
百灵达BDI21 V-Tone低音驱动踏板评论

低音音箱Modeler /直接记录前置放大器/ DI盒子

DI功能结合管模拟电路,百灵达V-Tone低音驱动DI BDI21了一系列大规模的老式电子管放大器对在你的脚边。使用混合控制混合管模拟的数量你想与你的低音吉他的直接信号,或踩BDI21 straight-DI基调。你的声音可以塑造完美与专用的驱动,三冠王,水平,存在控制。您是否想要流行一巴掌,玩一些光滑的恐惧,或者创造一些过激励混乱,百灵达V-Tone低音DI BDI21司机将带你去那儿。这里有几十年的bass-playing经验在斯威特沃特。188金宝搏官网是多少给我们一个电话,我们很乐意帮助你!

美元 39 〇〇


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优秀! ! !


昨天我刚收到BDI21 V-Tone低音驱动程序,我非常深刻的印象与音质和声波纬度,它提供了。BDI21增加了一个全新的水平,我良好的贝斯手。伟大的产品和价格,你不能在购买它出错! ! !



杰出的前置放大器价值! ! !


2023年5月16日由约翰从南泽西 音乐背景:低音/ sax


百灵达BDI 21 V-tone DI低音驱动程序前置放大器

通过从黑斯廷斯格雷格·荣格,MN 3月27日,2023年

我最初持怀疑态度,因为价格,但这前置放大器DI听起来不错和我精密低音贯穿headRush FRFR扬声器的声音我很满意BDI 21。我有个Ampeg B410 amp所以我做比较。这有很多分量踏板在一个塑料盒。我将使用这个主要用于记录,百灵达BDI 21不失望!


亚伦·戴维斯在3月7日,2023年 音乐背景:30年拍打da低音. .一些乐队的经验


低音BDI 21

202188金宝搏官网是多少3年2月17日,由斯威特沃特客户 音乐背景:Musicien业余从50 ans,我'amuse安可



的官员OVERTON 1月13日,2023年 音乐背景:Musican、作曲家教堂风琴演奏者,制作人,



2023年1月13日,由数控砰砰 音乐背景:半专业

这是太棒了! !只是我在寻找声音。不太多才多艺但颜色任何amp让你听起来像在通过一个SVT ! !它,它真的很好! !这么长时间解决我的声音! ! ! ! !


从纽约由公元前2022年10月14日 音乐背景:贝斯手和节奏吉他手了30多年




我喜欢百灵达产品....通常便宜,听起来不错。不例外,这个BD121 .....我不是一个贝斯手……我只是想记录一些低音部分录音。伟大的迪作品就像它应该....


2022年8月19日,乔纳森· 音乐背景:长时间贝斯手



2022年8月14日,来自宾夕法尼亚州的亚伦D 音乐背景:贝斯手30年爱好者在乐队在我年轻

这对初学者和严重的爱好者踏板很棒,果酱和朋友或家里…买家只需要意识到这不是和效果踏板,认为它更pre amp / eq踏板。我没有使用di的部分,但是我用它和我的隆隆声40 amp练习,加强语气和很方便给我被动的低音提琴更积极的基调塑造一样,我没有任何问题与它吸吮我的低音提琴的语气,甚至我活跃的. .但我也没有试图使用它期待更多比我付. .虽然你肯定收获你所付出的一切


从佛罗里达韦恩·卡特在2022年8月1日 音乐背景:职业








通过从Chico Sid史蒂文斯,加利福尼亚州在2022年2月28日 音乐背景:酒吧演出贝斯手

我一直喜欢百灵达和他们出来Bx3000低音的头,现在Bx45000。读一些评论后,我决定去其中的一个,我很高兴与语气,听起来比没有它,与它一个玻璃管的基调。我打了一个无音箱,这听起来非常接近。诀窍是把混合旋钮几乎所有的方式,和获得1或2点钟左右,比调整语气你喜欢我把低音旋钮下降到11点钟,一个超级干净的语气,听起来不错在玩快速金属乐队的歌曲。听起来不错我Ampeg svt, Berhinger压缩机踏板,低音均衡器,低音超速踏板。我赞美我的低音语气与我的乐队成员。和百灵达我从来没有失望,我相信他们的哲学,一个穷人可以有丰富的基调,为音乐家,他们根低预算。如果你试试这个踏板,你会深刻的印象!谢谢,Berhinger !


