这样的人不喜欢使用电脑。 I look forward to many hours of fun recording my original tunes on this great little machine. I don't know why they decided to get rid of the cd burner, but I will continue to be faithful to this model. I'm satisfied for now, and if anyone can give me an explanation why the cd burner was eliminated, I would love to hear from you. Until then, may all your musical adventures bring you as much joy as they do me.

Tascam DP-03SD 6跟踪

2017年12月29日,由阿兹毫米 背景音乐:作曲家/制片人


tascam dp-03sd

由蝗虫布莱恩·t·叉阿拉巴马州8月22日,2017年 音乐背景:部长piano5yrs Guitar2yrs; trumpet4yrs

这我第一次使用一个自@2010音序器。的Tascam dp-03sd指令似乎有点困难对于一个像我这样的新手。你只能记录一次两大片。所以你必须拔掉每次你想改变输入。

的Tascam DP-03SD手册没有提到的3步脚踏开关,TC-3F。