芬达1963 P贝斯皮卡
我安装这个皮卡MIM 2018低音。它有伟大的语气与增加15%的低端。它真的是一个很好的平衡。
你不宽松的任何高端,但是低端变得坚固。我把芬达flatwounds 40 - 100 SS贝斯,我很听起来多好。圆低端将打开一个全新的方式你的低音听起来如何。
我注意到的另一件事是,我不得不调整上升高度的水平。多次三p / u方面需要提高到更加平衡的体积与其他字符串。事实并非如此,63 p / u和40 - 100的。
我还拥有2020美国P低音,我将安装63 P / u低音不久。你不会后悔买这个皮卡。
这是日夜皮卡交换和调整高度所以确保这些是非常敏感和实验一下。伟大的基调。现在巴斯好玩得多。严重的老学校的氛围。不能放下。我也买了一个Lollar卷得太紧枪战。我无法让自己把这些。他们可能会永久居留。同时,他们更便宜。与这些挡泥板撞出来。 I have heard countless demos of their whole line and these just won every time. The only thing above these would be some hand wound CS pickups but that's other level money. Do yourself a favor. Try them. They're great.
\nIt was night and day with the pickup swap and these are very sensitive to adjustment height so make sure and experiment a little bit. Great tone. Bass is way more fun to play now. Serious old school vibes. Cant put it down. I also bought a Lollar overwound to have a shootout. I cant bring myself to take these out. They may just stay permanently. Also, theyre way cheaper. Fender knocked it out with these. I have heard countless demos of their whole line and these just won every time. The only thing above these would be some hand wound CS pickups but thats other level money. Do yourself a favor. Try them. Theyre great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joshua Fox", "sir_whereareyou": "Knoxville, TN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 14585, "store_items_review_id": 321026, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-00b109344649631ad5a9fee50be0a9b137beaf65\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNzIyMTE1MzE2LXBocGtvcm5nYy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210722115316-phpkorngc.jpeg", "sir_title": "Found my sound!", "sir_comments": "These for me are the best sounding pickups for a precision bass! Just enough bottom and tops with a huge mid sweep! If you cut an oval circle in half to produce a visual of what the sound wave would like. Slightly taller towards the mid-lows. It cuts through a live band easily and thats including the keyboards. I have my eq set at 12:00 on the amp and just use the tone knob on my bass to create the sound I need for the song I am covering. If you use a pick they REALLY push out power. So possibly a softer attack unless you are not switching back and forth to finger style. I put these in my new precision 2, now I have the most of all worlds new and old! My AORM 60s is now my backup.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joe Lafreniere", "sir_whereareyou": "Warwick, Rhode Island", "sir_background": "Semi Pro", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="367397">
安装这些你不会后悔。从底特律到现代你可以得到你想要的音调。这些与一套漂亮的公寓,这是你所需要的! ! !买他们! !
皮卡是非常主观的,有些人真的很喜欢升级或更改而别人看不到娘家姓的改变或当他们这样做了,没有看到很多的区别。对我来说,我升级Squier CV70 Pbass和差别十分明显。我不讨厌Squier P / U的,我只是想要一个更为经典的声音有更多的低音和mid。这个P / U交付。很好的基调。会把一些平伤口应该做这样对我。这就是我喜欢和适合我的声音在周日敬拜团队。我完全满意的结果又会买这个皮卡如果有什么事情发生了。甚至可能丢在我的播放器系列Pbass…虽然我喜欢低音的皮卡的....
这些对我来说是最好的精密测深皮卡低音!足够的底部和顶部有一个巨大中期扫!如果你一个椭圆圈切成两半声波产生的视觉。向中低略高。它穿过一个容易现场乐队,包括键盘。我情商设定在12点在amp和使用语气在我的低音旋钮创建声音我需要这首歌我覆盖。如果您使用一个选择他们真正推动力量。所以可能一个柔和的攻击,除非你不来回切换手指风格。我把这些新的精度2,现在我最重要的是世界新老!我AORM 60的现在是我的备份。
\nIt was night and day with the pickup swap and these are very sensitive to adjustment height so make sure and experiment a little bit. Great tone. Bass is way more fun to play now. Serious old school vibes. Cant put it down. I also bought a Lollar overwound to have a shootout. I cant bring myself to take these out. They may just stay permanently. Also, theyre way cheaper. Fender knocked it out with these. I have heard countless demos of their whole line and these just won every time. The only thing above these would be some hand wound CS pickups but thats other level money. Do yourself a favor. Try them. Theyre great.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joshua Fox", "sir_whereareyou": "Knoxville, TN", "sir_background": "", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" }, { "id": 14585, "store_items_review_id": 321026, "media_type": "image", "thumbnail": "https:\/\/media.sweetwater.com\/api\/i\/wm-__q-60__hmac-00b109344649631ad5a9fee50be0a9b137beaf65\/URL_aHR0cHM6Ly9zdG9yYWdlLmdvb2dsZWFwaXMuY29tL3dlYi11cGxvYWRzLTU1OTAyZmZjLzIwMjEwNzIyMTE1MzE2LXBocGtvcm5nYy5qcGVn", "media_path": "https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/web-uploads-55902ffc\/20210722115316-phpkorngc.jpeg", "sir_title": "Found my sound!", "sir_comments": "These for me are the best sounding pickups for a precision bass! Just enough bottom and tops with a huge mid sweep! If you cut an oval circle in half to produce a visual of what the sound wave would like. Slightly taller towards the mid-lows. It cuts through a live band easily and thats including the keyboards. I have my eq set at 12:00 on the amp and just use the tone knob on my bass to create the sound I need for the song I am covering. If you use a pick they REALLY push out power. So possibly a softer attack unless you are not switching back and forth to finger style. I put these in my new precision 2, now I have the most of all worlds new and old! My AORM 60s is now my backup.", "sir_rating": "5.0", "sir_name": "Joe Lafreniere", "sir_whereareyou": "Warwick, Rhode Island", "sir_background": "Semi Pro", "sir_keepanonymous": "0" } ]" :for-review="321026">
我已经有一个美国性病精度与红木指板和原始的62皮卡和厄尼球平伤口字符串。这个设置可以很好和我Ampeg SVT二世,我从这个组合的成熟的毅力是不可思议的。你必须听明白。但是这些安培是消失在地狱现在很少有机会品尝这在未来。
——原“62有一个很好的成熟的高端提升2 k地区
高端似乎有限远低于8 k允许更多的体积从较低频率这正是我期望从一个古董皮卡。
p - bass芬达纯年份63年皮卡在墨西哥的挡泥板低音听起来很不可思议,我安装在α锅和魔力第戎.22uf电容器。皮卡是几乎完全替代型安装和古董推回线会在几乎每一个升级。