2022年2月17日,由明尼阿波利斯戴夫 音乐背景:有经验的


\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12992, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8c5cac6cf146460a2e3673d99fdf3387a1ab88bb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-578948be33c3fb7efb21cd5d9648de7050ea9690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12993, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-22857bd88171d5ee309100847a1a56e7f9cd85d4\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-58b5dc1b576da06ef8792c41542e2510b1274b79\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="347484">


于2022年2月2日由MN戴夫 音乐背景:有经验的

爱这个踏板!低音,它真的帮助戴尔所有的音调我寻找。我不能相信它也没有什么对于这样一个小的价格! !

\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12992, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8c5cac6cf146460a2e3673d99fdf3387a1ab88bb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-578948be33c3fb7efb21cd5d9648de7050ea9690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12993, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-22857bd88171d5ee309100847a1a56e7f9cd85d4\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-58b5dc1b576da06ef8792c41542e2510b1274b79\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="345470">


通过从女儿洛根托马斯,TX 10月28日,2021年 音乐背景:大流行谨慎的职业








\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12992, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8c5cac6cf146460a2e3673d99fdf3387a1ab88bb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-578948be33c3fb7efb21cd5d9648de7050ea9690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12993, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-22857bd88171d5ee309100847a1a56e7f9cd85d4\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-58b5dc1b576da06ef8792c41542e2510b1274b79\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="329969">






我想简化设置和这只是票。我可以把我的电动直立干净的基调color-free amp。当我需要一点(或许多)毅力和电动低音音调,我只是一步,就像我玩通过电动钻机。完整丰富的基调,大量的调整,语调和音量。在这个价格,这是一个偷窃。看起来坚固足以让我的类型的演出。


于2021年7月3日,由威尔 音乐背景:起毛和教堂的吉他手


什么! ? !


我有一个短尺度黄貂鱼. .发现语气有点无聊…这个踏板带来生活! !所以它的塑料. .他们如此便宜你可以买一个回来!





由bjams 12月16日,2020年






戴尔的岩石岛,IL 6月4日,2020年



从格林纳达、气道女士于2020年5月27日 音乐背景:专业

我最近买了我的第二个BDI21。有一个教堂和一个回家练习。我不能做,购买高美元的踏板。我想消除我的低音半生不熟的声音。这个踏板的工作,给我我需要的声音。它消除鼠儿低音的声音。我现在有3种不同的品牌低音提琴和是昂贵的。我自己一个Ibanez说,乡绅和英镑。我通过两个不同的安培,芬达隆隆声100和Harkie 15瓦。它适用于所有人。 Try one for that price you can't loose.


通过从Phillipsburg Denns巴普蒂斯塔,2020年4月26日,新泽西 音乐背景:贝斯手超过50年








伟大的踏板的价格! !

由亲属Pelagio 6月7日,2019年 音乐背景:贝斯手



由AR j . Qualls 3月14日,2019年



由SW布雷迪乔治亚州美国2月8日,2018年 音乐背景:有经验的

至少这是一个能与地面提升DI但是等等!…有更多的。踩脚踏开关,有丰富的基调。暖管仿真和扭曲。我读过,它是一个几乎不加掩饰的致敬SansAmp框但我不会知道。我想要一个快速和肮脏的选择低音吉他音乐在我狭小的房间,我看到这个和投资义务买它。杀手音调通过我的多功能便携式PA,进入录音界面。如果没有其他原因,得到对你的躯干和演出一个或两个袋子。真正的高兴的amp失败。我的贝斯手炸他的低音音箱之前显示,该死。 I calmly reached into my bag and tossed this to him. In minutes we were back on track. As far as the biggest complaint I've heard "it's plastic". Get past it and move on. This is an fantastic value for simplifying your rig. The case is sturdy and you'd be hard pressed to hurt it through normal use. For the price, buy two. An item like this can save your butt.


蚊子从纽约5月4日,2017年 音乐背景:专业

这绝对是必备的。在其核心,这是一个伟大的DI接地回路。把它和它有一个灵活的严格情商和一些不错的色调临时演员。开车给管沉重,空气得到了一些upper-partial帮助同坐在一个密集的记录。即使你有一个昂贵的DI,得到这个lil ' gigbag主力和保持。这很有可能会很快成为一块青睐的首选装备。,不要让塑料外壳给你暂停——这是厚强塑料需要严肃的决定努力跺脚(不是平均使用)做任何损害。我的猜测是,百灵达就避免了相当大的$ $通过使用这种踏板。所以要它——不是。这是健壮的。 The insides are well worth the crazy price.

但是为什么呢? !

从中间studiogorilla TN 4月3日,2017年 音乐背景:职业工程师/制作人,兼职的音乐家

是的,你可以买别的东西为300美元,但是为什么呢? !


通过从葫芦布莱恩·法斯宾德,数控2月20日,2017年 音乐背景:15年的贝斯手,音乐爱好者

我有百灵达BDI21低音驱动程序/ DI踏板很长一段时间了。我承认我有点担心百灵达的踩箱子是塑料而不是金属做的外壳,老板踏板使用当我正在考虑选择这个。但它持续了我有七、八年了。最近,我把它放在我的老板GT-10B循环的影响,设置在前置放大器超平面和参与这个踏板。哦男孩它有没有养肥我的声音。你可以从细微管温暖过激励之间的疯狂,全是如此,如此甜蜜。我听说从其他一些低音播放器这个踏板SansAmp持有自己的。我个人没有任何经验使用SansAmp司机踏板但我可以说这个踏板是值得的钱。如果你需要增加你的声音,或者如果您正在使用一个超级干净的固态amp像我和需要一些管状温暖,看起来没有进一步。

出色的低音音调w / DI

得克萨斯州奥斯汀Ken O 10月24日,2016年





把我的Bose SVT

2016年6月25日,由NE Luthieran 背景音乐:播放音乐和工业40 y的家伙。





通过从罗克福德PaPaTurk,病了3月12日,2015年 音乐背景:自定义声音构建、音效师muscian,巡回乐队管理员,卡车司机

打开一切,扮演一个音符小twek踏板,调整音量,玩通宵的因素。乐队同伴都说你做了什么?这是百灵达BD121 V-Tone低音司机我刚收到。哦,下班踏板!耳朵只是说最好的你听说过和我没有打破银行!


通过从Sevierville马蒂·佩里,2015年2月25日,Tn 音乐背景:演奏音乐

我正在寻找的东西添加更多的音调控制我的年利直接喂. .朋友是使用技术21低音驱动程序和它工作得很好,但是价格是我认为高直接与音调控制盒,所以我喜欢货比三家,发现这个小的宝石,和孩子,我很高兴我做了。它的一切技术21单位价格的一小部分。声音技术甚至更喜欢这个单位。你可以得到任何你想要的声音的单位。我不知道他们如何保持这些股票。我强烈推荐它。

V-Tone低音BDI 21


百灵达闻名全球的电子产品。我开始寻找一个便宜的直接框界面在线当我遇到了这个项目。这是不到40美元(只有几美元比被动DI我寻找斯威特沃特)。188金宝搏官网是多少我买了BDI21 V-Tone低音驱动程序从斯威特沃特迪,这是在天交货。188金宝搏官网是多少老实说,我很高兴有一个质量迪我的低音吉他;然而,AMP Modeler是一个奖金。我会给它一个完整的五星级评论除了这样一个事实,它不允许你保存设置。不过,有一个可调的音调控制踏板的董事会不犯罪。看看和摇滚!4.5星一个廉价的DI质量品牌。



一个非常好的DI踏板和好的价格! ! !


来自宾夕法尼亚州的达菲Bolduc 12月7日,2022年 背景:音乐播放器

这休闲的主要潜在观察者。这个你可以产生巨大的管amp svt类型ampeg声音。廉价和容易。很快。

有了这个,你可以使用放大的方法称为“biamping。您只需插入这bdi21和插入amp。但有一个关键的连接——你从中心运行XLR电缆终端bdi21,坐落在吉他杰克和放大器的输入输出之间bdi21的杰克。这是一个XLR杰克。你需要一个简单的XLR电缆。最后如果XLR电缆然后另外连接到输入可用PA系统或广播系统。这叫做“biamping”,它产生一个非常管状和优秀的低音音调。Biamping是你应该听。听起来令人惊叹和管状。你连接这个踏板,bdi21,低音音箱,你也通过XLR电缆连接到你爸。你控制的平衡和相对体积低音音箱bdi21和巴勒斯坦权力机构的控制。 This allows you to quickly adjust to a balanced sound from both systems very quickly and easily with stunning sonic results. This pedal can lift and inexpensive bass rig into the stratosphere of high quality bass sound.



我使用一个低音吉他和一个ampeg rocketbass组合低音吉他但是我也有一组高质量供电PA阶段监控连接电缆通过XLR bdi21低音驱动踏板。这个踏板当连接到ampeg rocketbass 112组合amp和动力类3 d声波electrovoice PA扬声器立即产生一个显著的经验,很容易让人想起一个古老的管低音amp栈从旧天。如果你知道我的意思是,可以这么说。这个小踏板能产生惊人的结果。


此外,bdi21弹吉他或原声吉他时听起来不错。你可以把它插到一个电吉他音箱或原声吉他音箱。使用biamping方法与驱动扬声器和音箱类将为您提供3 d声音可能把一个微笑在你的脸上。


由罗伯特·菲茨从港口城市,7月28日,2022年 背景音乐:我不听任何音乐的背景






通过从育空亚伦·g·兰德尔,10月18日,2021年 音乐背景:歌手,吉他手,贝斯手

超级简单和高质量。我有个Ibanez说Gio Soundgear低音和他们互相赞美。我主要玩蓝调和爵士乐和我的设置,但它可以完全岩石。


通过从新泽西弗兰克Arcidiacona 8月14日,2021年 音乐背景:低音吉他手35年




我得到2。我喜欢工厂建议设置得到一个从这个踏板SVT的语气。你可能会问它听起来像一个Ampeg SVT吗?没有但语气它创造一个温馨,以使得它可以在演出没有拖在我Ampeg和滑这个坏男孩或演出袋。如果你想让你的小钻机不牺牲基调。好便宜的选择。



不管这个踏板是多好,斯威特沃特的客户服务是最好的,购买有信心通过这些人+ + + + + + + + + + + +188金宝搏官网是多少

神奇的小盒子!买它! ! !

从奥斯汀丹尼斯TX 4月5日,2017年 背景音乐:刺激/会议工作

这个东西太棒了! !

几年前,我的好朋友帕特海豹飞页,他告诉我买一个技术21的amp SansAmp导致我没有自己的时间。从那时起,我一直在寻找一个不是150 - 200美元。从来没有任何运气。所以,我想,“好吧,让我们继续,只是谷歌的低音驱动程序。“我发现这并开始研究。读正面和负面的评论,但最终购买。昨晚它和上帝是惊人的!

我一直玩通过Digitech GNX3几年,但总是发现它缺乏的强壮我的吉他音,我想要的。这个BDI21就像回答祈祷!它使我的语气更强大比什么数字踏板可以!听起来漂亮!我唯一的问题是旋钮。它只是有点敏感。我真的不知道人们在谈论什么时,他们说这是脆性塑料做的。这在我看来很耐用。不需要真的踩在脚下,因为开关是非常敏感的。昨晚,我在玩,不小心轻轻刷它用我的脚趾和激活。

总的来说,一个伟大的购买!迫不及待地想尝试一下一些在我2天了! !

神奇的小盒子!买它! ! !

从奥斯汀丹尼斯TX 4月5日,2017年 背景音乐:刺激/会议工作

这个东西太棒了! !

几年前,我的好朋友帕特海豹飞页,他告诉我买一个技术21的amp SansAmp导致我没有自己的时间。从那时起,我一直在寻找一个不是150 - 200美元。从来没有任何运气。所以,我想,“好吧,让我们继续,只是谷歌的低音驱动程序。“我发现这并开始研究。读正面和负面的评论,但最终购买。昨晚它和上帝是惊人的!

我一直玩通过Digitech GNX3几年,但总是发现它缺乏的强壮在语气上我想要的。这个BDI21就像回答祈祷!它使我的语气更强大比什么数字踏板可以!听起来漂亮!我唯一的问题是旋钮。它只是有点敏感。我真的不知道人们在谈论什么时,他们说这是脆性塑料做的。这在我看来很耐用。不需要真的踩在脚下,因为开关是非常敏感的。昨晚,我在玩,不小心轻轻刷它用我的脚趾和激活。

总的来说,一个伟大的购买!迫不及待地想尝试一下一些在我2天了! !


布奇的质量。2017年2月7日 音乐背景:前乐队贝斯手和建设者,现在爱好者

长话短说……伟大的前置放大器。不要让便宜的价格欺骗了你。是的,它有一个塑料盒……但是我不担心,因为我犯了一个小架子上,拧我的bx4500音箱。(只是一个“一边”. .买了bx4500 10年前,仍然运行和声音太棒了)不管怎样,这个司机是安静的,可调,响应,控制做他们应该做的事。如果这是在一个金属盒我已经给了它一个5评级。预算和伟大的低音驱动程序?买这个。








由圣克莱尔大卫Stonoski海岸,MI 5月10日,2016年 音乐背景:玩电动低音45年以上和计数

预算不信这是一个很好的踏板数量。我花了大$ $ $司机但我还是经常发现自己点击这个多才多艺的单位。我从来没有使用它作为Di。只有在影响链。宽语气扫描和坚实的提振。开关可以是一个小更强大所以不要把“踩”太字面意思。否则我找不到错误。


塞尼卡福尔斯举行的由大卫·史密斯于2016年4月27日,纽约 背景:音乐爱好者,带盖艺人,学生

我从斯威特沃特买了这个,因为我最近辞职188金宝搏官网是多少吉他回到贝斯玩,没有低音音箱. .现在我的链p - bass - amp万能44 BDI21 - 10英寸议长出租车。我被风吹走在这个踏板听起来多么伟大!丰富的深Ampeg像音调的声音塑造选项。我也运行它的XLR接口到无畏和靠近pro-like低音音. .价格的一个很好的协议,将购买一遍. .谢谢你戴夫Walent。



它吃起来9 v电池。订百灵达9 v直流电源适配器。





由詹姆斯·w·希伯仑,。2023年5月25日 背景音乐:严肃的写作/录音爱好者

这也比我Darkglass Hyperluminal。


奥兰多d-Dub从12月27日,2022年 音乐背景:半专业比赛



曼纽尔•托雷斯马丁内斯11月9日,2022年 背景:音乐制作人、词曲作者、Multi-instrumentalist



通过从奥克兰鲁本·a·罗德里格斯,会于长滩举行于2021年5月19日 音乐背景:前音频工程师/一生的音乐家

我拥有22个不同的基地和他们都不同的声音。我使用一个无Amp Geddy李张芯瑜前置放大器和Ampeg经典前置放大器在我的踏板板通过我玩Ampeg BA108低音内阁。踏板都是相当昂贵的,但一个好的前置放大器是必不可少的,是一个很好的压缩机踏板。

我也喜欢玩低音直通我的16通道Soundcraft签名系列控制台。我用我的老板GT-1B低音效果处理器对于这个应用程序。它也记录GT-1B信号工作很好的我Tascam dp - 008 EX数字记录器。这个信号听起来不错玩度过我的工作室百灵达1 c 5英寸显示器和百灵达K10S子低音扬声器。

我也喜欢玩低音通过与一个“干净”的未处理信号控制台听到不同的音调和每个仪器的特点。我读过百灵达低音音箱modeler DI /司机/盒(V-tone BDI 21),决定试一试,因为价格,因为我过去的经验与百灵达产品。这是一个灵活的小盒子的价格。平衡XLR输出是伟大的在生活环境中,你可以把一个信号从你的舞台音箱或插入直接BDI21和平衡信号发送到控制台。它有一个非常方便的地面升降开关来照顾那些讨厌的地面就像一个更高的价格DI盒子。我直接把我的低音插到它,用它来“形状”我的语气在插进我的控制台。我可以运行通道EQ平在机板上,并使用BDI21根据需要添加低点或高点。这就消除了需要达到到控制台,使语气变化,每次改变仪器水平调整。通过改变水平、混合和存在你可以得到一些干净的基调。它确实有“驾驭”或超速档功能,但我没有印象我也不需要为我使用。 I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to "pop" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.

我也有百灵达VD400古董延迟低音踏板和百灵达TU300半音阶调谐器在我的低音踏板。我使用一个百灵达Europower PMP550五频道安保力量我的扬声器。如果您是百灵达或者怀疑他们的产品你可以确定他们质量的装置。它是由海外,另一个制造商可以使用金属外壳产品百灵达可能使用塑料为了省钱,并把省下的钱给你。即使这些材料可能更便宜的声音质量不受到影响。百灵达产品坚固,足以应对日常磨损,仍然声音优秀的价格讨价还价。我推荐这个,百灵达产品。

\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12992, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-8c5cac6cf146460a2e3673d99fdf3387a1ab88bb\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-578948be33c3fb7efb21cd5d9648de7050ea9690\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzQ3LXBocHRrcGR3bi5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 12993, "store_items_review_id": 313722, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-160__wm-__q-60__hmac-22857bd88171d5ee309100847a1a56e7f9cd85d4\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/w-1080__wm-__q-60__hmac-58b5dc1b576da06ef8792c41542e2510b1274b79\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNTE5MDAwMzU4LXBocGJ2aDFhNy5qcGVn", "sir_title": "Behringer makes a great bass preamp for under $40", "sir_comments": "I own 22 different bases and they all sound different. I use a Sans Amp Geddy Lee YYZ preamp and a Ampeg classic preamp on my pedal board to play through my Ampeg BA108 bass cabinet. Both pedals are fairly pricey, but a good preamp is essential as is a good compressor pedal.
\nI also like to play bass straight through my 16 channel Soundcraft signature series console. I use my Boss GT-1B bass effects processor for this application.It also works great to record the GT-1B signal to my Tascam DP-008 EX digital recorder. This signal sounds great playing live through my Behringer 1C 5 inch studio monitors and my Behringer K10S sub woofer.
\nI also like to play bass through the console with a \"clean\" unprocessed signal to hear the different tones and characteristics of each instrument. I read about the Behringer bass amp modeler \/ driver \/ DI box (V-tone BDI 21) and decided to try it because of the price and because of my past experiences with Behringer products. This is a flexible little box for the price. The balanced XLR output is great in a live setting where you can take a signal off your stage amp or plug in direct to the BDI21 and send the balanced signal to the house console. It has a very handy ground lift switch to take care of those pesky ground buzzes just like a higher price DI box. I plug my bass into it directly and use it to \"shape\" my tone before plugging into my console. I can run my channel EQ flat on the mixer board and use the BDI21 to add lows or highs as needed. This eliminates having to reach over to the console to make tone changes and level adjustments every time I change instruments. By changing the level, blend and presence you can get some nice clean tone. It does have a \"drive\" or overdrive function as well, but I was not impressed with it nor do I need it for my use. I use rechargeable 9 volt batteries as my power source and when the battery level get low, the signal begins to \"pop\" and distort. Once the battery is replaced the signal is clean and quiet.
\nI also have the Behringer VD400 vintage delay bass pedal and the Behringer TU300 chromatic tuner on my bass pedal board. I use a Behringer Europower PMP550 five channel amp to power my speakers. If you are new to Behringer or skeptical about trying their products you can be sure they make quality gear. It is made overseas and where another manufacturer may use a metal case for their products Behringer might use plastic to save money and pass the savings on to you. Even though the materials may be cheaper the sound quality does not suffer. Behringer products are rugged enough to survive day to day wear and tear and still sound excellent at a bargain price. I recommend this and all Behringer products.", "sir_rating": "4.0", "sir_name": "Ruben A. Rodriguez", "sir_whereareyou": "Oakland, CA.", "sir_background": "Former audio engineer\/ lifetime musician", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="313722">





通过从Lillington约瑟夫·菲利斯,于2020年11月3日,数控 音乐背景:近40年的上演活bassplayer和歌手。



2019年4月14日,由马克从东田纳西州 音乐背景:在许多乐队贝斯手37年


BDI 21:常用的踏板

通过从奥斯汀Ken O, TX 7月5日,2016年

加我的吹走用户列表踏板!我很高兴有“漫步”的页面在我搜索众所周知,高成本低音踏板,百灵达在这讨价还价模型的机会。我在工作室工作,有一个排练房在奥斯汀,玩耍和演出....我看到和听到齿轮,从垃圾进口美国的黄金。这是一个真正的守护者,完全符合该法案。按这个价格?哇!踏板就像一个新手纯种马,所有在你的脸和嘲弄你试一试,嘲弄高价格单位,自称是超过他们。百灵达的BDI 21 embarrasingly低价提供疯狂疯狂的性能。我觉得我偷了东西!谢谢,百灵达…thanks, Sweetwater....a great deal all around.


由ATX HaveMercyMissPercy于2016年7月1日

这个认证从百灵达“伟大”的产品!我只能说对BDI21积极的事情,直。之前我从没想到这30美元单位可以使低音钻机,而且必须承认我惊呆了。我插一个Ibanez说低音(购买@斯威特沃特)成Kustom后卫5瓦特的头188金宝搏官网是多少,然后到2 x 12“出租车;不理想,至少可以这么说。然而,我能够拨在众所周知的低音听起来超级轻松地。不是5星级,studio-grade盒子,但一个一流的交易。所有的控件都是5/5,除了开车,这是一个4/5。有一个甜点@ 5 - 6旋钮;所有驱动添加一些声音,point.Thereafter……呀!。每一个资金短缺的贝斯手/初学者应该拥有其中的一个,因为它很容易把旋钮,听到声音马上好!百灵达隐形踏板,偷偷在雷达下三十美元。 Try it!


2016年3月15日,由Kasilof里德阿拉斯加 音乐背景:3 o年的选择



吉姆·巴顿从Lindale TX 6月19日,2017年



来自纽约北部菲尔Z 2月20日,2023年

我之前购买了百灵达低音音箱来取代另一个低音踏板和改善我的低音吉他的声音和体积,当我将它直接连接到PA或录音机。BDI 21日做了一个好工作加强信号但是没有太多额外的体积。它没有执行Caline酒窖,和没有匹配Hartke低音踏板,我试图取代的攻击。我返回斯威特沃特的优秀从来没有麻烦返回188金宝搏官网是多少项目。我希望花更多的踏板与健壮的反应我在找。188金宝搏官网是多少斯威特沃特代表诺兰染料帮助整个过程,给了我一个建议值得跟进。


内德在2022年9月28日 音乐背景:朋克和金属低音几十年了

但声音乏善可陈,明智的做法是更昂贵的单位。获得被迫扭曲时真的碳酸(我必须添加一个扭曲踏板),不听起来不错。低音和高音情商的提高可以使用更多的* * *。它与其他踏板使一个奇怪的嗡嗡声。




克里斯来自纽约,纽约10月28日,2016年 音乐背景:会话/记过处分

这是一个预算的克隆技术21低音驱动程序(因此“21”“BDI 21”)。这是远远不如科技21但成本是一个适当的替代品。


我只是使用它连续DI记录到一个USB接口和它的伟大。如果你需要一些刺激或严重记录你唯一会使用DI技术21 SansAmp低音驱动程序。


劳伦斯W从洛杉矶,4月19日,2022年 音乐背景:30年的经验

这是一个很好的工具,加上低音吉他用廉价的皮卡和电子产品,尤其是被动。它也会吸音的高端活动低音提琴,使声音听起来像一个廉价的低音提琴。它会驯服这些奇怪的频率增加,这些往往。我建议初学者和中级玩家。成本很低,它对廉价低音提琴是伟大的。但我不会如果你喜欢你的低音和希望的声音“相同的声音,但更多。”It will suck the tone out of your bass.

我买了这# 1作为光和容易的事情将代替我ten-pound-built-like-a-tank管直接框排练和协作会话。我也买了2号,因为它听起来像真正的名牌低音驱动程序的价格的一小部分。




2022年7月27日,由韦恩从佛罗里达 音乐背景:职业

这踏板模型我的低音很好,我使用一个6弦ibanez说。交流电源输入停止工作几个月后,迫使我依靠9 v电池……蜱虫我,百灵达没有帮助。

真的吗? ? ? ? ?




史泰登岛的皮特如果纽约1月10日2023年 音乐背景:玩低音52年。



2015年4月17日,由肯尼斯来自德克萨斯州 音乐背景:一生音乐家表演


商店 交易 账户